Competitors, what's your diet like?

My sister's friend competes and she's won a few titles. She eats nothing but CHICKEN AND BROCCOLI every day all day for the next I think about 10 wks. She didn't even eat anything else on Thanksgiving. Do you really have to go to this extreme?? LOL I don't know if I could do it eating chicken and broccoli NOTHING else.


  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Competes at what?
  • tonynguyen75
    tonynguyen75 Posts: 418 Member
    Search up Flexforall2 on youtube. He competes in Bodybuilding or at least used to. Eats Chipotle, ice cream, froyo, tilapia and salads.

    You can also search up ChelseaLifts. She is now competing in power lifting and eats a pretty easy diet as well, some brownies and sweets and stuff.

    This whole chicken and broccoli thing is an old school bodybuilder way of thinking. People are proving every day that it's not necessary to even compete on a high level.
  • I don't compete (yet) but I have been considering competing for a while now. One of my good friends competed and her diet was a lot more lenient than just chicken and broccoli. She ate lots of protein shakes and egg whites and oatmeal and strawberries and other green veggies and proteins. A lot eat lean beef and beans and almonds/ natural peanut butter. She mostly adhered to six meals per day keeping macros in check (balancing protein and carbs at leach meal) and tried to stick to low GI foods. If I decide to compete I would eat oats and egg whites most mornings, a shake or almonds and apple as a snack, lean protein and brown rice and greens for lunch, same snack, and then either chicken, lean beef or fish (tilapia is my fave) and green veggies (green beans, broccoli, spinach) for dinner. Maybe she is a picky eater and just knows what she likes. Sometimes its also easier to eat the same food all the time so you know what your meal will be and it takes the planning out/ limits what you have in your house to binge on =) who knows. The main thing is limit sugar and drink lots of water! But isn't that the case in most diets?
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I assume you're talking about figure/body building competitions?

    Keep in mind, most serious competitors have a very different diet in the days/weeks leading up to a competition as compared to the rest of the year.
  • My friend competes and she eats chicken, egg whites, protein shakes, green veggies and 1/2 sweet potato (first half of the day) and lots of water. She doesn't eat any complex carbs after 2pm (grains, potatoes, etc). She also weighs and measures everything before she eats it. I hope this helps.
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    That's a really old fashioned way to look at it. Most fitness competitors that I've read articles on use ITFYM. I struggle to get my head around the calculations, but the principle makes total sense
  • sugamonstaa
    sugamonstaa Posts: 88 Member
    Well she eats other stuff but when it comes near competition she just eats that idk y just that lol