Starting Fresh - 100 lbs to lose and looking for support

Hey all,

I started MFP initially in December 2012. I was active for about 5 months and lost about 20 lbs. However, I fell off the wagon and have gained that back.

I'm starting fresh now and am looking to lose 100 lbs total. From my previous experience, I know that MFP works if you're diligent about recording what you eat and you treat it as a lifestyle change (not a diet!)

I'm looking to connect with people to support one another and help each other as we work on getting healthy. In particular, I'm interested in a support network of similarly situated folks (I'm 32, single professional, with about 100 lbs to lose), but am open to whatever help i can get!

Also, if anyone has any recommendations for good MFP groups to join for somebody like me, I'd appreciate any recommendations. Best of luck to everyone!


  • I'm also on the lookout for a group for people with significant weight to lose... my total goal exceeds 100 lbs to lose as well. Everyone I know says loosing that much won't be healthy for me, but I'm 280 and think 180 for a 5'9'' person is more than reasonable... and medically still considered overweight.
  • Im back after 7 months. Lost 30and gained 20ish. Goal is to lose 105.
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    Feel free to add me. I started out with 100 pounds to lose.

    @Adtirey...I kind of think that people you know are trying to be nice. Or they just like you the way that you are. I've had people tell me that I will be "too thin" if I lose 35 more pounds, but they are fooling themselves. I'll still be "overweight" when I'm at my goal weight, and maybe I'll lose more then...but both of us will be much healthier when we get there than when we started.
  • nashvillern
    nashvillern Posts: 12 Member
    Good luck on your journey. I also have had success in the past with MFP and fell off. I'm starting over with a goal of 90ish pounds overall to lose and a goal of losing 15-20lbs by my wedding in April.
  • homegirl614
    homegirl614 Posts: 93 Member
    Feel free to add me...I've lost a little over 50 so far but I have a lot more to lose...
  • LynneH2002
    LynneH2002 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there. I also have a goal of over 100 to lose. So far I am 34.4 down. I went guns blazing into the summer, started on June 25 at 252. I had been doing wonderfully, eating well, recording it all, blah blah etc... then school started. (I teach middle school and it was like BAM! on Sept. 4th my stress level skyrocketed... Consequently, my efforts derailed somewhat.)

    All that said, I have not gained anything, but I am having a tough time balancing life and wellness. I am looking for some support too... just a friendly face to say "Hello, out there!!! Where have you been and what are you doing to keep yourself responsible?" :)

    I am working (sort of) with a trainer (he's a bodybuilder and calculates my macros and recommends exercises etc.) and I have a really hard time fitting "fitness" into my day. So far, the bulk of my weight loss has been with minimal exercise. I know it would be easier, not to mention faster, if I would just get myself moving.

    So... in a nutshell, I am 45 with two little kids (8 and 5) and I need a friendly kick in the patootie every once in a while.

  • In the middle of a self-induced "plateau" that I'm starting to work my way out of, added, and feel free to add :-)
  • I have lost about 120 lbs total and would be happy to support you! I'm close to my goal weight now and here to focus on maintaining my weight and improving my fitness. If you want to add me, I'd be happy to be here to give you support and answer questions.
  • Feel free to add me, i had lost 80 lbs on here, then I let a bunch of personal stuff get in my way and gained about 30 back, time for me to get going again.
  • missyjane824
    missyjane824 Posts: 1,199 Member
    feel free to add me.
  • I am going for around 80 LBS add me people!!!
  • I have 90lbs to lose to get to my weight. I already lost 30lbs since January this year. but I didn't doc it on fitness pal. feel fee to add me. we can help keep each other on track and share tips and stuff
  • mjvasko1
    mjvasko1 Posts: 16 Member
    I, too, fell off the wagon, have 90 pounds to lose. I've sent a few requests already. We can do this!
  • Goofy_gurl
    Goofy_gurl Posts: 7 Member
    I've got around 100 lbs to lose myself. I've been on here for a couple weeks and it has made all the difference in the world. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • drgardnerva01
    drgardnerva01 Posts: 19 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'd be happy to provide whatever support I can.

    I started working on getting healthier over three years ago. I'm 5' 8" tall and at the time weighed 310 pounds.

    There've been a lot of things happen to me over that time, but as I write this I weigh 200 pounds and I'm working on another 25 pounds. So it can be done, and I'm confident you can achieve your goal.

    Best of luck to everyone on the thread in achieving your goals.

    ETA: I joined MFP several months ago when, after hitting a long term plateau, it was clear I needed to more carefully monitor what I was eating and portions. My signature reflects the weight I've lost here, not total weight.
  • BlindHog25
    BlindHog25 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm looking to lose around a 100 ( wow, first time I've ever said/written that) and started 8/25 working out five days a week and eating healthy. In my quest to figure out exactly what I was eating, I found MFP about a month ago and if I eat it I record it, even the chocolate from Monday nights Christmas parade. Feel free to ad me as I'd like to get in a group. I've lost 24 so far but feeling like I'm in a plateau.
  • AriaBeth
    AriaBeth Posts: 5 Member
    I just started as well and am looking to lose 100 lbs. feel free to add me.