Jogging while overweight...

Hi All,

One of my biggest goals is to be able to jog. However, I've been told at my weight (205.8) that it would be dangerous and damage my joints and such. I've seen people who weigh more than me jog, but I tried it one day and thought I was doing to die! Seriously. I did alternating walking and jogging, jogging between mailboxes and light posts. Now, I'm in the gym ever day of the week, do Zumba 4 days a week, do the arc trainer/ elliptical every day for 30 mins to an hour, and feel fine with those. I'm lifting weights every other day. I'm just not sure if I should wait to lose more weight before trying to jog. I know about the C25K program and the Mayo Clinic one, but I didn't see anything saying whether it's safe or not to try at a certain weight.

What do you all think?

By the way, I got real running shoes now (I had others that were hurting my feet severely), so when I tried to run before, it was painful. I also have a pretty bad back. Walking on the treadmill hurts my back, yet the elliptical does not. Zumba does not (too much - although I don't do all the twisting and jumping). I have sacroilliitis across my lower back and hips, which is one reason I'm really trying to lose weight.

Any advice would be appreciated! I don't want to hurt myself, but it's my dream to be able to jog several miles at a time. Thanks!


  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    What does your body tell you? If your back hurts, or any of your joints hurt when you attempt to jog, then you're possibly better off focusing on other cardio exercises. If not, then where's the problem?

    I started jogging earlier this year at around 115kg/253lbs. At that point my knees bothered me a bit. I worked up from interval walking/jogging to jogging/running 25 mins straight. Then I stopped because my knees got so sore, and I completely lost that fitness. I was still doing an hour of cardio most days, but sticking with bike/elliptical/walking.

    I started jogging again a few weeks ago. It nearly killed me to jog 3 mins, but I've been able to build up my endurance much quicker than I did back in May. I'm back to jogging 25 mins now, and I'm currently 218lbs. No joint problems at all, and neither my doctor or the trainers at the gym see any problems with me jogging. If anything seriously hurts, I'll stop. But until then...

    Anyway I hope that helps you. There's nothing wrong if you chose not to jog/run, but if you want to then try it and see how you feel. Something like C25k is really good, and I've known plenty of other people over 200lbs that have done it. Remember, you can repeat days and weeks of it too. It might take longer to finish it, but it's all progress :)
  • steve_mfp
    steve_mfp Posts: 170 Member
    Running puts tremendous stress on the joints.

    One of the best for cardio is swimming, but that's not always a viable option.

    Do the treadmill at a walking pace, if you want to up the workload just use the incline.
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Talk to your doctor before beginning any new exercise program. That being said I see no reason why you cannot start a C25K program and slowly move up from there.

    There are plenty of people much heavier than you who run long distances:

    With C25K feel free to repeat workouts as many times as necessary. Walking is part of the program and nothing to feel bad about. Keep working and you will achieve your goals!
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    My advice is to strength train first and as the weight comes off, add cardio.
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I started running when I weighed more than that & have not had any issues besides PF, but that was in part to horrible shoes. If your Dr. Clears it then don't hold back & do it. Take it slow & listen to your body. Good luck.
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I'm 250 pounds and I run 3-5 miles at a time without having to take a break regularly.

    When I first started, I thought I was going to die after about 10 seconds. So I stopped...When I felt like I could run for another 10 seconds, I did.

    Start slow. Don't push your body more than it wants. My biggest issue with running was learning how to be patient with myself. You will get there...Just do what you can and push yourself a LITTLE further over time. You WILL continue to progress....And you will be amazed! :)
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    Thanks for the advice all. I think some people didn't read my full post - I know it was long - because I am doing cardio every day and strength training every other day, plus Zumba 4 days a week.

    I think I'll try it in a few days when I have time and see how goes. I just want to make sure it doesn't hurt me too much. I guess I'm not sure what's normal pain or not for jogging. Should you have any pain? My shins and feet hurt when I tried before, but also I didn't have good shoes for me. I'm very flat-footed and they didn't support my rolling ankles. Now I got a pair of Brooks and they have the built in orthotic, so maybe that'll make a difference.

    Anyway, thanks for the advice!
  • juanpegler
    juanpegler Posts: 92 Member
    I started Jogging/walking intervals when I weighed almost 300lbs. granted I could not go for too long, but I started.
    I also did other Cardio +- 90min

    My knees hurt while running but not bad enough to make me stop.
    After a short time I was able to run more and walk less. Now my knees hurt for the first 5 min or so. but once I get to my second breath, once I break through that wall the pain almost goes away.

    If my joints are sore the next day I make sure I don't run for that day (Has only happened once after my first 5K run

    I have seen somewhere that it doesn't matter how much you weigh. long distance running is bad for your knees. But I am not sure.
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Thanks for the advice all. I think some people didn't read my full post - I know it was long - because I am doing cardio every day and strength training every other day, plus Zumba 4 days a week.

    I think I'll try it in a few days when I have time and see how goes. I just want to make sure it doesn't hurt me too much. I guess I'm not sure what's normal pain or not for jogging. Should you have any pain? My shins and feet hurt when I tried before, but also I didn't have good shoes for me. I'm very flat-footed and they didn't support my rolling ankles. Now I got a pair of Brooks and they have the built in orthotic, so maybe that'll make a difference.

    Anyway, thanks for the advice!

    I have a bad back and shoes DEFINITELY made a difference for me! I found on my longer runs my back would start hurting pretty bad, and as soon as I got new shoes, the pain stopped!

    As far as "pain", only you know what is painful to you. What may be discomfort to me may me painful to you. You really just have to listen to your body. If your gut instinct tells you you should probably stop or slow down before you injure yourself...then stop or slow down. Just try to recognize the difference between fatigue and pain.

    And like I said, just start slow. If you have to go 10 seconds on 10 seconds off, do that. Get your body used to the movements....Then next week go 20 seconds on 20 seconds off...And so on...

    I never imagined being able to run a mile...or 3...or FIVE without stopping. You will get there...You just have to be patient! :)
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    Thank you! That's very promising... I will give it a try then. :)
  • wiscck
    wiscck Posts: 185 Member
    I'm your weight and I've been jogging for a few months now, so I weighed more when I started. FWIW, Zumba was much harder on my joints than jogging. I did C25K, and the tip is to go s l o w l y at first. You should be jogging barely faster than you walk, if you're even going faster. Don't feel bad if you have to repeat weeks of the program. Good luck!
  • unapologetically_crystal
    i think i weighed 260lbs when i first jogged. i STILL cant jog for long.. but thats just me and mostly because i wont ignore the voice in my head that says i cant do it. i have had what i believe to be shin splints before.. thats painful! lol. listen to your body. if it hurts.. then slack up a bit. it takes time to build up an endurance. i like to walk some jog some walk some etc.. that helped me to get better at jogging and allowed me to jog a little more over time. im way out of practice now but i remember not being able to even walk very far or long. you will improve the more you do it.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i'm obese and i sprint. no problems here i just have to make sure i'm wearing a really good sports bra :laugh:

    in addition o making sure you're wearing the correct shoes for your gait and your footfall ( just because you're overweight doesn't men you need to wear motion control/stability shoes) also make sure you have good running technique. you can look into local running clubs near you because they will have information about clinics and classes

    have fun!
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    I have a broken healing leg and I am jogging and was jogging at 330lbs!! Was I sore and hurting some, yes. But I also realized that it was more my body having sympathy pains. So what I did to help myself was walk 1 day and then jog the next and kept doing this every once in a while and It helped me lose my 46lbs so far! You can do this!!
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    I've been told at my weight (205.8) that it would be dangerous and damage my joints and such.

    Lots of people say lots of silly things.

    I started running last February at 282 lbs.

    I never had any problems when I wasn't doing silly things (like doubling from a 5k to a 10k one run "to see what it is like", etc).

    Start slow - work up. c25k is a good program, repeat weeks as needed.
  • Rocky_ZG
    Rocky_ZG Posts: 70 Member
    Maybe you should first focus on different cardio exercises like mountain climbers, jumping jacks, low and high skip, squat jumps and burpees which are of higher intensity but shorter duration.

    If you feel any pain and discomfort (more than normal muscle pain as result of intensive exercise for unfit person) then you should give up running for now.
    Forcing the running can easily cause injury which will disable you from exercising for the next 6 months. Not worth the risk in my opinion.

    And most importantly - since you have medical condition directly impacting your joints, you should consult with medical expert regarding which exercises you are allowed to perform safely.
  • Maaike84
    Maaike84 Posts: 211 Member
    Good job on wanting to improve your health!! I agree with the posters saying you need to listen to your body, and test it out slowly. A C25K programme is an awesome way to build up your endurance! And don't feel encouraged too quickly - it takes time for everyone to build it up if they first start. I was only a little bit overweight when I first started running, and I also felt like I was going to die, running 3 minutes... Now I can run 30 minutes without stoppping with no problem, and have run a 10 k in the past and am considering training for another one.

    Another tip I would like to give you is to pace yourself - building up endurance isn't done through fast sprints mostly (at least not in the beginning), but through slow and steady jogging for increasingly longer periods of time.

    Good luck!
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    I'm around the same weight as you and just getting in to jogging (add me as friend if you like and we can compare notes).

    Earlier in the year I built up to jogging 23 minutes none stop but sadly let that go and went on holiday etc etc.....

    So I am determined to get there again and try and run again. I use map my run and start off with jogging a minute, walking a minute and just repeat as much as I can. Then once I can't jog any more I am usually a fair distance from home and have to walk back lol. Last night I covered 7.7km in total. The first 4km was interval jogging / walking and then the rest was the walk back.

    Maybe you could try jogging on grass or a softer surface to try and help protect your joints? I also have back trouble after a car accident two years ago and last night my back was very sore when I got home but I took some painkillers and slept like a baby!
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    Hi All,

    One of my biggest goals is to be able to jog. However, I've been told at my weight (205.8) that it would be dangerous and damage my joints and such. I've seen people who weigh more than me jog, but I tried it one day and thought I was doing to die! Seriously. I did alternating walking and jogging, jogging between mailboxes and light posts. Now, I'm in the gym ever day of the week, do Zumba 4 days a week, do the arc trainer/ elliptical every day for 30 mins to an hour, and feel fine with those. I'm lifting weights every other day. I'm just not sure if I should wait to lose more weight before trying to jog. I know about the C25K program and the Mayo Clinic one, but I didn't see anything saying whether it's safe or not to try at a certain weight.

    What do you all think?

    By the way, I got real running shoes now (I had others that were hurting my feet severely), so when I tried to run before, it was painful. I also have a pretty bad back. Walking on the treadmill hurts my back, yet the elliptical does not. Zumba does not (too much - although I don't do all the twisting and jumping). I have sacroilliitis across my lower back and hips, which is one reason I'm really trying to lose weight.

    Any advice would be appreciated! I don't want to hurt myself, but it's my dream to be able to jog several miles at a time. Thanks!

    When i started three months ago I was 210 and felt like you, like I was going to die if I ran. So what I did was intervals instead. I would run for 1min and then walk for 1min for ten minutes total. Eventually over time, my form got better, my speed got faster and now I do it for 1 whole hour. The weight has practically fallen off I also alternated between the elliptical some days because of soreness and what not
  • Rai007
    Rai007 Posts: 387 Member
    first thing your heart will get use to jogging quickly
    seconldly what is your bmi so we have an idea where you stand
    it is doable
    but yes for knees and legs it is a bit hurting
    if you are losing weight you dont need to start it right now.