what is the best workout for beginners?



  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    My only recommendation is that if you decide to try yoga or pilates, find a real class to start with. You really need an instruct on deck to help you alter your poses to fit your ability and make sure you're lined up right.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    See, everyone is throwing out their own recommendation of something they like.
    No best option. You are going to get a dozen more choices.

    Identify your objectives and do something, anything, you enjoy.

    Start yesterday.

    This is the guy to listen to.
  • sagefitnessfanatic
    http://www.bodybuilding.com has awesome workouts. You can pick a plan based on your goals. I've gotten the best overall fitness results with weight training and HIIT cardio (high intensity interval training). Make sure your nutrition is on point to maximize results and that you're eating enough to fuel your workouts (google TDEE scooby to determine how much you should be eating) Good luck : )
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    The best program is the one you do.

    1) Identify your objectives. I can't tell if it's weight loss or fitness or touching your toes.
    2) Choose any program that will vaguely point you in that direction
    3) do it
    4) do it again
    5) do it a third time
    5b) are you enjoying this?
    6) if you aren't getting any enjoyment, you aren't going to stick to it - figure out how to enjoy it or improve it to change it
    7) go back to 3)

    Most programs are just as good as other programs.
    Choose one. Do it.

    Persistence drives results.

    ^ This. I will say that if your goals include body recomp, and it sounds like they do, then you need to include strength training. It doesn't need to be weight lifting but that is a very effective approach. Books such as Starting Strength, Stronglifts, and The New Rules of Lifting are a good start. If you don't have access to a gym, there are also a myriad number of body weight programs out there. As the above poster said, find something that you enjoy and stick with it.
  • joesimtre
    joesimtre Posts: 48 Member
    You have to find what works for you.

    There are so many ways to achieve what you want to achieve but it has to fit your lifestyle and you willingness to do things.

    My way may work for me but not work for you. There are several doors you can enter to get your results, you just have to pick the right one for you. Good luck on your journey.
  • kaurg10
    Hey guys! So I have a question. I am not overweight, but I have a belly and its so hard to get rid of it! I like to run and I try to do it multiple times in a week: The problem is that I feel that I'm just "loosing a couple of pounds" and not actually loosing the belly fat...which is my goal.
    I tried Google-ing and there are just soooo many things..I don't know which one to go to...

    Can someone give me some advice...it would be much appreciated :)
  • edack72
    edack72 Posts: 173 Member
    I think you can do any workout you want as long as you start with lower options. I do group classes , including Insanity, there are options for every level sounds like flexibility is a big issue take a yoga class to loosen you up!! No matter what you choose just keep on moving !!!! Don't be afraid to do your own thing!! Good Luck
  • edack72
    edack72 Posts: 173 Member
    Pilates , work your core muscles
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I found that the Couch to 5k program was perfect for getting started. Once I completed it, I was ready to really get going on the fitness train and began to assess my goals. (which actually led me to doing cardio only once a week and strength training 3-4 days/week)
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    The best program is the one you do.

    1) Identify your objectives. I can't tell if it's weight loss or fitness or touching your toes.
    2) Choose any program that will vaguely point you in that direction
    3) do it
    4) do it again
    5) do it a third time
    5b) are you enjoying this?
    6) if you aren't getting any enjoyment, you aren't going to stick to it - figure out how to enjoy it or improve it to change it
    7) go back to 3)

    Most programs are just as good as other programs.
    Choose one. Do it.

    Persistence drives results.

    For me, it started with the elliptical and an aerobic DVD, then I tried Spin classes, and kettlebells, I prefered kettlebells... then I read "the new rules of lifting for wome", and soon it became lifting as well. Additionally, I taught my 6 year old to bike ride and got a bike and soon it became bike riding. Now, 10 months into this journey, it's CrossFit.

    Everyone is going to have their own ideas of what is "BEST" whats best is something that you do. Don't be afraid to try new things, until you find what you like.
    I recommend a mix of cardio and strength training for overall fitness goals
  • itsmandible
    itsmandible Posts: 88 Member
    You might like Couch to 5K. It's a program of walking/running that starts very easy and keeps building and it tells you exactly what to do. There's plenty of them out there and I believe there's probably apps as well.
  • itsmandible
    itsmandible Posts: 88 Member
    Hey guys! So I have a question. I am not overweight, but I have a belly and its so hard to get rid of it! I like to run and I try to do it multiple times in a week: The problem is that I feel that I'm just "loosing a couple of pounds" and not actually loosing the belly fat...which is my goal.
    I tried Google-ing and there are just soooo many things..I don't know which one to go to...

    Can someone give me some advice...it would be much appreciated :)

    Search the forums - there are TONS of posts about this already. You'll probably want to start strength training. What you're going to find is that everyone who's credible is going to tell you for some belly fat is the last to go, so you just have to keep at your calorie deficit and keep working out and dropping pounds and it'll eventually come off your belly!!
  • bhybiak
    bhybiak Posts: 1 Member
    Hi :)
    I was like you, never had to worry about much until I had children. After my second my body decided to give up on me. LOL It went south (literally) from there. About 6 mths ago I figured it was time to get back to me! I'm raising 6 children, (19,18, 16, 15, twin 7 yr olds) I began working out at a gym not far from me that offered 24 hrs access, which for me is huge! I'm a mom, work full-time and go part-time to school...I don't have much free time. So I told myself I'd get up as early as possible and spend at least 30 minutes at the gym..but what to do?? Cardio only does so much..I wanted to tone too. I found this website (truestar.com), it offers free nutrition information as well as working out a workout plan for me. I print out a plan every two weeks (as it changes from time to time to keep you moving on to a different set of muscles) and head to the gym.

    I suffer from iron-deficiency anemia and lose a lot of energy quickly. I was taking iron supplements but don't have to if I stick to a great eating plan. I try to stick to a 1500 calorie diet but know that it isn't just counting calories...you still have to provide certain food types to your body. After following this for a couple of weeks, I noticed I didn't have to take my iron supplements as often. I've laid out the plan I follow below.

    What are in ( ) are examples and items I usually apply to my meals. I have a list (3 pages long) of different items for each category but I don't see a way to attach it.

    2 sarch/bread (1 english muffin, or 2oz bagel)
    1 meat (hard-boiled egg or 1/4 cup of cottage cheese)
    1 fruit
    1 milk (1 cup)
    1 fat (butter-1tsp, or Cream Cheese-1 tbsp)

    2 Starch/bread (2 slices of bread)
    2 meat (2 tbsp peanut butter)
    1 vegetable (cup of carrots)
    1 fruit
    1 fat (10 green olives)

    1 starch/bread (1/2 cup of macaroni noodles to top the salad)
    2 meat (grilled chicken to top the salad)
    3 vegetable (2 cups of salad with a cup of assorted veggies)
    1 fruit
    1 fat (1 tbsp dressing)

    1 starch (3/4 oz of pretzels)
    1 milk (Lowfat yogurt)

    I hope this helps answer your questions. I'm here to help :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    See, everyone is throwing out their own recommendation of something they like.
    No best option. You are going to get a dozen more choices.

    Identify your objectives and do something, anything, you enjoy.

    Start yesterday.

    The best workout for a beginner is one that has an achievable goal that you will stick with and not give up (this is why trying a brand new super hyped program doesn't work- most beginners fail because it's just too much of a change)

    find something you like that's going to fit into your life. Do that.

    Do it over
    and over
    and over again.

    till your goals change. And then find something else that's new.