Oh good god I just binged



  • kowajenn
    kowajenn Posts: 274 Member
    2000 calories is no biggie.

    What would you rather do, up your calories a little and lose weight slowly or eat too little and veer off course? It's not a race. If your body wants more food, feed it and exercise a little more.

    I've been struggling the last few weeks, so I bumped myself up to 1500 from 1400 and will be happy to maintain for a little while. I feel like I need this. Listen to what your body and mind are telling you.
  • lisakay0x
    lisakay0x Posts: 46 Member
    Technically speaking, I don't think 2000 calories is considered a binge. 2000+ at one time above what you normally ate, maybe. Your relationship with food sounds really bad right now, and given how you've restricted over the past year, it may be time to see your doctor and get an objective look at your diet and your overall health.

  • Did not expect so many replies!
    yes I understand what all of you are saying, and yes I did think I was starting disordered eating a couple months ago but I realised that was down to the friends I had chosen on mfp (who were all disordered) sort of setting a bad influence on me, I know that's not a complete excuse but it definitely was a factor so I deleted all of them. to me 2000+ calories WAS a binge because I was full at around 1700 and just kept eating for the sake of eating - popping marshmallows like there was no tomorrow.

    I realise that 2000 calories is normal for a lot of people but when you aren't used to it and you just force that amount down you then I consider it a binge because it's more than I needed and more than my stomach could handle + and it wasn't exactly healthy... Just to clarify :)
  • it's ok you'll poop most of it out...drink a lot of water and you will be fine it's not the end of the world...just rememeber how this day feels when you want to binge and go to the junk...if you are gunna binge and you know there is no stopping you...try and just go binge on bananas or something eat as many til it makes you full...I know some people will say calories are calories and a binge is a binge but when ever I feel that way and get stuffed on fruits and veggies it sure makes you feel good that those extra calories were fruits and veggies and i'm sure its better for you than icecream
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    if it makes you feel any better i find occasionally going over my calories actually helps me lose weight. if i plateu sometimes i will just eat at maintenance for a week or even a bit over maintenance and then go back to my diet calories and magic! the plateau ends.
  • CharChary
    CharChary Posts: 220 Member
    Ok... so the past few days I have been eating more, perhaps more than I have in a long time, I recently upped my calories to 1430 from 1300 ( ... let's say in the past year, I've mostly done 1200, went through a rough stage of 800, then 1000, then nothing, then 1200 again xD so 1430 is the highest since I started dieting, that's mainly because I'm nearer to my goal) ANYWAY since I did that about a week ago I have been insanely hungry and just eating more than I would like to even though it's more than I'm used to... wth!? then if you look at my last diary entry..... 2000+ calories, I totally snapped even though I've been eating a healthy amount.... a lot of it wasn't even healthy and now I just feel like **** =.= so close to christmas whyyyy and I kept eating even though I knew I was full and I would have carried on even further if I didn't chug 3 huge glasses of water... just why did I do this, I'm scared that it will happen again since my will power has been surprisingly low lately :( rant over...

    it is important to know that YOU are going to have "slip-ups," like this. Don't stress over it too much. It isn't healthy to. Life is too short to think you can eat "perfect," every day isn't even realistic or fun ha.

    also before even reading your post I was so distracted by how wonderful your ticker is. Huge Zelda fan.
  • Edensienna
    Edensienna Posts: 180 Member
    I am nearing my goal too and feel increased hunger... Upping your calorie intake will just slow the pace of your weightless. The final few pounds can be lost at a slower pace. Maybe .5 pounds per week, so you can enjoy some more food as the end of your weightless journey nears :)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    It is hard seeing teen after teen after teen on here doing their bodies harm.

    You need to eat more. Every day. Food that fuels your body.
  • @CharChary

    Hah zelda is awesome ;) Huge fangirl right here
  • AshZayKris I'm having an extremely hard time listening to all the people around me.. Googling nutrition and cheat days, talking to a personal trainer, talking to bikini fitness competitors... Too much different information. I have struggled with food forever. What's the actual scoop on the cheat meal/ cheat day? I eat cllleeeean during sun-Friday. Flowing a meal plan from this bikini competitor, she says to just have one cheat meal. The personal trainer said relax and have a cheat day to raise leptin. I don't know much about this stuff but to be honest I cannot help but overindulge every Saturday now. I literately feel sick and hung over the next day. (No alcohol consumed) but its like once I start its so hard to stop. Last night my cheat made me go up 6.5 lbs water weight... Please can anyone give me advice? Please be kind no rude comments I would appreciate any and all help as I am a stay at home mom of two and I workout hard at the gym and eat super clean but feel so deprived by Saturday I have a feeding frenzy. Is this unhealthy? Please help.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    ^^^ You need to log your cheat days, for starters. Impossible to make meaningful statements until the extent of the indulgence is known.