It's been 4 months.

I have been on MFP for 4 months. First time back at the gym since about 7 years ago, I have been work like crazy, eating fairly balance, not strict as to not tempt binges. I struggle with eating disorder habits, but in the past,even about just 2 years ago, the weight came up when I ate well, but now I am working out up to 5-6 times a week. MFP says I lost 4,5 kg but that was after I gained 5kg at the beginning of going back to the gum.. At the gym I both do cardio and lifting heavy. Anyone else have slow starts? It's really hard for me to keep this up, I get really tired from the working out, as in fatigued and crashing.


  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    Anyone? Seriously? Feeling a bit out in the cold lol
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Starting a new exercise usually means inflammation in your muscles(water weight). Give it some time and maybe add another rest day per week so you don't exhaust yourself. You may also try to schedule an after workout snack. Many people swear by it and say it makes a big difference. My son's cross country coach urge all the kids on the team to eat shortly after a long run.
  • feelin_gr_8
    feelin_gr_8 Posts: 308 Member
    It can be hard! I've been pretty slow in my loss lately. I just have to remember where I want to be. I'm 25 pounds down and in another 25 pounds I can say that I probably haven't weighed that little since early high school. I want it, I just have to remind myself of it!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I understand you're frustrated right now, but your diary is locked with a key and you don't tell us anything about your routine.

    How much are you eating?
    How much are you exercising?
    Are you currently eating back exercise calories? If yes, are you using a Heart Rate Monitor or MFP/machine estimates?
    What are your stats (height, weight, age, etc)?
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    I found that I like to eat at night - I stalled out when I would eat a good portion of my calories in the evening for dinner and snack and then eat again for breakfast- even if just a small one. It works better for me to eat when I like to eat- dinnertime - and don't eat in the morning until lunch time to let my body get hungry and go to my reserves to get the fuel it needs. I know it is all calories in calories out to some people - but not so much to me. If I save my calories until I know I want them I feel better getting to eat when I want to eat and still lose.
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    I understand you're frustrated right now, but your diary is locked with a key and you don't tell us anything about your routine.

    How much are you eating?
    How much are you exercising?
    Are you currently eating back exercise calories? If yes, are you using a Heart Rate Monitor or MFP/machine estimates?
    What are your stats (height, weight, age, etc)?

    Oh sorry I thought I had changed it a while ago. No key now, it's public.

    At times I don't eat breakfast because I am actually pretty sick with fatigue and often sleep or rest until about lunchtime. I used to be married to a health nut who was also a scientist and he drummed in a lot of information, but now that I don't work I don't have the luxury of choosing EVERYTHING I eat. But I do choose what I can when I can. I think I am doing pretty well. I do have a post workout snack, sometimes I forget to log it under that category and just stick it into snacks, other times I am due for a meal then anyway. I don't eat late at night, I watch my sodium so I don't retain too much water, I try have more protein but again it can be hard on little income. My guess it's just a patience thing? That's why I asked how long it took people to start seeing results. As I said the weight I have recorded as a loss is only 4 out of 5 kg I initially gained when I seriously started working out.

    I posted this to see other people's experiences and also see if I am missing anything I can fix or afford to fix.

    Could my body be holding onto weight or calories cos I am so sick?

    I am 5'6" 84.5kg (186lb) 35.5" around the waist and 31 years old. I have had my thyroids tested and hormones due to the fatigue and all is normal there so that's not it.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    I have been on MFP for 4 months. First time back at the gym since about 7 years ago, I have been work like crazy, eating fairly balance, not strict as to not tempt binges. I struggle with eating disorder habits, but in the past,even about just 2 years ago, the weight came up when I ate well, but now I am working out up to 5-6 times a week. MFP says I lost 4,5 kg but that was after I gained 5kg at the beginning of going back to the gum.. At the gym I both do cardio and lifting heavy. Anyone else have slow starts? It's really hard for me to keep this up, I get really tired from the working out, as in fatigued and crashing.

    if you are going 5-6 days you have only one rest day a week. Your body is telling you that it's missing something ... nutrients, rest, sleep whatever ...

    I would go with moderation ... moderate exercise, moderate calorie deficit ...
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Selenium in brazil nuts helps turn T4 to T3 and may help with your fatigue. I have a thyroid problem also and eat 3 to 5 brazil nuts a day. An $8 bag lasts me about a month.
  • bekahlou75
    bekahlou75 Posts: 304 Member
    Why does your daily goal change?

    Never mind. It changes with added exercise. I've gotten better results using the TDEE - 20% method. I don't log my exercise because it's already calculated in the TDEE - 20% number.
  • Otrogen
    Okay, first of all, I'm going to admit I've only gone over your diet logs for the past week.

    With that said, DAMN GIRL. You are eating WAY too little. What you're eating would be way too little for ME and I don't work out at all and I'm probably shorter than you are.

    If you're okay with it, I'd like to know how much you weigh, how tall you are, and what your body fat percentage is.

    If you're sick a lot, your caloric needs and especially protein needs only go up because it takes calories and especially protein for the body to be anabolic and build new tissue. You are not getting enough of either of those on 900-1200 calories per day, especially when you add working out on top of it.

    I've done what you're doing before. Ate 1000-1200 calories per day, exercised every other day alternating weights and cardio, only skipped 1 day a week, and I stagnated like crazy. Didn't lose a single pound in the 2 months I allowed it to continue.I've gone on to beat that stagnation and lose about 70 more lbs, and I'm not stopping there. I'd be happy to try and help you figure out a way to bust your stagnation as well, though at this point, I'm sad to say you'll likely have to scale back your exercise efforts a lot and have several weeks where you eat at maintenance calories to let your body recover. It's been in starvation mode for a long time, I'd imagine.
  • Chelz2013
    Chelz2013 Posts: 176 Member
    I've lost about 20 lbs since June but I've completely stalled out. No worries though as I keep chugging away. I've been sick and injured and sidetracked and lazy aquarium
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    Okay, first of all, I'm going to admit I've only gone over your diet logs for the past week.

    With that said, DAMN GIRL. You are eating WAY too little. What you're eating would be way too little for ME and I don't work out at all and I'm probably shorter than you are.

    If you're okay with it, I'd like to know how much you weigh, how tall you are, and what your body fat percentage is.

    If you're sick a lot, your caloric needs and especially protein needs only go up because it takes calories and especially protein for the body to be anabolic and build new tissue. You are not getting enough of either of those on 900-1200 calories per day, especially when you add working out on top of it.

    I've done what you're doing before. Ate 1000-1200 calories per day, exercised every other day alternating weights and cardio, only skipped 1 day a week, and I stagnated like crazy. Didn't lose a single pound in the 2 months I allowed it to continue.I've gone on to beat that stagnation and lose about 70 more lbs, and I'm not stopping there. I'd be happy to try and help you figure out a way to bust your stagnation as well, though at this point, I'm sad to say you'll likely have to scale back your exercise efforts a lot and have several weeks where you eat at maintenance calories to let your body recover. It's been in starvation mode for a long time, I'd imagine.

    I am pretty much bedridden a lot of days, I don't have a normal week, I don't work, I don't really go out at all unless to exercise, and I only exercise on days I feel that I can. I log the little walks I go on to keep me sane but I rarely do I do more than that in a day unless purposely exericising. Yes I think I do need more protein, I am trying really hard to eat more, I find it hard to adjust to change and I just moved to a big city and now have way less money. Not saying I won't try. I did eat at BMR for a couple of months and I put that 5kgs on, I am reluctant to do that again. I used to be over 100kg I am now 84kg, I lost that weight some years back (and more, I put 10kg back on) I did that without logging food and eating lots of vegetables. I don't have the luxury of affording lots of vegetables now. So I am at a loss a bit as to what to do. Since my lifestyle is extremely sedentry (excluding exercise) I felt 1200 was ok. I have to be careful with anxiety over food too but I could try to go up to 1400?
  • Otrogen
    Well dang. I'm really hesitant to offer you any advice because sickness is a total game-changer. Any number of things could be affecting your ability to lose weight, and I'm not really qualified to tell you what they might be. Unfortunately, most doctors aren't specialized enough to know, either, I'd think. At least in the US, doctors are usually very problem-solving oriented, and won't see weight loss as a priority if you're sick enough to be bed-ridden that often.

    Even still, I don't think it could hurt to have more protein. At 84 kg, your recommended daily intake of protein is 68 g, and honestly you could probably use more than that. I'd say 75-80 g. You look like you do a good job of making sure your carb intake is from complex carbs vs. simple ones. Looking back over your log, you more often than not go over your sugar allowance. That'd be one area to try and improve. This day looks like a pretty good one: . Your protein was up, your calories were over 1200, your sugars were low, your fat was a bit high, but your carbs were lower to compensate for it. I'm not sure that I'd recommend very low carb dieting for you, as carbs are very useful fuel sources. Honestly, though, at 84 kg, no matter how tall you are, you need more than 1200 a day. I'd definitely try upping it a little at a time. Go to 1400 and give it a few weeks and see what happens.

    All I'll say though is do not be even a little surprised if at first you gain weight, and quickly. If your body is truly in reduced-metabolism-starvation mode, it's going to cling to everything you put into it and you'll see a weight spike. Wait til that levels off and you're either not gaining or gaining just a bit at a time, and then add some more and repeat the process. Once you get to the point where you've added and you're steadily gaining for a few weeks, that's when you know to cut back and revert to the last increment. I'd start at 1400 cals and add 100 at a time.

    As for affording it, oh gurl, I feel you. I have had a food budget of literally less than $30 a week before. All I was able to eat was canned veggies and big packs of boneless skinless chicken breasts. I became VERY creative with cooking chicken different ways in a crock pot, I can tell you that much! It definitely made it possible to survive and lose weight, though, so I'm thankful I had that option.
  • Chelz2013
    Chelz2013 Posts: 176 Member
    I've lost about 20 lbs since June but I've completely stalled out. No worries though as I keep chugging away. I've been sick and injured and sidetracked and lazy aquarium

    Dang spell check and my toddler distracted me from finishing what I was trying to say

    If you're so sick and bed ridden, are you under the care of a Doctor?? Something sure doesn't sound right and your body needs something. On a low budget, it's understandable you just have to eat best you can. I'm no expert, but I thought I've read people posting about high calorie proteins - maybe peanut butter or eggs or a protein supplement to put into a fruit smoothie?? If you're budget is so low, could you qualify for help from a food pantry or help from a church or organization ? I don't know if that type of thing is offered where you are.

    Great that some tests you had done show everything is fine, but something is going on with your body, so I'd definitely recommend consulting a doctor for more help. Being tired is one thing, but being so tired you're bed ridden doesn't sound good.

    Like I said, I keep chugging away, and no that my weight loss journey will continue. I will overcome my obstacles and will continue to exercise and will try to make better food choices for myself and get back to being faithful in logging every bite. I'll be setting new goals for myself after the holidays.

    Maybe this will bump up for more suggestions, but seems like some good info was given today. Good luck!
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    Thanks guys, yeah I am seeing a Neurologist next wednesday. I was born with a disorder called Hydrocephalus so for the last 7-8 years I have been sicker than usual and they have been thinking it was that, but it wasn't so now they are exploring other things. My family doctor did the checks on thyroid and hormone levels, God only knows what I have got, but now they finally have referred me on to another department maybe they will figure it out!!
    I think tuna fish is a good source of protein for me and I have a protein powder I should try and utilize more often. I tend to go over my sugar mainly with things like honey on my porridge and banana in my protein smoothies and stuff like that I think, I am actually not sure what to do with that. The day you pointed out was a day I had everything bought for me! LOL I got treated to a nice cafe breakfast. But I will keep trying different things, I definitely think it's about experimenting with food and trying my best. I live in a group house, they buy the food for everyone but tend to not really buy much vegetables and fruits which is a pain, I did request more but the weekly food budget for 4 of us is $110 and given that NZ is expensive foodwise I am pretty impressed with them. Yes I will try up my food intake to 1400 starting today I will have a protein drink with dinner that should help.