Heres to starting over....

ive gotten so lazy with this website and exerciseing. but i must have not been eating much (esp this past thanksgiving) because i step on the scale to see how much damage ive done to myself over the past few (well more than few) months. and the verdict is...i havent gained a thing. i was happy about not gaining. but it was bitter sweet because i thought of the weight that i could have lost by now, if i had stayed on track. *sighs* heres to starting over...looking for friends with motivation and dedication and we hold each other accounable..the nice way. add me and we can continue this journey together.


  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    Absolutely. Feel free to add me.
  • hopebewild
    hopebewild Posts: 17 Member
    I could have written your post! I too am back on track now. Feel free to add me too.
  • Emma, do not beat yourself. We all have days when we slack off. I have started over several times and just recently December 1, 2013. This time I am determine and my mind is made up that I am going to get the job done this time. I have 81 lbs to lose and I am not going to look back since I am back on track now. Feel free to add me and we can hold each other accountable .
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    You're not really starting over since you didn't gain anything back. Nice job maintaining! Sounds like you just have a bit of "tweaking" to do to get back into losing. Very nice :wink:
  • cnc826
    cnc826 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in...starting over myself! Could use some extra motivation and a buddy
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I agree, you did well for not following and staying even. You sound like Fun! Feel free to add me
  • JFlo1992
    Hi, I am new here but I can tell you I have had my share in lazy months. It is really hard.. I a lot of the time wish that someone could just do it for me and I could take the credit. But its the doing and the earning thats the best part of weight loss. I lost 120lbs and I am very young. I have grown up in a very obese family where food isn't something you say no to. Due to some failures and hardships I sadly ate my feelings instead of dealing with them like I should have. Thankfully I haven't gained all the weight back but I have gained quite a bit back. One thing I always keep in mind is that whenever we fall short of our goals and self-expectations its best to say we took a detour and we will be back on the road to to our destination. There is no use in punishing ourselves for taking the wrong road-- that won't do anything. All we have to do is recognize what needs to be done and get doing it even if its only a half butt try for now. So anyways I am totally looking for motivation too! I love to exercise once I am doing it but I have a hard HARD time getting myself to the gym. So my starting weight was originally 320lbs and I had gotten to 173lbs and thats when I kept thinking I looked just the same as I did when I was at 320lbs. PLEASE DON'T DO THAT--- NOBODY DO THAT. Because I had such a bad self image It the biggest factor into my "detour" of my weight loss journey. The best thing that I did when I was losing the most is telling myself whether it was true or not. "oh I look thinner today" or "I can run faster because I am lighter". Postivity is the best modivator. I need to remember that more than anything and that goes for anyone else who wants to use that as well. That will probably be my main focus for this week. I am trying to just keep my goals week by week and not consider my destination yet.
  • BeckyGee84
    BeckyGee84 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm starting over again as well and it's been pretty difficult...especially this time of year! Feel free to add me :)
  • Silvermist16
    Silvermist16 Posts: 34 Member
    Stop logging for a few days now, easy to get into old, bad habits. Back on track tomorrow. Hopefully by Wednesday the scale won't show a gain. Just got lazy I guess. :frown:
  • TropiKalSTORM
    TropiKalSTORM Posts: 21 Member
    I am in the same boat and I really need motivation to get going.. I do an amazing job at maintaining but can't get over that hill to start losing weight.

    I'm very weak when it comes to 'food' in general. Need to find that spark to get me going.

    Well, Here's to starting over. My first goal is hitting the gym for a minimum of 12x in December/3x week.

    - Brian
  • caring4cath
    caring4cath Posts: 19 Member
    starting over here, do damage when I am away. add if you want. good to see you get up and go again. :smile:
  • mdentley
    mdentley Posts: 15 Member
    Thought I was the only one! Feel free to add me too