Nervous Poster with 100+ to lose

I am a late 40 something mom of two college students. I finally feel I can take the time to lose the "baby" weight I allowed myself to put on 21 years ago. I am looking for friends that can help be to remain motivated and honest as I begin this journey back to a healthy life. I have never posted on a community board like this and I am not totally sure how it works.

Hopefully I am on the right path.


  • lighteningjeanne855
    Welcome to MFP!

    Logging your food and exercise daily is helpful for accountability to yourself.
    On MFP, you'll have friends to cheer you on, and cheer you up.

    I like to read the Success Stories and Maintaining Weight forums.
    There are also forums for MFP members who want to "Lose 100 Pounds Without Surgery".
    It's amazing how many members have DONE IT, too. Some have achieved it in LESS than a year!

    I'm sending you a friend request, JAV.
  • DeeDeeMee
    DeeDeeMee Posts: 133 Member

    I've sent you a friend request and am always up for sending some motivation, hopefully we can support each other through our weight loss journeys. :):)
  • KatrinaGrey
    KatrinaGrey Posts: 101 Member
    welcome...sent a friend request. I hope you will join me!
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    If you want to friend me, i have alot of positive people that will help and support you on your journey.

    I highly recommend watching two movies: Forks over Knives and Hungry For a Change.

    I have lost over 70 lbs so far.

    One thing is you need to look at it as a lifestyle change and not a diet.

    It can be accomplished with time, effort and sensibility.

    good luck

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • hikr00
    hikr00 Posts: 38 Member
    Welcome! I too came here needing to lose 100 lbs (and my child is 25 so I hear you on the baby weight). I have been logging my food here for a year (a year today actually!) and I'm down 62 lbs.

    Logging in your food intake gives such great accountability and it's really quite eye opening to see how much some foods "cost" in terms of calories and little nutritional value you get for the amounts of calories it's worth. Some days will be easier than other but if you stick with it the weight will come off.

    Happy to have you here!
  • karenmetfan
    karenmetfan Posts: 62 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I'm 48 (49 next month) and have lost 100lbs. Working on another 20-30 and then I move to maintaining the weight loss. I'm not on the boards much, but I log every day. Feel free to friend me and I'll help cheer you on :) One thing I have never done on this journey is deprive myself. Everything in moderation. I have my daily chocolate, I still have ice cream (just lower cal), I still bake (just alter recipes to make them lower cal, but still yummy). What I did do was smaller portions (eat the proper portions, not over eat), exercised 6 days/week and said no to any fast food place. GOOD LUCK!
  • Lillivix
    You can add me if you like...I'm looking to lose about 90 lbs so not too far behind. I';ve had my baby weight for 12 years lol.