Loss of appetite???

steppann Posts: 44
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
I have lots of calories left and the thought of eating makes me sick at my stomach. Its been like that the last couple of days, so I have been a good bit under lately. I don't want to put my body back in starvation mode again because I figured out the hard way you will stop loosing by doing that. Its really not like me to not want food so thinking it could be a touch of a stomach bug or something. What to do?


  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    Is there any chance you could be pregnant?
  • I have lots of calories left and the thought of eating makes me sick at my stomach. Its been like that the last couple of days, so I have been a good bit under lately. I don't want to put my body back in starvation mode again because I figured out the hard way you will stop loosing by doing that. Its really not like me to not want food so thinking it could be a touch of a stomach bug or something. What to do?

    Im no expert but maybe something high in calories to bring you up to your calorie goal.That way, you have to eat less but will still get your calories??? Just a thought
  • I have an IUD for birth control, and Im not late for anything, so im guessing no on being pregnant. But what a surprise that would be for the hubby.
  • That was my original thought honestly, but wasnt sure if that was good for me or not.
  • I get like that every so often. It's always on days that I work my butt off in exercise too...so the end of the day I have TONS of calories left to eat and don't want to think about food.
  • I have an IUD for birth control, and Im not late for anything, so im guessing no on being pregnant. But what a surprise that would be for the hubby.

    WHOA...isnt he overseas LOL
  • lyvvie
    lyvvie Posts: 7 Member
    Are you drinking enough water? Dehydration can lead to loss of appetite.
  • Yes he is over seas. BUT he was home the end of September - early October. Thats why I said what a surprise that would be lol.

    I didnt even think about the water but I have not been drinking as much as I was drinking, but just figured it was because I have not been working out as much as I was. Hmmm will definetly step up the water intake. Thanks
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    A good appetite is a very healthy sign. I've had the same problem lately. What it usually means is that you don't like your food choices.

    I found that my appetite increases when I smell food. Good sauces, cakes baking, gravies.... that sort of thing.

    Studying calories and nutrient values in foods may help. This site takes a little "practice." You are only here since October. Try to study the food choices in the diaries of your friends. You may get some meal choices that you can use. Also, take your time to investigate some of the other foods that you once liked and see if you can incorporate them into your weight loss regime.

    I wish you lots of success in reaching your goals!
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Hmm, I am no idea. :( Maybe you're coming down with a bug?
  • Yes he is over seas. BUT he was home the end of September - early October. Thats why I said what a surprise that would be lol.

    I didnt even think about the water but I have not been drinking as much as I was drinking, but just figured it was because I have not been working out as much as I was. Hmmm will definetly step up the water intake. Thanks

    AHhh LOL OK ;)
  • You could just switch to a regular salad dressing or something. The sauces and gravies comment made me think of that. If you are way below all of the time, it means you can actually butter your bread (or jelly it) you know what I mean.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Had that happen to me two weeks ago.
    It would be lunch time at work and I would have no desire to eat anything. Didn't even feel hungry.

    Then a week came and by golly it all I craved was sugar & carbs.

    I'm hoping I've gotten past that now.
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