adjusting goals and accepting setbacks...

bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
well biggest loser was only an hour tonight so i watched that and a 90210 while i walk/ran on the treadmill...i ended burning 529 calories in 80 mins...that was quite a workout in addition to the 50 mins of walking i did this afternoon when i burned 331 calories....(gotta say i love my HRM)......i'm really proud of myself for putting in the extra effort two work outs earned me 900 calories total for the day..

i need them since i ate poorly this weekend(mostly sunday) and i am having my "non-period" this week (damn iud - no period, just the stupid weight gain/bloating)...i jumped on the scale tonight before dinner and was SHOCKED to see i was up to 213 from 208.8 this past saturday and 206.6 two saturdays ago and 205.8 three saturdays ago (i was sick with the flu that week so great loss then LOL)

at first i was PISSED OFF to see i was above 210 AGAIN but then i put it all into perspective...i ate like **** on sunday with candy i NEVER eat...what's done is i have to move forward and work my tail off even harder this this week...i'm going to keep doubling up on the workouts and hope that i can get the extra weight back off so i'm not toooo far off my goal of 204.4 for this saturday...

i am also going to move my "monthly" goal weigh in to the 2nd saturday of each month to help avoid this TOM situation...since i have been working so hard each month to make a specific goal for the first saturday i have noticed i am "failing" on that particular day - i think it is because of the to avoid "Failure" in the future, i'm going to move the weigh in that "Counts" so i can have success....i tell everyone else you can only have continued success if you have success to start....i need success just one month to keep me motivated to keep going....not reaching a monthly goal month after month is very disappointing and i dont need set backs....i have my eye on the prize to lose 1lb a week no matter what but on the 2nd satuday of each month i better friggin be where i set myself up to be.....down 4-5 lbs from the 2nd saturday before depending on the number of weeks in the month...back to the 200s and then onto the 190s i come....before the end of this year I WILL BE BELOW 200!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • I hear ya on needing to meet your goals. My goal for the end of the year is to be under 200 pounds also. I weigh in once a week on Saturday because I need that motivation weekly to keep me going whether it is a loss or not it tells me how much more I need to step it up. I had a good week last week and lost 4 pounds, which motivated me to walk 4.5 miles with hills and jog 1 mile. It is good to set attainable goals so that you don't get too frustraited. You sound very motivated and are doing a great job. Keep up the good work! Good luck to you in your journey.
  • You can do it!! I totally agree with you; what is done is done. Hence, there is no sense in dwelling on the past because if you are like me, all that frustration just turns into one bad meal turning into a bad day--or a bad weekend. It's best that we just note that we messed up and get back on the healthy eating/workout bus. haha It sounds like you have it figured out, and I know that by the end of the year- with all your hard work- you will be under 200 :)

    BTW, I LOVE my HRM, too :)
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I find it helps to weigh myself once a week, but more importantly, checking the inches! Often times muscle will replace fat so the scale won't change or may even go up, but fat is being burned off.

    And I wouldn't worry about eating "poorly" one or two days. That really won't affect your weight at all. If you do well and stick to a healthy diet and stay with the exercise you can have a day "off" as often as once a week and you won't see negative effects. So don't beat yourself up, you won't have to work out extra hard this week to make up for the weekend. Everyone deserves a break now and then.
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    Hang in there. You are actually doing great. Even when I was at 346 lbs I had one weigh in that stayed the same ( weigh 2x a week). I looked at everything and said hey I did right this will come off.

    Fortunately and unfortunately I don't have any kids at home any more. The rotten rascals grew up on me. So there's no trick or treating and thus no candy.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    thanks for the replies, it means alot to have the support of like goaled people....
    i actually do weigh once a week and logged it, it's just my "mini" goals are for once a month so to speak which totals up to one lb a week in the end....
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i jumped on the scale tonight before dinner and was SHOCKED to see i was up to 213

    when i was brushing my teeth a little while ago i realized i didnt take my medicine this am - i take 2 pills for my high bp and one of them is a water pill - if i dont take it i can gain up to 6lbs in a day....damn it....that is why i shot up to 213 tonight when i was just 208 on saturday and then 210 on sunday...i knew i could not have possibly gained all that weight from a few candy bars.....doesnt matter though, i'm still gonna push myself harder this week to reach that goal of amazing will that be if i get there...
  • Be careful with your calorie burns on machines... They way overestimate. I bought a body bugg and realized the treadmill overest the calorie burn for myself by about 25% and the elliptical by even more. Put sunday behind you and eat clean, excercise, and you will get there. Good luck
  • garedds
    garedds Posts: 251
    I wonder if this is what my problem was. I am on a combined pill for high bp, but I forgot to take it almost all last week and while i didn't gain I didn't lose and I was super about what I ate (until Halloween! arrgg) and exersice. I remembered to start taking it this week and I am peeing like crazy so it will be interesting to see what happens. I didn't realize that you retain that much water with high bp.


    i realized i didnt take my medicine this am - i take 2 pills for my high bp and one of them is a water pill - if i dont take it i can gain up to 6lbs in a day....
  • Ckonner
    Ckonner Posts: 101 Member
    I get discouraged with my weight - and lack of loosing it! So this month I am doing a physical challenge of 1500 minutes of exercise. It's something I can control - I can't control how much weight I loose and I have been dwelling on that fact way too long. I hope that with eating properly - 1700 calories and doing the 1500 minutes of exercise - but only the exercise that I put my HRM, shoes and working out clothes on for! I will loose weight without the pressure to. I hope it works for me and I thought I'd share it. Minute counting is universal and any exercise can be counted - I often do DVDs or My Fitness Coach Wii Game or my eliptical. That way I"m not limited to one thing. Hope this helps someone achieve their goals!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    Be careful with your calorie burns on machines... They way overestimate. I bought a body bugg and realized the treadmill overest the calorie burn for myself by about 25% and the elliptical by even more. Put sunday behind you and eat clean, excercise, and you will get there. Good luck

    i have a HRM...i only count those calories...
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