Depression = Weightloss...

Hey everyone,

I've just logged onto this site after a very long time... and since then, I really haven't been watching what I eat :/ I wouldn't say I've been guzzling endless plates of junk food or anything like that, I've just been giving into cravings A LOT, eating more than I'm happy about, and exercising far less than I should.

And I'm not using this an excuse, but, I'm pretty sure my lack of willpower is because of my depression. It doesn't just make me lose hope in losing weight, but it makes me so tired all the time; even getting out of bed is an effort.

When I muster up the energy to go for a jog, or do pilates or calisthenics, I feel great afterwards. But it takes so much more to actually *do* exercise than it used to, and I can't seem to go for as long :(

Now it's nearly the holiday season, and I will be around 5 people who don't support my weightloss and - as much as I love them - really aren't in the best shape, health or condition. I don't want to get even more behind, I already feel depressed enough as it is :(

What can I do to get back on track? To find more energy (I can't sleep more, don't have time)? To stop giving into those cravings when the foods I crave are around me all the time?

Thank you in advance, really appreciate some support right now :'(


  • Synchronicity
    Synchronicity Posts: 82 Member
    I struggle with depression too. The best advice I can give you is: go see a professional.

    Yes, depression is going to hinder your weight loss. It's a viscous cycle. You KNOW that if you exercise and that if you get out and do things, you WILL fill better (at least a little), but the fatigue and darkness inside make it hard to "just do it". So you don't go. And because you don't go, you feel worse, and you want to give up.

    A therapist can help. Sometimes (not always) medication can help. But I really do urge you to seek help. It's really hard to magically find the motivation to make the changes you need to make when you're depressed.

    Good luck! You're not alone with this battle.