Feeling quite tearful...

Just looked up my BMI and this was the responce...

BMI Result
Your BMI is 38.2, which means you are in the very overweight or obese category. Losing weight would make a big difference to your health - you might want to speak to your GP about the best way to do this.


  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328

    It's quite hard to be told you're obese :-(
    Same here, I have been 38.5 when I started, now I'm at 36.8, but I still have a LONG LONG way to go until I reach the "overweight or fat" part.
    I have set up 2 big goals for myself, and the first big goal (which I want to reach in June '11) is still in the obese range.
    I don't feel obese: I can walk upstairs without collpasing, and even my gyn told me I was not looking as heavy as I am.

    We're gonna get there... slowly but surely!
    Don't give up, I won't either :-)

  • hollyandfudgemum
    Thankyou :smile:

    I have a pretty big first target of 24lbs by the end of the year (although I am pushing for 30 if I am honest)

    Its really hard walking past all the lovely yummy fried food I used to have for breakfast everyday... Believe me it wasn't cheap getting to the weight I am at the moment I have just had a bowl of Special K to start my day and now having some diluting organge juice this will keep me full till lunch time when I am planning to ignore the apply crumble and have some soup...
  • mykaar74
    mykaar74 Posts: 253
    well looks like you're in the right place doing the right things to reduce that. hope you feel better
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Just remember that this is a starting place, not where you are ending up or where you even ended up already. We all have to start somewhere. I have no idea what my BMI was when I first started losing weight, but I can tell you that I was 33% body fat which is also in the obese category. (Not sure the dynamics of BMI, but for body fat percentage (for women) obese is 30% and above, 25%-30% is overweight/fat, 20-25% is healthy and anything below 20% is either athletic or too super skinny depending on how low it is) That's where I started. But I didn't stay there long! I was depressed, upset, and actually mad at myself for getting that way. But I decided that on the day that I found out the sad news, that I was going to change everything and make a difference for myself. I was going to study and learn everything I could about nutrition and exercise. I was going to apply all that I learned, and I was going to refuce my body fat to healthy levels. And once you get that face of determination put on, you are unstoppable. Even those little setbacks don't really set you back when you have your mind made up, cause we live & learn and then move on to the next day.

    So here's what I would do if I were you. Stop right now and immediately take a picture of yourself. Write down the date under it. This is the last "big" picture you will ever take. From now on, you will be supa-charging your workouts, even if it means just a walk through the park if you don't have the time and energy for anything else. And from now on, you will be making healthy food choices. This is a life-style change, not a diet, and you are in the right place. We are all here to help you, motivate you, and push you to succeed. We know you can do it. We know you will do it.

    Now it's time for you to believe what we already know.

    And the next time you take a picture of yourself, you will have the biggest smile on your face that you have ever had because you will see the success. You will see the hard work paying off. You will compare to that last picture and be reminded of just how courageous, motivated, and special you are. You are worth it.

    This time next year when you go to the doctor, surprise them with a BMI so low they will want to know your secret. And just tell them, I took control of my weight and made the decision to do it.

    :flowerforyou: Good luck and keep us posted on your progress! :flowerforyou:
  • hollyandfudgemum
    Thanks so much for your kind words guys and I will keep you all updated :) Please free to add me as a friend :)
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I know that feeling, my BMI is way into the obese range too. We've all got to start somewhere though and I am determined that this time next year I will NOT be in the obese range. Ignoring all the yummy desserts and junk food isn't easy but I found it does get easier with time so hang in there :bigsmile:
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    My BMI was in the "obese" category as well. Now I am in the "healthy" category. Don't be hard on yourself and you CAN and WILL change that. Not overnight, but it CAN be done. We are all here to support you.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Just remember this is a starting point. Do as Lyadeia suggested, take a picture, write down the date, your weight, bmi, and measurements. This is a starting point not where you are ending. Ever 4-6 weeks write down the progress you have made and take a new picture.

    When I started in Febuary I was over 40% bmi and now I am down to 27%. It takes time and effort but everything that is worth while does.
  • SP0472
    SP0472 Posts: 193 Member
    My BMI is 51 which puts me in the "super morbidly obese" category. I don't let that bother me because I know I can change it and I AM changing it. I don't like to use BMIs anyway - I prefer a Body Composition Anaylsis. I had one done at the University when I was having some health issues and I'm only at about 34% BF and that means my weight will never be 125 or 135 as is recommened by this BMI stuff and according to BMI even at 5% BF I'd still be overweight so I don't pay it any attention.
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    Numbers (ie. the scale or your bmi) are only one indicator of success. Speak to yourself in a positive voice, start feeling good about yourself with the knowlege that you ARE doing something good for yourself. Better to not set yourself up for failure and instead, set mini-goals. For example: this week I will eat 5 servings of fruits/veg a day or this week I will workout at least 3x for 30 min., etc. 25-30 lbs. in two months is quite a lofty. Focus on slow & steady & sustainable losses, they're the best kind.
    Be kind to yourself and good luck!
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    I have been skinny most of my life, like underweight kind of skinny, so when I looked up my bwi a few months ago and it told me I was obese, my jaw hit the floor!!! I have recently moved it into the overweight section, but it's definitely horrifying to see. It's not the same as being morbidly obese, but the health risks are definitely a huge factor.

    Good luck on bringing down the weight into the healthy level. That's why most of us are here!
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Take it one day at a time. If you persist you can change the BMI. I have gone from a 38.2 to a 30.8 in 7 months. I am on the verge of being just overweight not obese. I promise you its possible! You cant look at it from so far away, it will only seem more daunting. One day at a time! One healthy decision at a time!