Pedometer Challenge - 10,000 Steps Per Day!

Hello Everyone,

I'm passionate about being active everyday and would love for friends who have a pedometer or ability to track steps to add me and let's post our steps. Its easy, 10,000 steps = 400 calories.

Add me.



  • Gilligans_Eyes
    Neat idea! I was just thinking about using a pedometer earlier today.
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    If you have a Fitbit you can add folks there and Fitbit automatically keeps track of yours and there steps.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    I'm getting a Fitbit for Christmas this year so I would love to try one of these challenges in the future!

    For those of you that achieve a target number of steps per day (in this case, 10,000 steps being 400 calories burned like the OP says), do you log that as cardio on MFP? Or by keeping your steps up every single day, do you just change your activity level on MFP.

    My own case would be an example. I have myself listed as sedentary on the app. I work a desk job full time, drive to and from work, and workout 3-5 times a week. Aside from the workouts, I don't have much activity in my day to day life. By making sure that I hit X number of steps per day, would I be able to theoretically change my activity to lightly active? Or is it better to keep it at sedentary and just log the exercise separately for daily number of steps?