Change Your Life In 12 Weeks!!!!!!

YouCanDoItToo Posts: 5
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
12 weeks... It's not a long time but it can make such a massive difference to the rest of your life if you go all out, to achieve your goals. For the next 12 weeks promise yourself that you will follow your schedule to the letter without wavering and just like magic, you will see massive changes that will reaffirm your desire to do even more. You will notice a snowball effect that will motivate you on a deeper level as you shed those pounds, get fitter and feel so much better about yourself.

Change your life might seem like a bold statement on the surface but the sense of achievement you will gain along with increased self esteem and discipline will spill over into other areas of your life. You will take other aspects of your life that for one reason or another, you have never got around to changing and take charge. For instance, I exercise the same control over my finances as I do over my body and I have never been happier or more goal orientated than I am now. It's no coincidence that I have recently moved house and about to fulfil a lifetimes ambition.

I asked myself back in June of this year, what's the worst that can happen by devoting a mere 12 weeks of my life to make major changes and the fact is, I lost 60lbs in that time frame! Maybe I've got more will power than I thought but to be honest I'm just a regular guy who woke up one day and said enough is enough... Years of neglecting my body and eating poorly has been reversed in a very short space of time.

WARNING! It will cost you to have to buy a whole new wardrobe but you will enjoy having to spend.

I am happy to offer tips, advice and details of exactly how it was done. You Can Do It!


  • Awesome post and congrats on your hardwork and successful results!
  • caryn2010
    caryn2010 Posts: 50 Member
    Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Yes please. tips. advice. details of how it was done. All of the above!!! :)
    Right on. I feel some inspiration creepin up on me. :)
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    A whole new wardrobe is the expensive part of losing weight quickly, especially for someone who likes to wear tight fitting clothes. I know someone who lost a tremendous amount of weight after having her ears staples as a form of appetite control, and she donated so much of her clothes to the Salvation Army.

    But, you know what? Bring on the expense! Looking better sure outweighs that factor.
  • WOW!! Great results, and I agree 100%. I have been unwavering in the path to meeting my goal and I am down 20 lbs since starting Sept.1. I can definately see and feel the difference. Losing every pound kicks my motivation into high gear. It won't be long now and I will be at my high school weight. I can hardly wait.
  • Hi Damien. Now that's amazing! 60 pounds in 12 weeks. Help a sista out Damien! Did you incorporate this diet with weightloss pills or such? If so what? If not I'm gonna need your plan...:huh:
  • haleighallen
    haleighallen Posts: 209 Member
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^what she said! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ lol
  • Hi,
    I assure you that I haven't used any gimmicks or so called dietry aids. The only thing I'm promoting is encouragement and inspiration. I will be posting more details shortly but it's all about change.
  • Hi Larryiraorange,

    You definitely get it... You'll hit your target in no time at all. Way to go, on your loss so far. It's a self perpetuating buzz of empowerment that keeps you on track & determined to succeed. You have no doubt already realised that it's spreading to other areas of your life right?
  • MsCyone
    MsCyone Posts: 223 Member
    Very motivating post, thanks for posting! I'm definitely thinking of giving myself a 12 week boot camp and just go for it, 60lbs. In that time is amazing! Congrats on your loss!
  • Absolutely, the weight loss is having a "ripple" effect. I honestly did not realize how often I was passing opportunities up because of the weight. Probably some combination of not liking the way I was looking and feeling physically bad. I still have a long way to go, but I have already come pretty far and the difference in the way I look and feel is night and day. I would say that so far the biggest change has been mental, I am now more of a "Let's go do _______ guy" than a "I am good on the couch man"
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