Feeling disguted - gained 13lb's in 3 weeks??!!!

***Feeling Disgusted***

Hi everyone

I went on holiday on 17th November and came back on 2nd December - and was just slightly mortified when I weighed myself in this morning. Before I went away, I was 164.4lb... And now the scales read 177.7lb. So disappointed and feeling very unmotivated after seeing this. I was on holiday to Barbados (where they eat a lot of fish and chicken) so my diet was relatively healthy (with the odd cocktail but nothing major, no drunk nights etc). I was also doing a lot of walking to go see things and explore.

I'm actually gutted, I feel like I am back at square one, considering my starting weight was about 186lb and I am very quickly getting back to that - and that is somewhere i dont ever want to be again. I thought I came so far, was feeling so much more confident and comfortable with myself and now I just feel like I have ruined it all, How is this even possible to put on so much weight in such a short period of time - when I have not been going overboard,

Can anyone give me advice on how to get started again? And why this sudden weight loss has came about?

I haven't been logging recently but my diet was not the best at the weekend - i.e a meal at TGI Fridays , treated myself before starting my diet yesterday (which i am well aware has not helped this weight gain and now 100% regret it after seeing the scales, just not sure why it is such a drastic gain).

Any help would be appreiciated!!! xx


  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    It's mostly water. I went on a 7 day cruise and gained 8 lbs. I lost the 8lbs after 2 days of being home.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    How do you get started again? Just start right now. So you gained a few pounds on vacation. Did you have fun? Was it as awesome as you imagined? Keep the good memories and DO NOT let food, your weight, gains, etc. color every fun time in your life.

    You are at a crossroads. You can quit and gain all your weight back and then some. OR - You can stop talking about how to go on and just keep going. That's the secret to success - keep going. You can, you know.
  • dxc92
    dxc92 Posts: 138 Member
    It's mostly water. I went on a 7 day cruise and gained 8 lbs. I lost the 8lbs after 2 days of being home.

    I have been back 8 days though :-( !!
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I hear you. I was on vacation and gained over 10 pounds in 3 weeks.

    Some of it is probably water weight - drink lots of water, get back to your routine, and I'd bet some of it will go away. I know a lot of my gain was eating out so, aside from the calories, it's packed with sodium.

    It sure makes it hard to stay motivated when 2-3 weeks can negate several months of work. :grumble:
  • cabrerva
    cabrerva Posts: 33 Member
    It happens. Just get back to what you were doing before leaving on your vacation. It's a bump on the road, if you did it once, you can do it again!
  • Jim_1960
    Jim_1960 Posts: 399
    Ach, it was a great holiday though!!!

    Dust yourself down and restart. I assume you did fantastically well before so you know exactly what is needed.

    Come on, back on the bike.....LOL
  • stormie1985
    I went on a quick vacation and gained 8lbs over a 4 day period. My diet wasn't great as I was driving about 30 hours out of that 4 days. I relost the weight in about a week. Just remember what you're here for and get back to it.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    The first thing you need to correct is your attitude. If every time you mess up, you think of it as having to start over, it's going to be tough for you. Start logging your food, and log it even when you go over, have a bad day, or whatever.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    There are no tricks or tips to give - you just need to get started. Log everything you eat as precisely as you can (weigh/meausure). Plan (and pack if you can) meals to avoid temptations. Stay within calorie limits. Get some exercise to make up the difference.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    It's mostly water. I went on a 7 day cruise and gained 8 lbs. I lost the 8lbs after 2 days of being home.

    I have been back 8 days though :-( !!

    You would have needed a surplus of over 45000 calories to gain 13lbs of fat in 3 weeks.
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    Starting tomorrow when you wake up fresh just go straight back to what you what you were doing before you went on holiday. You will probably find that at least 10lb of it is water weight and will come off this week...same thing happened to me in the summer! If you move quickly you will be well back on track to allow yourself some treats on Christmas day - good luck!
  • forevermaryb
    forevermaryb Posts: 108 Member
    I agree that most of that gain is water weight. You've been back 8 days, but you admittedly didn't do anything that would have resulted in a loss. Go back to eating at a deficit (nothing drastic) and get moving! It is frustrating; like climbing a mountain where you keep sliding back. The only thing you can do is pull yourself back up and push forward.
  • myurav
    myurav Posts: 165 Member
    The first thing you need to correct is your attitude. If every time you mess up, you think of it as having to start over, it's going to be tough for you. Start logging your food, and log it even when you go over, have a bad day, or whatever.

    This - I've logged pretty much every day since I started logging, even though vacations and work trips. Yes, sometimes I've logged hundreds of calories over, but I think it's still good to be mindful of what you're eating. Also, I'm pretty sure every person on here has lost and regained the weight (myself included) - just take it one day at a time. You'll get back there - you have to accommodate for life activities :) Also, what is your daily calorie allowance? Maybe you're restricting yourself too much otherwise?

    Think of it this way: In two months, would you rather be a few pounds down or not? That's just how it is. You'll be fine!
  • 40andFindingFitness
    Was the food spicy? It's possible it had lots of salt in it. Just drink lots of water and get back on your exercise routine. No need to beat yourself up. Make a goal to lose that weight and kick butt. Good luck! :0)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    The first thing you need to correct is your attitude. If every time you mess up, you think of it as having to start over, it's going to be tough for you. Start logging your food, and log it even when you go over, have a bad day, or whatever.

    ^^ THIS!!!!!!

    Just start today. Log your food carefully and accurately. Get your head on straight and do this!
  • TheRealJigsaw
    TheRealJigsaw Posts: 295 Member
    It's mostly water. I went on a 7 day cruise and gained 8 lbs. I lost the 8lbs after 2 days of being home.

    I have been back 8 days though :-( !!

    You mentioned that you only just started logging in yesterday. Just start logging in consistently and you will be fine. Best of luck.
  • maffff
    maffff Posts: 72 Member
    So now we know where the NY08 moon pie from Mobile Alaska went then.

    In all seriousness, don't worry about it - probably lots of salt etc which needs to pass through the system, water retention and regardless just log and work it off. No harm no foul :)
  • alienrite
    alienrite Posts: 314 Member
    When we eat at a deficit, our bodies are low of water and glycogen. As soon as we start eating near maintenance, our bodies fill up which is a quick gain which everyone experiences. If you're having a couple high days each weekend, you are essentially erasing a week's worth of low calories plus you're plumping up your water and glycogen stores. For me, water and glycogen can be as much as 7 lbs from the bottom to the top and I can swing that in less than a day. Fat losses and gains are limited to about 1.2 lbs lost per week to 2.5 lbs gained per week. A big meal or two over the weekend can plump me up an easy 5 lbs and take a weekly loss from 1.2 lbs up to 0.5 lbs. Seeing a 0.5 lb loss over a week is almost impossible with a scale but it will show up accumulated over 12 weeks.

    Just go back to the basics, trust that if you eat at a calorie deficit, you will lose fat. If you can keep yourself on track for a couple weeks and plan for your big dinners without going over your daily calories, you'll be back on track very quickly.

    PS: TGIF is probably a place that over-serves it's portions so be careful thinking you're logging it accurately.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    Your weight can fluctuate drastically during PMS, between weighing in the morning versus evening , water retention, constipation, etc. Give yourself another week, drink water, eat low sodium for a few days, assess where you are in your cycle, and just accept that you have been losing weight and that vacations or any other big changes can affect your body.
  • dxc92
    dxc92 Posts: 138 Member
    Thank you everyone! I feel ready to start again - always a bit harder when you've had some time off!! But on thursday i join back my gym membership and im going to hit it hard!! I will also be preparing my snacks like someone mentioned above, so easy to just head to a shop and buy rubbish on my break at work so i will take what i need with me. Thank you everyone - i have allowed myself 3lb of water weight so i have 10lb to lose to be back at what i was. Also that is PMS just over, so possibly contributed. xx