Just starting here's a little about me Goal 288 pounds

Hello all

My name is natasha, I'm 25 years old currently living in Portland Oregon. I'm just starting to get back into the my weight loss. I was doing weight watchers (which I hated paying for) from end of 2010 until end of 2012 and ended up losing over a whopping 150 pounds!!!!! No real support no workout partner all on my own. Unfortunately due to lack of focus and hard times I've have now gained over 100 of it back in a year :( it's depressing knowing where my weight could and should be right now. knowing what my weight currently is made me never want to work out again especially remembering how hard I had to work to lose what I lost and now I'm going to have to do all the same work over again to lose some of the same pounds twice smh. But finally I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself, stop using food addiction as a crutch or a excuse to eat what I want when I want and not feel so bad no longer will I be "ok" being as big as I am and having restrictions on my life because my weight or blameing people for my lack of weight loss. This time it's All on me win or lose (hence the name) I'm hoping MFP can help me do everything weight watchers did for me as far as tracking what i eat and do plus give me the added benefit of have all you wonderful people's support and knowledge along the journey without charging me. My goal is 288 pounds as soon as possible (but done correctly) anyone that wants to add me as a friend feel free I could use all the support I can get especially if you have a goal of 100+ or even 200+ :)


  • Anselee
    Anselee Posts: 62 Member
    Welcome to MFP , feel free to add me I'm sure you'll definitely be able to reach your goal in no time just stay motivated and realized that some times you may have set back. Have an awesome day and good luck on reaching your goals xo