Binge eating/depressed?

My boyfriend and I had a disagreement of sorts today, and it has left me feeling sick and depressed. Apart of me is afraid I'll binge eat- it's what I used to do when I was heavy whenever I was depressed or stressed. I haven't felt this bad in a long time. Any helpful tips? do you binge eat when depressed?


  • blankney94
    I'm sorry I'm not much help, but I've just finished reading a book that may interest you - The Good Eater, by Ron Saxen. It's his life story and he has a binge eating disorder. In the book he recounts his struggles with food, and the causes of his binging.
  • Dandman1990
    Dandman1990 Posts: 196 Member
    As somebody who was almost 10 stone (140lbs) overweight I used to eat during any emotion. I would eat is I was sad, worried, stressed, lonely, bored etc. I'd also pretty much associate any activity with eating such as "Oh, there's a good film on Netfliz, well I'll need to get 2lts of Pepsi and a 200g bag of doritos to watch it with"... etc.

    I still have 1 day a week where I go crazy (literally about 7000 calories) after about 11 weeks on here but at least I can contain it to that one day and at the moment I'm still going down. my plans are just to lessen the amount I binge until it becomes a maximum of around 3000 calories because I figure everyone needs some kind of cheats. xD
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I used to- I've still been known to overindulge a bit when at times when I'm stressed or sad. Here's the thing...overcoming binge eating is usually a process. It takes time, it's something I've worked at over a year, and I'm much better now, but I'm still not perfect.

    The main thing is to not let yourself panic, even if you do fail. Don't let it be a catastrophic event. Don't let it cause you to quit.
  • catholiclorimom
    catholiclorimom Posts: 15 Member
    A bit of advice from a former binge eater, who lapses, but rarely. Overeating covers up the hurt/uneasy feelings and these need to be addressed in more healthy ways--talking to a friend, writing in a journal, medatation, etc. This change needs to be done gently and lovingly. Just being more aware that you are trying to "eat your bad feelings" rather than deal with them can help correct this compulsive habit. I also needed to get some medical help for a bit, and even some counseling. I have gained much insight by attending Overeater Anonomyous group. While waiting for all this to fall into place myfitnesspal is your best friend. It will keep you honest and on track. I'll be saying a prayer for you tonight, my friend. All will be well in the end we just need to persevere!
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    Hang in there, sweetheart. Just remember these words: this too shall pass.

    You did the right thing by reaching out and asking for support. Good on you for that.

    Take care of you. Don't binge eat. Take care of yourself. You'll be ok.
  • WhisperAnne
    Thank you everyone! all of you are so kind. I've never had so much support before =)
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    There are looks of good books. I found that the Gillian Riley book - eating less, saying goodbye to over eating , is really good.
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    Im the same I just had a 4 day binge after having a really hard couple of days with the kids. Now is my first fresh day and I need to stick to eating when hungry and not before. I had 3 biscuits with a cup of tea and not the whole packet so thats a good sign. I suffer with post natal depression and even with meds if I have a heavy day with unhappy kids then it can send me into binge mode but im trying to chose a book instead of food to unwind now
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    My boyfriend and I had a disagreement of sorts today, and it has left me feeling sick and depressed. Apart of me is afraid I'll binge eat- it's what I used to do when I was heavy whenever I was depressed or stressed. I haven't felt this bad in a long time. Any helpful tips? do you binge eat when depressed?

    I used to self medicate with food too. My drug of choice was chocolate, or baked goods. Back in March I had a very tough month, and a dear friend taught me that I could take my feelings to the gym instead of the kitchen.

    in March my special needs son almost got expelled from school. I took all those bad feelings to the gym and I ran on the treadmill for like 40 minutes. I must have still had a crazy look in my eye when I was done, because Justin ( my dear friend) took one look at me and told me I needed to do the battle ropes ( big huge ropes that you beat the floor with).

    My dad was sick for 6 months. We knew he was terminal. When he would have a particularly bad turn, I threw myself into my cardio, or my weight training. I was in the gym when I found out that he had hours to live. I told my 2 closest gym friends, then went and ran on the treadmill. Did I make bad food choices the day he died? yes...but I didn't go crazy.

    you CAN stop binge eating to "treat" your depression. You just have to find other ways to deal with your sad, mad, etc feelings. For me, I pick a corner treadmill and run as hard as I can. If the tears come, they come. If I am feeling violent, the gym has a heavy bag and the battle ropes. I know the trainer would loan me his boxing gloves if I asked.
  • strangeone25
    strangeone25 Posts: 114 Member
    You can do this...I used to be the same when I was stressed or the previous poster sad I now find other ways to cope with stress. I like to run on the treadmill as well as journal how I am feeling. It helps to process what is going on in my life. Just figure out what works for you. It might take some time but you can do this.
  • SCV34
    SCV34 Posts: 2,048 Member
    I don't binge eat when I am upset, I am quit the opposite. I kind of shut down and don't want to eat. If you are upset and wanting to binge eat, find something else to occupy your time like read a book or watch a favorite movie. Tell yourself this too shall pass! Hope this helps:smile:
  • _jayciemarie_
    _jayciemarie_ Posts: 574 Member
    I'm actually opposite. When I get depressed/sad/mad I typically can't eat a thing.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    It's not really a tip, but I just try to remind myself that over-eating/binge eating won't actually change anything. It won't change the situation that I'm upset/sad/angry about, it won't make depression go away. It will make me feel better in the (very) short term, but then I will only feel regret. It doesn't fix anything. I just try to distract myself, both from the bad feelings and the desire to overeat, until the feelings pass. Exercise is a great suggestion because you also get the endorphin boost. It's something that (in my experience) gets easier with practise. When **** happens, I still get the urge to over-eat, but the urge is more fleeting now, and I know that I don't need to give into it. It isn't more powerful than me. Not usually anyway. :smile:
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    I struggle with binge eating. One thing that works for me is sipping a can of diet coke while browsing through mfp success stories till the urge passes.
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    oh and another thing. i "save" funny and entertaining tv shows for when im feeling really depressed so that i will have something great to distract me and make me feel better. There are a few shows that i have for this purpose and i only watch them when i feel really really bad and they are like my medicine lol one of these shows is key and peele and the other is the mindy project.
  • wanttobeskinny1212
    yeah i do i ate a 2.5litre box of icecream once.I was so cold after.Try to get some exercise done.I like to just go online for a bit looking at success stories to distract myself.