Time to lose it for good!!!

Hey everyone! My name is Barbara! Just wanted to say hey and ask if anyone has any tips/suggestions on how to stay on track, motivated and not fall backwards. I have been able to lose 60+ pounds in the past(through a diet program) but then depression got the best of me and I gained it all back which I AM NOT PROUD OF. Any suggestions is much appreciated.
Now a little about me, I have two kids (both boys) and I was born and raised in Newport News VA with 5 brothers & Sisters. I still live in Newport News to this day, but I hope to move out of the area one day or at least do more traveling. I joined MFP to help keep track of my progress and to continue to stay motivated. I want to lose weight so that I will not have serious medical issues as I get older. I also want to be able to do more exciting activities with my kids and not worry if my weight/health will restrict me from doing so.


  • This journey is such a mental challenge. I found in my personal struggle that in order for me to change myself, I must change the way I think. Every day, I have to constantly remind myself why I even started in the first place. Life is going to get in the way, that's for sure. The important thing is to hop back on the band wagon as soon as you realize that you have fallen off. The longer you wait to jump back on, the harder it's going to be. Good luck and feel free to add me if you need someone to annoy you :D
  • Hi Barbara, I'm Nick. I know I've been where you are and can certainly relate to where you are now. It can be so tough to "stay on the wagon." Like asianmonkie said, it's more of a mental challenge than anything. And, this time of year doesn't make it any easier with all the Christmas parties and activities as well as a tendency to say indoors more so than the summer months.

    Having accountability partners to join you in the journey is probably one of the best things. Let's face it, we all have up and down days, and we don't always feel like keeping up with a routine. So having someone there to push us and motivate us to keep fighting the good fight can only help us to succeed. I'm already encouraged by reading your post and seeing how willing you are to take care of yourself! You mentioned how you want to be there for your kids -- there's no better motivation than this!

    So, like asianmonkie also said, "hop back on the bandwagon as soon as you realize that you have fallen off. The longer you wait to jump back on, the harder it can be."

    Take care and best of luck to you!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Hey Barbara. I'm the youngest of 5 and have two kids age 4 and 6. My Kick to finally do this was my cholestoral and needing to be here as long as possible to help raise these kids the best we can.

    I'm in motivational groups on facebook also that has really helped. I knew "Someone" was watching!

    We're here to help!!!!