Skin issues

Okay Ik this is supposed to be about fitness an everything but you guys are so good with helping me out. I'm 18 and in January our school is having a dance and I'm wearing a strapless. The problem is is that I have some acne on my back and shoulders. It's disgusting.mits not severe but it's there. Please help thanks


  • SashleyA
    SashleyA Posts: 122 Member
    Drink a ton of water, that's always my first step with skin issues. Do you exfoliate? I get tiny zits on my arms that are reduced by exfoliating and then making sure to moisturize it. Remember, if your skin gets too dry, it will get irritated and breakout the same way it might if it's too oily.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    I like equate daily regenerating cleanser, too strong for my face but works great on my upper arm and butt chicken skin/acne. Available at wal-mart.
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    Okay Ik this is supposed to be about fitness an everything but you guys are so good with helping me out. I'm 18 and in January our school is having a dance and I'm wearing a strapless. The problem is is that I have some acne on my back and shoulders. It's disgusting.mits not severe but it's there. Please help thanks

    The best advice anyone can give you is to see a dermatologist. They can help clear it up. If you want some over-the-counter thing there are lots of bodywash products that help clear up acne, all have pretty similar active ingredients, salicylic acid or benzoil peroxide, or a combination of the two. Perhaps if you started using it now it would have time to clear up your acne by the time of the dance. Put a little on a back scrubber and wash while you're in the shower, if it dries your skin too much switch to using it only every other day.
  • helehcim
    I've had issues with acne for years. What worked for me was a spray bottle with half apple cider vinegar and half water, shake it up and squirt a cotton ball, use a toner after washing my face or wherever I usually break out. Then I use an oil free moisturizer on my face. I don't use moisturizer on my back though, it doesn't get dry. I don't know why it works but it does. Pro-active dried my skin out, clearasil dried my skin out, acne soaps - yup - dried my skin out. When my skin dried out it would just look like angry dry irritated red skin with sores, it looked awful and it hurt. I found the apple cider vinegar/water mixture in an herbal remedy book from the 60's.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    spas do back facials, go now and get one and follow their recommendations. even if it's for repeat visits.

    your back can be smooth by january with the right care.
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    proactive has worked wonders for some of my friends. its a bit too rich for my blood i like oxy pads and noxema
  • Faye050287
    I get the odd spot on my back but they tend to be under the skin. I find drinking lots of water and exfoliating my back regularly helps. Get a good body scrub as well and do this every other day works wonders.
    I hope this helps.
  • amwood89
    amwood89 Posts: 165 Member
    I would recommend seeing your GP who can prescribe medicated ointments etc. However, I have always suffered with very sensitive skin & also acne rosacea (a form of acne). At one point my whole face was nearly double the size due to the amount of swelling caused by the spots (yuck!) & my skin was peeling really bad - trying to cover it with makeup made it worse! I also had spots on my back which I hated! Although prescribed medication has helped, it was the change in my diet which improved my skin the most. Make sure you eat lots of fruit & veg & as others have said, drink plenty of water! Since changing my diet, I have not had a problem with my rosacea since, nor any spots (of course I get the odd one here & there!). My skin is smooth & spot free & I am a firm believer that it's due to my change in diet.
  • 10manda86
    10manda86 Posts: 229 Member
    Water, exfoliate and moisturise! Excessive exercise, sweating can also irritate and cause bachne
  • haydenwyatt
    - Back facials: dermatologists can extract them out quick but it takes a while for the redness to disappear and the scabs to peel
    - Back acne wash can neutralize the skin's pH ( I used to use T3 and it improved the condition of my back). Moreover, you could apply tea tree oil or drying lotion to dry out the pimples.
    - Change your pajamas and bedsheets frequently to prevent the sweat from allowing bacteria to breed
    - Eating healthy and drinking lots of water helps too :)
  • rstokesdressmaker
    All very good advice. But speaking as an older woman... You are 18, young and beautiful. Every one has pimples and thinks every one else is looking at all the spots on their back and face. The reality is that no one really cares about the breakouts on your skin... it only makes you feel bad. . Forget the pimples and wear the dress of your dreams. When you get to be my age (60) you have wrinkles!
  • fourfiftythree
    fourfiftythree Posts: 203 Member
    My bacne finally cleared up once I started doing chemical peels. You can find more aggressive peels online, but places like Sephora have some mild ones, and I've even seen a glycolic peel at Target.
  • Reichelt152
    Hi there. I feel your grief. But I'm a male in my late 30s and it has taken me nearly 20 years to finally work out a system that works for me! Now of course age will have a little bit to do with it, but I had shocking acne right up until my late 20s. Then I started drinking LOTS OF WATER!

    And over the last few years I have nailed it to the point I rarely get any acne whatsoever. Here is what I stick to....

    - Soap-free Sorbolene body wash for use in the shower.
    - 2% Salicylic acid based wash 5 times a week for problem areas. These are everywhere in the chemist. Choose whatever takes your fancy. This is more for oil and sebum control and a light anti-bacterial.
    - 5% Benzyol Peroxide twice a week. Leave on skin for 30-60 sec then wash off. Benzac is a French product available in most larger pharmacies. This is a more significant exfoliant and anti-bacterial.

    - Watch refined carbohydrates. Don't binge on white bread, rice, pasta. A little bit is fine (like everything).
    - Watch alcohol - Biggest link between poor skin and diet for me. Dehydration associated with the alcohol is another reason.
    - as I said......LOTS of water.
    - Other than that, I haven't noticed any other link between bad skin and diet for me.

    LIFESTYLE: This is controversial but I try to get a bit of sun whenever I can. I'm lucky in that I tan rather than burn, but some dermotologists are now suggesting this for some skin types, as UV light is a fantastic anti-bacterial, and the heat is also good to dry up excess oil.

    Good luck.