When do you workout?

Do you prefer morning workouts or evening workouts & why?


    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    The reason I'm asking is because for so long I have never realized something. I'm MUCH more successful at weight loss when I workout in the evening. I'm not sure why exactly, but I think I'm just more of an evening person. I have always wanted to be a morning person... but I have YET to be successful at turning myself into a morning person HAHA. I realized this so obvious fact when I was doing laundry this evening at 1 AM. I've set my alarm for 6 am so many days, haha, and its never been successful. I think I just naturally gravitate to evenings. I am more consistent at night. I always wanted to be morning person bc it seems like thats what you are "supposed" to do. Blah...never worked for me tho. :laugh:
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i workout when i get home from work, before tea... i get up early enough on a morning for work, so have never wanted to workout first thing in the morning.
  • suppakana
    suppakana Posts: 307 Member
    I know it's kind of against the norm... But I like to workout as my second-to-last thing before bed. About two hours before I plan to go to bed, I work out, shower, have a cup of hot cocoa or something nice and "warm" as my recovery drink, and then pass out.

    (It's worth mentioning I do home workouts, and don't have to deal with gym stuff or traffic here.)
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    I work out first thing in the morning, but through necessity not choice. I'm also an evening person naturally and find it hard to sleep before midnight, but due to home/work I have no opportunity to workout at night, so I get up at 6.30am, walk the dog for half an hour then do my Focus T25 straight after, then cycle to work.

    *Sigh* this means I'm always tired, as I can't get to sleep at night, and have to get up early in the morning lol.
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    I workout at 8.30pm when my son is asleep. It's most convenient for me. Admittedly , there are some days that I am drained but I put on my workout clothes from before so no excuses ...it's only an hour.

    I already wake up too early in the morning to workout at that time.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I think this is strictly personal preference and what you can adhere too for long term success. That being said I do both, 3 days a week I split train so I do half my workout in the morning and the other part at night. The 3 other days I train in the morning and take 1 rest day a week.... Best of Luck
  • Ready2Serve
    Ready2Serve Posts: 113 Member
    I get up early in the morning to get my workout in. I am not a night person, and it is very easy for me to get up at 3 am to get my workout in. Plus I have school in the evening.
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    Mid afternoon. Because that's when it's quietest in the office gym.

    I have something to eat at 12, then workout at about 2 or 3. It breaks up my afternoon and revitalises me when I hit that mid afternoon slump.
  • ljgcornwall
    I exercise as soon as I get home from work in the evening, around 6.00pm. I usually start dinner, do the 30 Day Shred work out, shower and eat by 7.30pm at the latest.

    I find it much easier to work out in the evening, rather than having to specifically drag myself out of bed before work in the morning. At least getting in from work, I'm still in 'busy mode' and just crack on with it straight away.
  • kathleenjoyful
    kathleenjoyful Posts: 210 Member
    I workout after work, any time between 6pm and 8pm, and then a late dinner. I've tried to get up early for workouts and I'm never gonna be a morning person, I just turn the alarm off and go back to sleep. Evening workouts are my way to de-stress, too.
  • sklebar
    sklebar Posts: 117 Member
    Evenings, straight after work and one weekend morning when my other half is at work (so, roughly 4 days a week). I too don't like morning workouts. The only morning workouts I do at 5.20am is yoga for 20 minutes, but that's it. I'm also an exercise-induced asthmatic, so the cold won't help with morning, outdoor running. I also just bought a kettlebell and skipping rope, so will do that a couple evenings out of the week. :)
  • maryjaquiss
    maryjaquiss Posts: 307 Member
    I get up half an hour earlier to exercise - the way I see it, I add time into my day that way rather than taking at away at a time when I'd be awake anyway!
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Neevvvaaa haha
    I just kinda stay active though out the day
    sometimes i'll add a bit of yoga or hoolahooping in the morning or at night, it depends
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    morning person fo sho. it's 6:30am here, and I've just returned from my 2 hour gym sesh. i wake up by 3am or earlier on the regular, and really do enjoy it. it's so very quiet and peaceful. but, this also means i'm in bed by like 8pm. i don't see many people, i don't have much of a social life, but i don't mind that at all.