How did you get into the habit...



  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    I don't worry about 5 a day. I just ensure I eat at least one fruit and one portion of 2 veg with every dinner. My cupboard is always stocked with at least 3 different types of fruit. I'd say I eat 3 fruit n veg every day.

    Don't over think it just get it into your every day routine.
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    Definitely plan and pre-log your meals. My method is to log 3-5 days in advance, planning each meal in this order: protein, vegetable/fruit (I aim for one fruit or two veg servings per meal), healthy fats, then carbs/starches if I have calories left. I don't vary my foods wildly each day, but as I'm planning I do think about things like, "My spinach salad at lunch was green and my breakfast plum was purple... I should have some yellow squash and red peppers for dinner." Just, you know, making sure I'm getting a little nutrient variety each day. Shopping is easy; I just make sure I have something fresh from at least three color groups in my cart.
  • Arbeidslyst
    What made me eat more veggies was making all meals, and bringing fruit as snacks at work, that and stop buying the things I thought I was supposed to do when on a diet and start getting the things I enjoyed.

    I had the same problem with lettuce. I would buy it when I was at the store and then take the rotten mess out of the fridge a week later, but kept buying it because when you're on a diet you are required to eat salad, right? Then I got my s...tuff together and stopped buying it. I had a handful of fruit and veggies that I knew I liked and got them, but not in huge quantities at a time, and then each week I bought something new and tried it out. Some of the things I tried out I enjoyed and somethings I never bought again.
  • narwhalpr
    narwhalpr Posts: 65 Member
    I just buy the fruits and veggies that I like and add them to my meals. I just don't buy anything out there, I have done it and everything goes to waste. So for me is just that, I buy what I know I am going to eat and the rest is history.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I haven't. ;)

    I do consume much grape-derived liquid though so I guess that counts ...
  • tempehforever
    tempehforever Posts: 183 Member
    I literally just don't buy a ton of things I don't need to eat, especially not very many snacks. I (very loosely) plan my meals for the week, buy what I need for them specifically, and then make those foods and eat them. It's pretty rare that I'd have a meal without at least one veggie, because...well, what else would I eat? I literally have a hard time thinking of any lunch or dinner that doesn't have at least one vegetable (breakfast is different...mmm bagels!).

    I also bring a bag of fruit to work every week and eat that as my afternoon snack. It's right there, and its what I have--so I eat it.

    What exactly are you eating instead of the fruits and vegetables? Why not just stop buying whatever that thing is?