100 LB WEIGHT LOSS || looking for friends with similar goals



  • hi everyone you can add me to if you want.
  • Great job, Jamie!
  • tootchute
    tootchute Posts: 392 Member
    I'm Nicola. I started off with 235 to loose, now I'm down to 136 to lose, you can add me the diary is open
  • xanister
    xanister Posts: 2 Member
    224 looking to get down to at the VERY least 150, that's 72 lbs to go! Feel free to add me!
  • nightstarr777
    nightstarr777 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Siobhan (Irish name, pronounced like "shivon"). I have over 100 lbs to lose. I'm currently close to 300 lbs which is so depressing! I'd like to get down to 170, so I have about 120 lbs to lose. I recently moved to a new city so I don't know a lot of people and could really use some help with holding me accountable. Feel free to add me!!!
  • BunBun85
    BunBun85 Posts: 246 Member
    I've already lost over 100 but I have about 65 more to go, feel free to add me. =)
  • nrjackson84
    nrjackson84 Posts: 36 Member
    Hey all! I have lost 60 lbs so far but I still have about 60 to go. Anyone can add me!! I would love to have more friends with similar goals. I am active on here and would love to help motivate (and be motivated as well) :)
  • neelujanu
    neelujanu Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Loren!!

    I have to loose 50 pounds and I have Hypo Thyroid so according to my metabolism losing 50 = to losing 100 lbs without the thyroid problem. SO please add me and count me in.

  • tamika2004
    tamika2004 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey I was looking at your pounds lost. is that number from Sept? What did you do? I am new. I need some help getting started. My goal is to lose 75 pounds. Feel Free to add me please
  • amalik3511
    amalik3511 Posts: 104 Member
    Aiming to loose 100 lbs myself...request sent to a lot of folks here....
  • terryfloresg
    terryfloresg Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, my name is Terry Flores. I have lost a total of 121 lbs since 2001. I still have 80 more to go. I seem to have come to a stall and I don't know what else to do. Feel free to check out my diary for I have made it viewable to my friends to get feed back.
  • Kowee84
    Kowee84 Posts: 65 Member
    im tryin to loose 76lbs...or roughly 35 kgs.. i think strong friendships with people in the same boat is a key to success :)
  • Hello welcome to MFP.....I think all you lovely people should add me I have 130 pounds I want to lose!!!!! So please feel free to add me!!!!! I have recently fell completely off the wagon but I'm back baby and better than ever!!!
  • 31valerie
    31valerie Posts: 8 Member
    I had just made a post about needing supports! my goal is 150 pounds to lose .... I would love to add and anyone can add me as well! :)
  • ciccanti38
    ciccanti38 Posts: 37 Member
    Hey guys I have recently created a Facebook accountability group. It is a great place for encouragement & support to keep you motivated! I believe that it is much easier to reach our goals when we are surrounded by like minded people that share the same interests. I will also be having group challenges in the future which will require you to check in daily. Although they will be optional. Does this seem like something that you may be interested in? I really think you would like this group. I would love for you to join us...The group name is "Fit and Healthy Minds" I hope to see you there!
  • 31valerie
    31valerie Posts: 8 Member
    I am right there with you girl on the same weight issue and living away from family and friends, Will send you a friends request :)
  • I am open to friend requests. I lost 41 and have like 98 to go.
  • I lost 94 pounds 5 years ago and have kept it off-I want to lose 10 more pounds to go-you can do it you are worth it-please feel free to add me
  • robotgore
    robotgore Posts: 1 Member
    Im trying to lose 46 pounds. Its not 100 pounds but like you said having friends will make it happen.:smile:
  • I also have a 100 lb goal!! We can do it! Feel free to add me!