At what TDEE are you maintaining?

I'm being curious. I'm 5'3 and trying to figure out my real TDEE to maintain. Right now I am at 1400-1450 calories a day (+ exercise calories) I'm 21 and a women.

So what is your TDEE? How much to you weigh? How tall are you? Your age? What number is MFP setting for you to maintain? What is your level ox exercise?



  • Hey! I am 5'3", female, 29 years old and according to my Fitbit I average 2600 calories burned in a day. I am very active. But I am too lazy to weigh my food so I have been maintaining at 2350 calories a day for a few weeks now (I am eating more than that because I am not weighing my food). I did lose a little a week ago but I am back up again. Currently fluctuating between 114 and 117 pounds.

    ETA: mfp has my calorie goal as 1810 + exercise calories/day. But I use TDEE for 2350/day.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I'm being curious. I'm 5'3 and trying to figure out my real TDEE to maintain. Right now I am at 1400-1450 calories a day (+ exercise calories) I'm 21 and a women.

    So what is your TDEE? How much to you weigh? How tall are you? Your age? What number is MFP setting for you to maintain? What is your level ox exercise?


    I've just started using the TDEE method because I have continued to lose weight going by what other calorie calculators have given me (including MFP). With the TDEE method I'm still losing weight, but I've had trouble eating all the 'extra' calories this method gives me; this week I've also been sick so I think part of my new low this week is dehydration. I am probably going to get my thyroid checked too in January if I can't get the weight stabilized.


    35 yrs old, female
    5ft, 6in
    Mark Lauren's strength training program three days a week M/W/F for 30 minutes (uses body weight/no equipment)
    running 3 days a week T/TH/S for 2-3 miles a time (with a bit of walking mixed in, maybe .25-.5m worth)
    So I entered in 6 days of exercise

    Weight at the time I figured out TDEE was 119.5lbs (two weeks ago?)
    CW-117.5 :tongue:

    TDEE calories-2,255 a day
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    TDEE - somewhere around 2k-2400





    MFP thinks I maintain on 1890.

    I probably work out 3 or 4 x per week for a half hour each time. I lift weights and run.
  • Elif84
    Elif84 Posts: 287 Member
    I'm 5'3" and currently 127 lbs. I'm set to maintain at 1500 calories, which works for me. I'm very sedentary until I exercise for the day.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I maintain at 5'3" 112 around 1950+ exercise, so approximately 2200TDEE.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I maintain at 5'3" 112 around 1950+ exercise, so approximately 2200TDEE.

    what kind of exercise are you doing/frequency? I'm taller than you and my TDEE is supposedly around the same as yours, and my weight is still fluctuating-I wonder if I should bump the calories up a bit yet?
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Any TDEE calculator is only going to be able to give you a ball-park estimate. The only way to find your true TDEE is to play around with your intake calories until you find the sweet spot. Still losing? Add another 100 cals to your current intake and see what that does after a few weeks and it's had time to stabilize. Gaining? Drop it back down. There's no "correct" answer, and it's going to be different for every individual even if they're the same age, height, weight, etc etc. ETA: FWIW I'm 5'9 and maintain at 128 ish on at least 2400/day. Bulking now on 2600 but also stopped doing cardio.
  • Stupid question, what's TDEE?
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Stupid question, what's TDEE?

    No such thing as a stupid question :) TDEE=total daily energy expenditure. It's the amount of calories your body burns in total, including BMR (basal metabolic rate - the amount you burn just existing); the cals you burn moving around doing day-to-day stuff like cooking, sitting at your desk, walking around; and the cals you burn doing exercise. If you eat the same number of calories as your TDEE, your weight stays the same - you're in maintenance. Eat less, lose. Eat more, gain. :) Make sense? For example, I'm currently bulking (trying to gain muscle mass), so I'm eating more than my TDEE to deliberately put on weight.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I maintain at 5'3" 112 around 1950+ exercise, so approximately 2200TDEE.

    what kind of exercise are you doing/frequency? I'm taller than you and my TDEE is supposedly around the same as yours, and my weight is still fluctuating-I wonder if I should bump the calories up a bit yet?
    First, I'd like to say that this number is an estimate, and that I came up with it based on my actual results. If I eat under 1950+ exercise, I lose weight. My exercise usually consists of an am workout dvd (like Ripped in 30, hi/lo aerobics, or yoga--but yoga usually only 1 of those workouts) 5-6 days/wk, plus an afternoon workout 3 days/wk of either weight lifting or a circuit, and then one day of running if the weather is nice. If the weather is not nice, I usually do another video (either Ripped in 30 or a longer one like The Firm super cardio mix-1 hr, or body boot camp-45 min.) I also use heavier weights with those videos than they call for. Most videos tell you to use 3lb hand weights, I use 8-9lb dumbbells most of the time. I have a low bf% and am very muscular for my size.

    You can try bumping the calories up, but I can't say how it will work for YOU:) Its all an experiment. If you decide to change up your routine, give yourself time to adjust and see what happens, before changing again.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    My TDEE is about 2500 on average. I also have active days of 3000. A lazy day will put me at 2200.
    Edited to add: 45, 5'11"
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'm 48, 5'6", 135, menopausal, female.
    I average eating about 2000 calories a day (not net). I ride or walk to work, and run 5k every other day (and walk an hour the alternating days) and do Pilates every other day (and have always worked out). I burn probably 500 from "work outs" every day.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    TDEE is 2100.
    I'm 133 lbs.
    60 inches (5'0") tall.
    25 years old.
    MFP sets maintenance at 1940.
    Exercise 2-3 times/week, all weight lifting.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    About 1500. Still trying to nail it. I have found that sodium adds enough weight that I am giving myself a five pound window. Female, 5'5", age 53 next week, good shape but now awesome (yet).
  • fitpilotjake
    fitpilotjake Posts: 11 Member
    5-9" 165 lbs
    1900 on low days (3)
    2300 on hi days (1)

    Currently running a 3 day split x twice a week

    This is good for building and maintenance would be slightly lower than this.
  • MMulder68
    MMulder68 Posts: 139 Member
    I am still losing and have about 50 more pounds to go. I eat 1740 a day, that is at a 500 calorie deficit. I am steadily losing a pound a week. I am 5'4".
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I should clarify that I do exercise but don't log it. My TDEE is probably a little higher, but I don't worry about it. I am trying to find my healthy balance.
  • shellfly
    shellfly Posts: 186
    I'm still trying to figure out what my TDEE is now, but I think it's around 1600. It was at ~1950 prior to my doctor reducing my thyroid medication dosage. My weight started going up at that point when nothing else had changed, so I had to start dropping calories little by little, to try to drop the extra and find a stable point. I currently weigh in the range of 115-117, and I'm 5'5". I set the number on MFP rather than letting it calculate it because I do not have it deducting exercise calories. I exercise 6 days a week - 4 days mostly focused on strength training with a little cardio thrown in, and 2 cardio days.
  • So what is your TDEE? How much to you weigh? How tall are you? Your age? What number is MFP setting for you to maintain? What is your level ox exercise?


    Doing 3100cal/day (bulking, using a number based off of Jay Cutler's 'Living Large' program)
    up to 175lbs
    6 foot 1 inch
    MFP has me at ~2650
    Training 6 days per week, either resistance or Olympic/strongman
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    I'm being curious. I'm 5'3 and trying to figure out my real TDEE to maintain. Right now I am at 1400-1450 calories a day (+ exercise calories) I'm 21 and a women.

    So what is your TDEE? How much to you weigh? How tall are you? Your age? What number is MFP setting for you to maintain? What is your level ox exercise?


    6'2", 29 y/o, 225lb, male.

    TDEE varies between 3000 for a normal day and 4000 for a day my unit does PT (on top of my personal workouts).

    I've actually had to do more of the math, myself, thanks to having problems getting MFP to work with my FitBit. So I now have one calculated value that uses an activity level based on my resistance exercise, alone, on top of which I add the additional calories I burn walking / running, as recorded by my FitBit.