Helping Fitness Quotes

Hi everyone!
So here's the idea: I have a folder on my computer in which I keep pictures and quotes about diet and exercise that keep me motivated. Since everyone is experiencing a little struggle now and then I thought it would be a good idea to help each other by sharing quotes or other motivation phrases. If you have them and want to share, you can post them here :)
For today this is mine:

"I may not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday."


  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    I used to have a fitness/recovery tumblr blog (not active at the moment). Made this for it after getting sick of seeing 'detox' posts on my dashboard.


    edit: if you don't mind ignoring all the personal posts, there are some nice quotes/recipes on here though
  • llyakl88
    llyakl88 Posts: 11 Member
    Some of my favourites:

    'If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you'

    'If you look good at the end of your workout, you didn't train hard enough'

    'Quit talking, start doing'

    'You can't get much done in life if you only work on the days you feel good'

    'You can either feel sore tomorrow or sorry - you choose!'
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    I like the one that goes "no matter how slow you're going, you're lapping everyone on the couch"

    And something about doing exercise FIRST thing in the morning before the brain has woken up properly and realised what you're doing.