Hello, I'm New!

Hello Everyone!

I'm new to My Fitness Pal, although not new to "dieting". Sigh...

I've been overweight pretty much my whole life and find that my problem is mainly emotional and stress eating. Also, I am back in college, so the past 2 1/2 years, I am sitting FAR more at the computer working on my school stuff. I stay up late (sometimes until 3 AM) to get work done. So I don't get a lot of sleep. I stress over work, money, my family, and my school.

A friend started selling Plexus and wanted me to start selling it too. I had never heard of it, so couldn't think about getting involved. It looked WAY too expensive for me to try. I know there isn't a magic pill, powder or drink out there and I don't have money to throw away on it. I know how to lose weight, it's just changing my lifestyle to make time for it when I have school work and family obligations as well. So my friend gave me a sample pack... and I tried it today. I took the Plexus Slim and one Accelerator pill. The drink was actually pretty tasty... Fast forward about 20 minutes and I now have a raging headache. I feel a bit nauseous and slightly dizzy. I have never experienced that before. I ate a small bowl of oatmeal and took a short cat nap. I now have a slight headache, my face feels warm with a slight itch, and I can hear my heart beating, but am feeling better. Maybe it was a coincidence, but have to think that Plexus did not agree with me. Of course, my friend was saying she had never heard of such a thing and encouraged me to use up the 3 day sample to give my body time to adjust. I just don't think so....

So, I decided to sign up here and get back on track with healthy eating and exercise. I desperately need support!!! My family, especially my husband, will not help at all. It's up to me to have the will power to make the changes I need. I know how to do it.... I know what I need to do.... But I can't seem to get it done. :-(



  • ericc1717
    ericc1717 Posts: 2 Member
    I am with you, got to get healthy myself. Feel free to add me and I will join you.

    I am not new here, but have not used the community portion of the MFP, I am giving it a try now and maybe it will help me get to where I need to be.
  • rldavis120
    rldavis120 Posts: 14 Member
    I'd like to support you to healthy! Add me if you'd like.
  • pahock
    pahock Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Amy. I'm new here as well but not new to "dieting". I'm sorry your family isn't supporting you. That is going to make it harder for you. I have been thin most of my life but have gained weight in the past 10 years or so. I've gotten to the point that I'm worried about my health. I plan on doing this the old fashioned way. Diet and exercise. I started working with a personal trainer a couple of weeks ago. She has me on a very restricted diet, but it seems to be working. I've lost five pounds just this week. Water weight? Maybe, but I'll take it. My family is being very supportive which has helped me a lot. I found that I have to prepare to succeed, meaning, I need to know what I'm eating each day or I improvise. That means going through a drive-thru. I make everything the night before and pack it up. In the morning I throw it in my bag and head off to work. Believe me, that is hard for me. I'm used to eating out every day at lunch. Send me a friend request and we'll help each other. Patti