postpartum frustration... ouch



  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    First, if you're still having incision site pain 4 months later, you should talk to your doctor! (Maybe I'm misunderstanding and it's just general exercise discomfort?)

    An exclusively breastfeeding 4 month old probably requires about 500 extra calories a day. You can add it in as a food (It shows as negative calories so it gives you more). Also, unless you have a lot of weight to lose (sorry, I didn't see your goals) you probably should be set at no more than 1 pound per week loss. If you're truly feeling hungry all the time, you need to eat more.

    As far as exercise, I would suggest start slowly, especially if you weren't doing much before your pregnancy. Walking is a great start. Pay attention to your posture, make sure you are standing upright with your shoulders back and your tummy tucked. Another good starting exercise is to lie on the floor on your back and practice tightening your abs (think of pushing your belly button to your spine and flattening your lower back onto the floor.) If your doctor mentioned you have separated the abdominal muscles (it can happen with any pregnancy, not just c-section - there's a name for the condition but I don't remember it :ohwell:) you'll need to make sure you're clear for abdominal exercise before you do anything. Otherwise, just start with what you can do, and gradually increase.
  • lilred806
    lilred806 Posts: 195 Member
    I had 2 c-sections. Both my boys were breech. Neither would ask for directions :) anyway my second c-section had more scar tissue and I took longer to heal. I avoided crunches and ab exercises like that for a while. I could do planks though so I started there. I kept turkey breast around to snack on and carrots with hummus. I like the Lindt dark chocolate bars 85% because they curb my chocolate cravings. I breast fed both my boys to around 13 months old. With both of them I gained 40lbs while pregnant. I lost about 20lbs the first month and then the rest slowly came off. With my second I joined Mfp and used 500 calories for breast feeding . I counted it as exercise for 1 minute and put it in daily. As I lost weight Mfp would slowly decrease the calories automatically because an exercise would in theory burn less if I weigh less. I think it worked pretty well. Protein always helps me feel fuller. I also began a vitamin d supplement. As my sleep improved so did my energy. I was lower than my start weight when I quit breast feeding. Unfortunately around the time I quit breast feeding I got depressed and began eating everything and gained back 20 lbs so here I am losing 1 lb a week to get rid of it all plus some more. Good luck. Oh and finding a gym with childcare was extremely important for my weight loss.
  • bge1009
    bge1009 Posts: 11 Member
    It could be possible. I should have them check iron levels also potassium has been a huge issue for me.
  • bge1009
    bge1009 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello, I have also had 2 c sections...Don't give up! 4 months is definitely not enough time for your stomach muscles to heal. It has taken me almost a yr until I really started to work on my stomach. If you push to hard too quickly, you can actually do more damage to the tissue. It has been almost 2 1/2 yrs now of consistency and good nutrition and my stomach is now looking amazing! I never thought that it would be possible considering that I had 2 c sections! So there is hope! Also I would like to invite you to my private Facebook group. It is a great place to seek encouragement & support to stay motivated. I will also be having group challenges after the Holidays which will require you to check in daily. Although, they will be optional. Does this seem like something that you may be interested in? The group name is "Fit and Healthy Minds" I would love for you to join us! Anyone else is also welcomed!

    I will look for it. Thanks :-)
  • bge1009
    bge1009 Posts: 11 Member
    While I was breastfeeding after c-section I had a constant supply of dried apricots, almonds, mixed seeds, and a bottle of water on the go. I wasn't watching my weight back then but it did help to have the healthy stuff to hand at all times (night and day!).

    Don't be hard on yourself, early days (months, years) are so exhausting so do whatever you need to keep well rested and nourished.

    ETA you can mix some chocolate pieces (chips, buttons, chunks, whatever) in with the fruit and nut mixture and it will help satisfy those cravings too.

    Thats a great idea. Thanks!
  • bge1009
    bge1009 Posts: 11 Member
    I began walking 5k's every weekend with the stroller brigade-every 5k has one. Just get in back with the walkers and other strollers. You get loads of positive energy and support from the other athletes. You are also doing charity work and you get a nice healthy snack at the end along with your t-shirt. All before most people wake up on saturday. I always took a photo of me with my daughter. I went from a size 18 to a size 10 in 1yr. The positive effect grew beyond me as my daughter left the stroller and began to run in fun runs, then walk 5k's. Her school began to have cross country down to kindergarten due to parent demand. That led to kid triathlons and duathlons. Now my kid is NOT some great athletic talent...and likely won't be. But she has learned that healthy eating and exercise are mandatory no matter what your wt is. Also check your labs, low vit d, anemia, and hypothyroidism will scuttle wt loss. Avoid simple carbs like the plague and get your good fats in. That's what worked for me, good luck!

    Thanks.. one of my goals was to do a 5k in april, the color run.
  • ElizabethFuller
    ElizabethFuller Posts: 352 Member
    I had 2 c-sections. Both my boys were breech. Neither would ask for directions :)

    That would be the Y chromosome at work, typical blokes!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Your baby is still Little. You may want to ask the doc why it hurts so much. Mine hurt for a bit but not where I felt like everything "Hurt" you have time!!!! my gut is finally getting pretty good. Its not a 6 pack but I think it looks pretty good for 48 and two c-sections in my 40's. There's still an inch that 'hangs' at that spot. I'm not 20, I can only do the best that I can and still take care of my kids.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    I had a c-section and then a v-bac, my kids are 5 and 3, and I still get the occasional twinge or full on soreness at the c section incision. It becomes a part of life.

    Take it easy on yourself, get used to life with two kids, get into a routine. And try for a walk every day or every other day with the kids or by yourself. Friends or family can hang out with one or both for an hour. Set a time of day for a small treat so you can limit the cravings by telling yourself it's not time, yet.
  • bge1009
    bge1009 Posts: 11 Member
    I had a c-section and then a v-bac, my kids are 5 and 3, and I still get the occasional twinge or full on soreness at the c section incision. It becomes a part of life.

    Take it easy on yourself, get used to life with two kids, get into a routine. And try for a walk every day or every other day with the kids or by yourself. Friends or family can hang out with one or both for an hour. Set a time of day for a small treat so you can limit the cravings by telling yourself it's not time, yet.

    I tried for a vbac.. but my little girl was 9lbs 8oz and 48 hours of back labor and 4 pushing was hell. It isnt so much incision pain its muscle pain... not even in my tummy.
  • emilydifeojustice
    I had 4 kids in 5 1/2 years! I didn't have a C-section, but I breastfed all of them and I was never able to lose weight while breastfeeding. I found if I dieted my milk supply would suffer. I always had to wait until they were weaned to lose the weight. I lost all of the weight in between children except this last baby. She is now 2 1/2 and I haven't been able to lose the weight.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    How old is your baby? The number of calories she takes will increase as she grows, then decrease as she is weaned. I agree that around 300 calories is a figure often given. Have a look in the food database - if you put in "breastfeeding" there are a lot of entries. Pick the one that matches your situation as best you can and it will give you a "negative calorie" amount to add to each day.

    Were you given exercises to do after your c-section? They'd be a good place to start, then you could add in Pilates-style abdominal exercises.

    I have an almost 4 year old and an almost 4 month old. They did not give me any exercises to do I wish they had. I am alternating Pilates and yoga also walking/jogging and bikeing. I feel like I need to lose weight before I can do anything though. This time of year is hard for me to so anything due to bad asthma I get really tired really quick.

    Hey, take it easy, you had a CS not even 4 months ago. Please give your body a chance to heal before trying anything more than walking. Seriously, your body has been through a lot during pregnancy and then extra stress from a major operation. See how you feel after 6 months and then start some gentle workouts.

    You will get there, but you don't want to set yourself back by doing too much too soon.