Back for the last time! Ready to lose 100+ pounds! pics


My name is Rae Ann, and I am going to say that I LOVE MYFITNESS PAL! In 2011 I looked at a picture of me from my sisters graduation and I was physically sick and how much weight I had gained, I was 23 years old. I vowed then that I would lose the weight and that would be that! Well by the next year using myfitnesspal I was able to lose 80 pounds! I was so happy but knew I needed to lose more, my highest weight was 280+ (didn't like looking at the scale so not sure how high it actually got) and my lowest was 200 after mfp. I had set my goal at 120, but obviously I just want to be healthy. Well, while at the gym one night I ended up going to the ER with heart rates of 220+ that would not go down. A few days later I was in having heart surgery! (I had already had 2 previous heart surgeries at 15 and 19). Needless to say I was very nervous to go back and work out as rigulously as I had been previously, so the weight started to creep back up due to lack of exercise and lots of stress! In May I graduated from college for Registered Nursing, and then in September I got married!! After my wedding I gained 25 pounds, putting me back up to 250! OMG I couldn't believe that happened! I refused to buy new pants, so I knew I needed to get healthy, and have almost lost the 25 pounds, working on a total 130 pounds to lose. Oh I should add that I am only 5'3" I will add pics of when I was 280+ and today at 226.8 lol Anyone with similiar situations add me! I tend to get sort of obsessive and hate to bore my friends with all of my weight loss talk haha




  • markdfield
    Well done for the success so far - another go should be equally sucessful.
  • raestanke
    raestanke Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks! good luck to you too!
  • Ericl1960
    Good for you, continuously talking to your friends and family and sharing your success, that's a positive thing it, means your focused. Staying focus means you will reach your goal. Regardless if your boring your friends, shouting it from a mountaintop, or pissing the words on a fresh fallen blanket of snow, you keep on boring us all.
  • SaraB_82
    SaraB_82 Posts: 45 Member
    Awesome! I'm 5'3" and sitting around 196 at the moment and you look SO MUCH fitter than I do. It's ridiculous! You're doing a sick job! I started out at 268 back in 2008 and started losing because of a heart condition as well. I just have a ventricular tachycardia, so it's nothing major but it was still enough to scare me! My heart can also go above 200 bpm resting if I don't take beta blockers, so I kind of feel your pain. It SUCKS to be scared of your own body!

    You (or anyone with a similar story/goal) can add me as a friend if you want. I don't have any MFP friends yet even though I've logged for 80+ days! :laugh: I'm shooting for 150 pounds right now and then I'll reevaluate again. I'm of the slow and steady mindset, so I try for -5 pounds a month. Fair warning though, I do eat pretty dirty (and enjoy a regular night-cap) which is something I'm working on. But I'm very honest about that in my logging and I figure that's half the battle!
  • Eatn2LiveNotLivn2Eat
    Thanks for sharing your helps all of us who starting out and can't believe it got so out of hand. :smile: