Starting today

Hello everyone

I won an auction for a 4 mo membership at a gym and I start my first session today. (it includes 2 personal trainer sessions) I am so very out of shape it isn't even funny. I am nervous to say the least.

I got some not so great news from the doc when I went for a check up. First my sugars have been way too high (I'm diabetic) and my Cholesterol and Triglycerides are way out of control.

Anyways I am not expecting to change overnight and in the past I give up way too easily on fitness,. Doc did say change or a heart attack will happen in 5-10 yrs.

So ya, I am looking for some support and motivation to stay on track. My wife is a strong supporter but every little bit helps I guess


  • walzllw
    walzllw Posts: 105 Member
    Sending friend request now.
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    Welcome back - I hope you're able to get back on board and enjoy the process!
  • W8G0
    W8G0 Posts: 30 Member
    My big mistake when (re)starting exercise is starting too fast, hurting myself, and stopping. So, the right mindset - taking it slowly and viewing even small steps as progress - is key.

    One other piece of advice from my life: If you're out of shape, stretching is going to be very important in injury prevention. Don't neglect it!
  • KonManSK
    Thank you everyone