Getting Back To It Soon!

Hi! I am a stay at home mother of 4 - soon to be 5 (have 5 weeks left of pregnancy).
I need to lose this baby weight and become healthy again. Currently my family is living abroad in Vietnam, and am finding a lot of difficulty finding the proper foods (lettuce is almost impossible to find right now). However, lots of fresh fruits!!!

I need friends to help me through all the things that come right after having a baby, nursing, and ultimately finding the time for exercise and "me time".



  • HpyMmyO3
    HpyMmyO3 Posts: 5 Member
    Wow! That sounds tough, I need the support and motivation as well! My baby is just about to turn 1 and I need to get the extra weight off and control my eating habits, we are on the right track :)