Who works night?

I work night shift, only part time thank god. But on my days off I have to live a normal life on day shift for my girls. My youngest isn't in school yet. I'm tired all of the time! There are often days when I only get a 3 hour nap or so. I have a hard time deciding what day to track food on. I wake up at 7am but then work all night. When I eat during night at work what day does it count for? I'm focusing on healthy eating. I know junk will only make me more sluggish. It's now 8:30 pm and I had one 3 hour nap since yesterday when I actually got up at 5am, Days like these I'm way too beat to workout. Help! Anyone have a similar situation?


  • nikkiclaire123
    i know how hard nights are!

    one thing that helped me is to flip the 24hour clock, so my breakfast would be 8pm, lunch at 2pm and dinner at 8am. so whenever you wake up, the first meal after is logged as breakfast
  • stephanieross1
    stephanieross1 Posts: 388 Member
    Yes! I'm in the same boat, taking class by day and working night shifts 6-6. I try and nap every time that I have - weekends are a blessing. I don't overboard myself on exercise though, just 20 minutes a day, and if I don't feel like it I won't.

    Don't push yourself too hard! Just remember to eat properly - night shift workers tend to gain most weight because of what they eat and how much. I find that drinking LOTS of water really keeps me up (plus I'm running to the bathroom frequently lol)

    Are you a single mom? Maybe you should get someone to help out just once of twice a week that way you can get some more sleep

    And I put everything under one day until I go to sleep, so nights on friday to saturday morning, everything would be under friday
  • ntftnm
    ntftnm Posts: 55 Member
    I'm 3rd shifter also. And a mother of 3. I can definately sympathize, my kids are 6, 4, and 7 mos. Sometimes im so tired i think i will drop. They each seem to have different schedules that do not match up with my schedule....so i try to run at their schedule, when I have to be awake i try do things with them that make me exercise, let them ride bike and i try keep up, play kick ball, take a little nature hike. Anything to get me to move but more importantly spend quality time with them. So mayb i dont do a "real workout" but i was moving and my kids got some quality time with mom.

    As far as tracking, i try to track by the time, i dont care what meal it was suppose to be- i just need to make sure im counting everything that goes into my mouth...otherwise i spend time i dont have tying to figure it out. So far it seems to b working ok.
  • akj_25
    akj_25 Posts: 244 Member
    -i work night 3 nights a week - then live in the real world for 4 days a week . for me it is easiest to just switch days on the log at midnight every night - i don't pay any attention to which heading i log things under.
    -also if i log supper for one evening but don't get a chance to eat it till after midnight i just leave it logged
    -it also helps me if you look at a weekly calorie amount rather than daily, because my daily totals may be all over the place. my first day back to work has less calories typically than my last day of work because on my last day i end up with a through the night snack and then 3 meals with the family, whereas first day back has no snack and only two meals.
  • ntftnm
    ntftnm Posts: 55 Member
    Hey guys u still awake? Im so tired i may go eat....again....what do u eat or drink for energy