Calories Burned for Strength Exercises

I usually use MFP from the app on my phone. I was just cleared to resume strength training and went to the gym last night. I logged each of my exercises, including set/rep/weight but the calories burned aren't being recorded like they do when I log cardio. I thought maybe I needed to add a setting from the online MFP and I found where it can be calculated based on my weight and the exercise but when I enter the number of minutes nothing happens. What am I doing wrong? Any help is appreciated!! Thanks!


  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    I'm having the same problem and cannot find a why to make the calories burned during strength training show up. I know I burn calories doing crunches, squats, etc., but have no way to keep track of it on here. I usually just think about what I've burned in my head an add it into my totals.
  • joannadalina
    joannadalina Posts: 112 Member
    You need to add it under cardiovascular, not under strength. I was having the same issue. I think strength is just there to keep track of like how many reps you did and the amount of weight but it doesn't effect your calories burned for exercise. But if you put it under cardio and just search "Strength / weight training" it will ask you how many minutes done and it will give you a calorie count burn.

    I tend to take whatever they number they give and cut it in half since MFP tends to over estimate.

    Best of luck,
  • chris830b
    Thank you so much! Now I just need to figure out HOW to calculate the calories burned so I can add my exercises. Who knew this would be so complicated!! :tongue:
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    There's a generic "strength training" button you can just plug your time into.
  • Jacson53
    Jacson53 Posts: 62 Member
    There is a pretty good explanation on the MFP help page.

    Also lots of threads in this forum.
    Still learning here; I just finished loading all my Split Routine exercises under Strength Training and then selected the Strength Training entry under Cardio.

    Good luck.