Fellow HCG Dieters! Help! :)

Good morning all! I am looking for some suggestions, recipes, and some support for the HCG diet I am on. I am doing the HCG Platinum diet from GNC. I am in Phase1 D12 R1. I have been sticking to the 500 calorie diet but am running out of ideas on what to eat and what I can eat. Can I chew gum? Can I use Truvia? Can I have wheat noodles? lol I did read the protocol but it does just give you example meals but I was just wondering if anyone on hear might want to share their good ideas! Thank you


  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    500 calories?!? That doesn't sound safe at all! :huh: Be safe!
  • Kimah72
    Hi :) I'm day 5 of phase 1, doing my 2nd round. I would not eat noodles or any other wheat during the program except for two pieces of the allowed Melba Toast. I got mine from the health food store so they are small little rounds. Most days, I don't even eat that as I find it's very quick to hit my 500 calorie mark.

    One meal I make that is truly satisfying is scrambled eggs whites. I get the Kirkland brand and use 1 1/4 cups so it's a ton. I don't use any oils, just a non-stick pan but since it is the whites, they do still stick. I tried making this an omelet but it turned out to be more scrambled than anything. In another pan I stir fry mushrooms, red pepper and onion until tender in about 2 T of reduced sodium soy sauce. Then I set aside and cook the eggs. I will also add either a dill mixture that has garlic and other spices to the eggs to give more flavor. Then I cook the eggs and then add the veggies. It's yummy! To change it up, I add a cajun season blend to the eggs for a spicy flavor. It's almost too much food by the time I'm done but around 220 calories. I also cut up 5 oz of chicken into tender size pieces and then add reduced sodium soy sauce and dehydrated garlic and let soak in a baggie for minimum of 30 minutes, then I cook it up and serve it with steamed broccoli or whatever vegetable I might want that day. Mushrooms are good with this too. I steam a lot of my foods, especially vegetables and fish. When I steam fish I use lemon juice and whatever spices, like the dill and cajun, and wrap it up in foil and bake for 15 minutes at 420. I get used to eating the same thing every day. I just had a hard time with week three. This time I plan on having better planned meals to look forward to get through the tough days. Hope this helped! :)
  • nurse_jenie
    There is a support foum on here with a whole bunch of HCGers. Go to the link below and I'm sure some HCG vets can help you out with everything you need to know.

  • loula28
    Thank you ladies! I really appreciate the meal ideas! I will try them out! I clicked on the link but can't figure out how to post my topic. I can see everyone's ongoing topics but don't know how to post a new one! LOL! HELP!
  • nurse_jenie
    Go to the bottom right hand part of the screen & hit the green reply button. You post your topic the same exact way you posted thanks message. See you over there:smile:
  • Gorgeous1
    Gorgeous1 Posts: 450 Member
    Thank you ladies! I really appreciate the meal ideas! I will try them out! I clicked on the link but can't figure out how to post my topic. I can see everyone's ongoing topics but don't know how to post a new one! LOL! HELP!

    MGP started a new thread because there are over 500 comments on the one you have the link to (listed above)

    click here then just press the green REPLY button to post. See you there!

  • dsmaddox
    You can buy HCG at GNC now?

    Im starting my second round of the HCG diet on Saturday. Lost 47lbs the first time, hope for similar results this time.