the end of my first day back

ok, the day started off good with good intentions... AND i didn't realize just how bad my eating habits of gotten. But, on a positive note, i did make myself log EVERYTHING i put in my mouth today so i would at least be aware. and now that i am aware, i'll be more alert. Thinking maybe i need to write everything down when i'm not near a computer from here on out. i went over my calorie goal of 1200 by just at 1000 calories. no wonder i put on 7 pounds this month! anyways, i could really use some encouragement while i finish off this cookie :( tell me i'm not the only person dealing with this? hopefully tomorrow will be better. i think i've gotten used to eating so much more and so much junk, that i may be hungry for a couple days while i'm readjusting to a reduced calorie and CLEAN diet. I just feel yucky!


  • i feel like i do best when i take a trip to the grocery store and prepare myself! when i don't have healthy foods available right at the moment, it's too easy to grab "convenience" foods!
  • angeladike
    girl are you my twin i just started last week and just cut out all the pizza bacon cookies ice cream candy last week Had a set back last nite at about four in the morning. get this i bought some keebler c chip cookies threw them in the trast (in a nicely tied up bag earlier that day) well i should have taken the trash out but didnt so anyway i got up this morning with cookie crumbs in the bag and this sweet taste of sugar in my mouth that lasted all day. you got at 4 in the morning i went in the garbage can and got the bag out and ate eight of those cookies. so i can relate you can do and welcome back. my cals use to be about 3000 a day for real and now with the healthy eating i got them down. start working out i walk on the tread mill at home try it again good luck.