December Challenge



  • PennyLane379
    PennyLane379 Posts: 14 Member
    How is everyone doing today? I did good yesterday, but ended up having a few beers with a friend last night :-( I will have good day today, and no more cheating!

    Today was better for me, but I had a couple of beers last night too! Beer is a weakness for me. I hope today was better for you!
  • astralpictures
    astralpictures Posts: 218 Member
    How is everyone doing today? I did good yesterday, but ended up having a few beers with a friend last night :-( I will have good day today, and no more cheating!

    It was work's annual Christmas party, so I ate waaaay too much! It was all pretty healthy though, except for the cake. But I nibbled on so much that it was impossible to track.
  • CassieFindley86
    CassieFindley86 Posts: 18 Member
    How is everyone doing? Unfortunately I binged today at our holiday party. Too many sweets. How do you guys manage your binges? Sweets (specifically chocolate) are major triggers for me. I feel like for now I need to avoid these foods until I can get a better handle on my emotions.

    Other binge triggers include:
    Ice Cream
    Refined Carbs

    How do you prevent a binge?
  • astralpictures
    astralpictures Posts: 218 Member
    How is everyone doing? Unfortunately I binged today at our holiday party. Too many sweets. How do you guys manage your binges? Sweets (specifically chocolate) are major triggers for me. I feel like for now I need to avoid these foods until I can get a better handle on my emotions.

    Other binge triggers include:
    Ice Cream
    Refined Carbs

    How do you prevent a binge?

    I just dust myself off and move on. I'll eat a few less calories the next couple of days and work out harder at the gym. I know that my binges don't come too often and are usually accompanied by a party or holiday, which are so seldom that I can handle it.