Need some motivation to workout in the morning help?

So I'm currently in a P90x and Body Beast hybrid have been for a week on the bulk phase of Body Beast just added in p90x with it. Just skipping cardio.

Anyways I usually workout at night because that when I feel most confutable but I feel like I need to workout in the morning because I like to get it done and over with.

What can I do to force myself to workout when I get up in the morning I just want to do it when I get up but I'm starving what something small I can eat? That can keep me full?

Basically how can I get the motivation to do it in the morning? Thanks


  • shells1234
    shells1234 Posts: 64 Member
    a small snack maybe a fruit or yogurt, cheese. I always think about how good I feel after I work to motivate me I've read that if you workout in the morning then you are more likely to stick to your workout. Good luck!!
  • 2bassets
    2bassets Posts: 193 Member
    I would do a tablespoon of peanut butter before starting your workout. See if this helps!
  • in4nomz
    in4nomz Posts: 230
    Well motivating yourself to get up in the morning would mean you need to make sure you're getting enough sleep. That alone will make it a little easier to get up since you won't be running on minimal sleep. Another thing I like to do is go to sleep in the clothes I will work out in, that way you just get up and go! Make a new playlist, set your alarm a little earlier so that when it first goes off you still have that little bit of sleep before you need to be up.

    As for foods before you go, bananas are always a great choice. They don't make you feel too full as to where you don't want to work out, and the carbs in a banana give you a good amount of energy for a morning workout. If you have time you could always make some oatmeal too for substantial energy.
  • M22KY
    M22KY Posts: 61 Member
    Think about how good it will feel knowing that at the end of your work day all you have to do is go home, shower, and recline in front of the television with your healthy dinner because you got your workout for the day out of the way.

    Just this thought alone gets me out of bed at 4:30 a.m. for my workouts even though I'd love to sleep in. :smile: :smile:
  • blgerig
    blgerig Posts: 174 Member
    If I need something before a morning workout I like to have a banana or granola bar (Larabars are my favorite as they only have a few ingredients such as dried fruit and nuts). Maybe you can find a friend who also wants to workout in the morning and you can text each other for accountability? I got into the habit of working out in the morning when my sister moved in and we would get up together. Easier to get up knowing someone is counting on you! Now I am in the habit so even though she doesn't live with me anymore, it is easier.
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    It can be really tough to find the motivation to get out of bed at silly-o-clock to workout. I agree with some of the other posters and would say,

    1. Adjust your going to bed time so that you aren't missing out on sleep
    2. Have a tablespoon of peanut butter or a banana and a glass of water before you start
    3. Think about your long-term goals and remember why you are doing it
    4. Tell yourself how good you will feel once you are finished and how energised you will be for the day ahead.
    5. Most people will tell you that if they have worked out in the morning they are much more likely to stick to a healthy eating regime for the day.
    6. Motivational quote, 'it's better to wake up early every day to workout than to wake up everyday and hate what you see in the mirror'.

    Hope this helps, I get up at 5.45am 4 mornings a week to do a JM DVD and those days I feel really energised and it helps lift my mood for the whole day. It is worth it...