Busy Lifestyle - Not Eating Right

I'm sure a lot of you out there are just like me, always on the go. I am a substitute teacher during the week usually from 8am-4pm and then a minimum of 3 evenings out of the week I work at a hospital from 5pm-8pm. On top of that I work on the weekends at the hospital 8am-8pm and all my other week day evenings I'm usually running from sporting event to sporting event supporting the kids I substitute for. Needless to say I'm gone all day from 7am-9pm. And I need help...

I'm having a hard time being able to fit in all my meals throughout the day and I'm not big on snacking. So when I get home at 8 or 9 at night I usually eat something quick, usually unhealthy, like fast food or a frozen entree. The last thing I want to do after getting home from a full day and being so late at night is cook.

So here is what I'm hoping to hear from you...
- If you have a busy lifestyle like me how do you find time to make sure you are getting in all your meals?
- If you are someone who gets in late at night and is drained and doesnt want to cook as well, what do you suggest for meals?
- Anything else that is on your mind when it comes to this topic or my situation is always welcomed.

Thank you!!! smile


  • JoJo__Fit
    JoJo__Fit Posts: 258 Member
    Oh I feel you, I too work, go to school & take my son to his activities.. I'm never home. By the time I get home It's late and I'm exhausted. But really it's all about how bad you really want it. Even though I'm tired I still prep my meals for the following day or days.

    Make some spagetti squash: Throw it in the oven & cook some grounded turkey and place it on the side while the squash is baking and While I'm waiting, I'm studying or doing something else around the house.

    I also cook a ton of yams & grill some chicken on the side

    Also I have a ton of frozen veggies, tuna

    I will always make time for that, I don't want to eat frozen food or fast food, that's just not my thing. I hate the feeling of not being able to make positive changes to get the body I want & deserve.

    You have to find the time and make that commintment. It's for yourself. You can do it!!!
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    There are still pretty healthy fast food options to choose- grilled chicken sandwiches, salads, side of fruit. I tend to eat a lot of rotisserie chicken, most every grocery store carries them, it's great hot for dinner and then cold the next day for lunch. I also pack a cooler with me pretty much every day. Precut veggies and dip and fruit are really easy to prep and carry.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    Fruit is possibly the fastest and most convenient snack around - no refrigeration required, comes ready wrapped, doesn't need to be heated to eat.

    Set aside a few hours a month to make some ready meals for the freezer. By cooking them yourself using fresh ingredients you can control the amount of salt, sugar, macros etc., then when you're too busy to cook you can still throw a meal in the microwave but at least you know it's healthy.

    Cook a whole chicken and it'll last a couple of days for snacking and sandwiches, or buy a ready cooked one.
  • MarineCodie
    MarineCodie Posts: 256 Member
    Yep, I hear ya.

    Crockpot. Seriously amazing. I think someone above mentioned frozen meals. I do this twice per month. I make a big shopping trip and get all of the ingredients I need to make 14 batches of food. I freeze them in gallon bags and in the morning before work I put them in a crockpot. By the time I get home my house not only SMELLS amazing but dinner is waiting on me. I normally take that for lunch the next day too. There are tons of sites with these frozen meal recipes.
  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    I'm a college professor, and weeks when I have papers to grade or have a lot of extra office hours for my students, I don't really have time to cook. When I'm on the ball, I plan, shop for, and prepare a week's worth of meals at once. Thursday night I'll go over the sales flyer and plan my meals around what lean proteins are on sale and make my grocery list. Friday evening or Saturday morning I'll go for my groceries, and Sunday I'll prep and package my lunches and dinners for the week.

    I also try to stock my freezer with as many healthy meals as I can. I'm excited that my parents are getting me a little chest freezer for Christmas, because now I'll have more room for homemade dinners that can be ready in just a few minutes.

    Lately I haven't been as organized as I would like, and I've been relying too much on packaged foods. I'm sticking to my calories, but I don't have the energy I do when I cook from scratch, so I'm going to get back to it this weekend!

    If cooking once a week doesn't work for you, you might take a day or two every month to cook up a lot to freeze. Think of it as a good investment--cooking can be a pain sometimes (I especially hate cleaning up!), but you'll feel a lot better when you know exactly what you're eating and can control the salt, fat, etc.
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    Sit down, on a piece of paper draw up an eating plan, determine what you need in your fridge and cupboards as inventory to accommodate your eating plan. Before going to the grocery store, review the list of foods you need and compare with what's in your fridge/cupboard. Also, on your eating plan, determine which days you have the time to cook, and which days you need something in the fridge or freezer as an easy just reheat and eat. Planning is your key to success. Even though you have a full day of activities, which is really challenging to find time to prepare healthy meals, you have one positive thing going for you, which is repetitive schedule. Unlike people who have hectic spontaneous schedules (like people who travel for work -where they need to figure out how to eat given uncontrollable circumstances with limited food choices and bizarre eating times). Having a repetitive schedule is a plus, use it to your advantage.
  • cloth1dr
    Thank you everyone for your input. I'm going to try and start planning meals ahead of time that will freeze well and be able to heat up for when I finally make it home. All your input has been greatly appreciated!