PCOS? Need to find motivation

So.... After seeing a doc for over a year on some other medical issues and getting blood work done I asked several times about the multiple symptoms I have of a thyroid condition and am always told the tests are normal. But I am struggling to lose weight which is my BIGGEST symptom. Lose 2 gain 1, lose 1, gain 3, etc. its about the same 6 lbs that i lose and gain agian and again. BUT my thyroid panel is in the "normal" range and my doc has now diagnosed PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) based on the hormone levels shown in my blood tests.

Any else diagnosed with this and having trouble losing the weight? While weight gain and trouble losing it are in fact characteristics of PCOS they are not the only ones. I'm discouraged bcause all my best efforts are met with minimal results, I'm an emotional eater so a lack of result causes me to just say "F it!" and go all out on eating and not exercising etc. Then i realize what I've done and I come back on the wagon again. I don't want to do that anymore.

I am just wondering what kinds of things people are finding motivational and are working for those that also have PCOS.

- Tiffani


  • lovesharmony
    lovesharmony Posts: 71 Member
    Hello! Your not alone. I am 27 years young, dx after turning 21. My weight stay up and down. What i found to work is limit my sugar intake, carbs and cardio. Bread and candy the devil in my household. As long as i stay away from the temptation am fine. I understand the frustration. I also have the nasty stomach, facial hair and breakout. :( Am determine to win against this battle.
  • foxylady522
    I have struggled with PCOS for about 10 years now. I initially complained to my doctor about the- what I felt to be random symptoms- and after tests found out that it was PCOS. Weight gain and difficulty to lose weight were my biggest frustrations. While it can be controversial, I did a low carb diet in 2009 because I found that without losing weight I wouldn't be able to get pregnant. In 6 months I lost 50lbs and eventually moved more towards a "South Beach Diet" eating pattern. It is hard but for me and what I understand from other PCOS gals- carbs crave more carbs and due to our insulin resistance it is difficult for our body to manage the high amounts of carbs. Through diet and exercise I also found that I could go without Metformin and my cycle came back to normal on it's own. I also got pregnant without medical intervention :) Do some reading to educate yourself about PCOS and see what others are doing. Managing insulin levels will be your best friend for losing weight!
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    Hi Tiffani!

    There are plenty of people here with PCOS. If you're interested, there are a few PCOS groups on the forums. I'm part of http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/3070-p-c-o-sis, but there are a few other ones too

    Insulin resistance is a characteristic trait of many PCOS women, so you might find it helpful to eat lower carb than the traditional 'standard american diet'. I aim to eat 30% of my calories from protein, 30% from fat, and 40% from carbs now, whereas previously I could EASILY eat 10% protein, 10% fat, and 80% carbs. What can I say, I LOVE carbs. Cutting them down is slowly but surely starting to help.

    You might also ask your doctor about Metformin. Some women swear by it, others not so much. Something to consider.

    Good luck!
  • musiqueange
    musiqueange Posts: 64 Member
    I was diagnosed almost two years ago and I find nothing motivational about it at all!
    However, I second the low carb diet. I don't follow it myself because I'm not yet willing to put up with the change of my eating habits. My bad.

    For people with more motivating powers than myself, I would suggest joining one of the many groups on here for PCOS. :smile:
  • jesstaylor21
    Hi hun, I'm in completely the same position as you! I was diagnosed with PCOS and Endometriosis at 14 but only since having my daughter 8 months ago have i found it more of an issue with my weight! It's a pain it seems no matter how much exercise i do 1 sandwhich and it's all back on again!!

    Switch everything to brown/wholegrain if you can and cut back on as much sugar and fat as possible was what i was recommended by my specialist! I don't know if it works yet as having only been following it a short time but fingers crossed :)

    Hope it helps :)

    P.s Everyone falls off the wagon from time to time dieting isn't easy, don't beat yourself up over it just jump straight back on and see if you can go longer the next time without falling off (That's how i like to do it!)

    Hugs Jess x
  • tiffaniannette
    Thank you! Im actually taking metformin for about 4weeks now. Im going to keep trying and keep these things in mind too!
  • darshiniraj
    Hi there, Im having PCOS and my worst nightmare is weight gain ( which im working really hard to bring down the weight) and excess hair growth. This has cause me to have lack of confident and i cry almost all the time thinking of all the hair everywhere. I was doing waxing and threading for the past 10 yrs. im 29 now. And my chin area is very dark like i have a beard and that is so depressing. Is there any tips on how to lighten the area? I use to go for laser but i didn't help much. altho i feel my face is much better but the chin area is really disturbing. Im really depress that i just wish i have this. I cant even go out feeling confident with chin. not forgeeting waxing my entire body monthly..its so sickening. please give me some tips and suggestion on this. Thanx