Crazy Dreams...

JeniferEverx3 Posts: 219 Member
I'm bored so here we go...

Ever had a crazy dream? Maybe one that felt really real, one that was really scary, a reoccurring dream, one that made no sense, one that was hilarious or one that seemed paranormal?

I have had many. I'll start with the one that impacted me the most: For several months (this was a few years back) when my little brother was in elementary school, I had reoccurring dreams that he was kidnapped and murdered. I called my house every day around 2:30 to make sure he came home alive.

Care to share?

(Edited to fix my spelling - whoops)


  • SofaKingRad_II
    I had a dream once where JeniferEverx3 would call my house every day around 2:30 to make sure I came home alive. I thought it was weird but she was always worried about me being kidnapped and murdered. She kept saying I was her brother. Totally weird though, because I'm not.
  • JeniferEverx3
    JeniferEverx3 Posts: 219 Member
    I had a dream once where JeniferEverx3 would call my house every day around 2:30 to make sure I came home alive. I thought it was weird but she was always worried about me being kidnapped and murdered. She kept saying I was her brother. Totally weird though, because I'm not.

    Hahaha :laugh:
    That's so weird.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Care to share?

    Not so crazy, and I posted this before, but I've had a few tangles with demons in my day. Even in salient moments between sleeping and being awake, which was really crazy. Call it what you will.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    As a kid whenever I slept over at a friends house I used to dream that my parents had moved without telling me. Maybe it was some kind of subliminal vibe that they were giving me :laugh:
  • asianmonkie
    When do I NOT have crazy dreams? I guess the most interesting one I had growing up was this giant tower that I always walked through. In each room of the tower contained a dream that I've had before. I remember dreams I had from when I was 3 years old. Funny because I can't even remember what I had for lunch today. Weird how that works.
  • awtume9
    awtume9 Posts: 423 Member
    I had a dream the other night that I was dating Biggie Smalls and he was making a music video, and in the video he was stir frying my laundry.....

    And no I wasn't high.
  • Bromard6
    Bromard6 Posts: 44 Member
    I see long narrow buildings like barracks, wooden and old, set on short stilts. I enter one and there is a large machine, like a triangle stretching almost the entire length of the building. The left side of the machine is vertical, the horizontal base stretches along the floor, and the top slopes down to the right. This machine can allow me to see through time.

    There is a black knob on the front which allows the desired time to be set, and a glass cabinet in the front. The knob is set for the current time, and there is an assortment of foods…breakfast cereal, soups, boxes of familiar goods. The knob is moved to the near future, and now the cabinet displays items that are different, but still recognizable. Farther into the future now, and there are only a stack of small bars, wrapped in yellow plastic with strange, computerized writing. There is also a carafe with some kind of liquid, also in yellow with the same strange, red lettering. Farther forward the knob is pushed, and now there is only a tureen with some brown liquid…a soup perhaps. I taste it, and it is like soup with a flavor completely unfamiliar but comforting.

    I spill a drop on my shirt, and go to the bathroom to clean it off. Soaking the end of a towel I blot the brown spot on my shirt. As I look down, my white and blue striped shirt has advertising blurbs splashed across the front…a cutaway view extolling the virtues of the fabric and construction. My first thought is “that’s what I get for buying the shirt in Hong Kong”.

    Back to the machine, and the knob has been moved forward still, past the mid-point of the machine, and there are three objects displayed in the case. The first is a plastic-like representation of a human torso, carved up as if prepared for the butcher. The second is an animal carcass, similarly prepared with the various cuts identified. The third is a similar display of vegetable matter prepared for the cooking pot. I surmise that this signifies the end of life on earth, possibly reduced to a food source for some ancient, aggressive civilization which had somehow stumbled across us in the dark.

    Finally, I reach out and push the knob all the way, where the corner of the triangle converges, and the machine ends. The glass case contains nothing, which makes complete sense to me, as that is the end of the universe, where nothingness would prevail.
  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    The other night I dreamed I had three boobs. Seriously. Felt completely normal in the dream then I woke up and realized it was a bizarre one. I had to look down to make sure there were only two there.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    Once or twice a year, for around twenty years now, I have a re-occuring dream. I am the owner of an old beautiful house. The house doesnt always look the same in each dream, but it always feels the same. Empty of people, still and silent. Every time, I will discover a room that I had completly forgotten about. Its always filled with beautiful furnture and knick-knacks and I cant believe I forgot about this room. I am always excited to remember the room until I realize that there is something wrong and evil about the entire house.
    Even though i have had this dream proabably at least 20 times, it never seems famaliar until I wake up.
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    Once I dreamed that aliens stole the moon. It was actually quite involved and I remember being annoyed when I awoke because I wanted to know how it ended. I really wish that dreams would pick up where they left off even if at a much later date.
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Oh Hell. Pick any dream the month I was on Nicotine Patch to stop smoking. Everyone I worked with that tried them had the same problem.
  • JeniferEverx3
    JeniferEverx3 Posts: 219 Member
    Ha those are some crazy dreams! 3 boobs :laugh:

    When I was 16 I was obsessed with NSYNC, and madly in love with Lance Bass (the one that has since come out of the closet).

    Last night I actually dreamt that I was dating Justin Timberlake, and asked him to give me Lance's phone number so I could congratulate him on his engagement (he recently got engaged to his boyfriend in real life). As I was writing down the number, Lance showed up so I congratulated him in person and he thanked me and gave me a hug.

    I woke up like :angry:

    So in conclusion, my subconscious has accepted that Lance is gay, but the conscious me still hates it :laugh:
  • FishingFan123
    FishingFan123 Posts: 48 Member
    I've had 2 recurring dreams most of my life.

    1. I am in college, & its the end of the semester, & I am still registered for a class I forgot to drop & haven't gone to all semester. My GPA is going to suffer mightily & I won't get into grad school.
    - this dream has not occurred as often tho, since I GOT into grad school (36 years ago), & finished with honors.

    2. I had braces as a kid for years (7), & I have a dream that I still have a band on the back teeth that they forgot to take out years ago, & now the tooth is destroyed & I will lose the tooth.
  • KRB28
    KRB28 Posts: 248 Member
    I had a zombie dream the other day. It was super vivid, like I could clearly hear the sound of stabbing the zombie. And when I suddenly woke up my hand was by my right hip because that's where my knife was in the dream. This dream was definitely brought on by the fact that I literally watched all 4 seasons of The Walking Dead in a matter of two weeks. Crazy dreams don't occur too often for me though, but I clearly remember that one! Lol
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    I have a lot of really weird vivid dreams! I dream in color and feel pain, too.

    When I was a kid I had this one reoccurring dream a lot where I was in this post-apocalyptic world where children had turned feral and stopped aging and would wear Halloween costumes and lay in wait outside adults' houses to murder them with hatchets. I was always just a horrified observer, but as I got older the dream got longer and would always end in this cluttered cabin in the woods where an old woman lived. I'd talk to her for a few minutes while she tried to tell me something really important, and then suddenly she would rush me out the back door because she said "They're here for me." I don't remember what happened after that, I'd always wake up as I was running through the woods.

    Haven't had that dream in a long time and I'm so glad, lol
  • LetsTryThisAgain54
    LetsTryThisAgain54 Posts: 381 Member
    I had a dream when I was 8 that my little brother turned into a slice of talking Wonder Bread and I buttered the bread and ate it. I woke up crying! lol.
  • AestheticStar
    AestheticStar Posts: 447 Member
    All of my dreams are crazy. Therefore, that's too damn many to list. :laugh: