I have no appetite. None. Nada.



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Number one there is no such thing as starvation mode...

    Number two it doesn't matter when you eat the food...as long as you eat in a reasonable calorie deficet.

    Number 3 I have no appetite either but get hungry....not wanting food and actually needing food are two different things.
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    I'm no expert, but the protein shakes really do sound like a good fit for you. Maybe mixed with IF (intermittent fasting) since you seem to have a window in which you ARE hungry. I don't know which to suggest, though, as I make my own at home. I know there are pre-mades out there and from all the ones I've seen, Shakeology seems good. But I've never used it. I literally buy a bag of whey protein isolate and make my own shakes. For me, usually 2 hand fulls of spinach, a hand full of blueberries, 1/2c of Fage Greek yogurt, 1/2 to 1c almond milk, scoop of protein powder and ice. Sometimes I add in other things and mix it up -- I like variety. lol Other times I just mix the powder with coffee and milk or something because I'd rather have that. Or, PB and chocolate. Just depends on my mood. But from the sounds of your issues, shakes may be a good idea for ease. I would recommend talking to your doc about it and see what he says or even better, getting a recommendation for a nutrionist. Also, even if you don't think you are eating much, track EVERY THING on here just to see where you are calorie wise at the end of a week or two. I actually like the phone app for that much better because it gives you the average. You may initially gain some but that is no big deal and it will pass. Right now, your body isn't in starvation mode (that term is thrown around a lot and really doesn't mean you're starving) but maybe stalled out from several things. Just know that you can get back on track slowly and get where you want if you don't give up and are willing to tweak things after some time. :smile:
  • Number one there is no such thing as starvation mode...

    Number two it doesn't matter when you eat the food...as long as you eat in a reasonable calorie deficet.

    Number 3 I have no appetite either but get hungry....not wanting food and actually needing food are two different things.

    =) thanks, I am at the moment not making a dent in my caloric intake. It's more of me concerned about needing food to supplement my workouts. To feed the muscles.
  • I'm no expert, but the protein shakes really do sound like a good fit for you. Maybe mixed with IF (intermittent fasting) since you seem to have a window in which you ARE hungry. I don't know which to suggest, though, as I make my own at home. I know there are pre-mades out there and from all the ones I've seen, Shakeology seems good. But I've never used it. I literally buy a bag of whey protein isolate and make my own shakes. For me, usually 2 hand fulls of spinach, a hand full of blueberries, 1/2c of Fage Greek yogurt, 1/2 to 1c almond milk, scoop of protein powder and ice. Sometimes I add in other things and mix it up -- I like variety. lol Other times I just mix the powder with coffee and milk or something because I'd rather have that. Or, PB and chocolate. Just depends on my mood. But from the sounds of your issues, shakes may be a good idea for ease. I would recommend talking to your doc about it and see what he says or even better, getting a recommendation for a nutrionist. Also, even if you don't think you are eating much, track EVERY THING on here just to see where you are calorie wise at the end of a week or two. I actually like the phone app for that much better because it gives you the average. You may initially gain some but that is no big deal and it will pass. Right now, your body isn't in starvation mode (that term is thrown around a lot and really doesn't mean you're starving) but maybe stalled out from several things. Just know that you can get back on track slowly and get where you want if you don't give up and are willing to tweak things after some time. :smile:

    Thanks! I will give that a shot as well. I know our insurance covers a nutrionist, so I may look into that as well. I probably should have said my body has stalled out rather than starvation mode. Or better yet it had adjusted to my sedentary lifestyle. Now to get it OUT of sedentary lifestyle mode lol.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    set an alarm at various times of the day to remind yourself to eat. then eat.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member

    Getting the food in front of you is half the battle. I take Adderall and have no appetite. Until it starts to wear off and then I do, and all I want is fat and sugar RIGHT NAO! I have to make myself eat during the day, even if I don't think I'm hungry. It's hard to motivate myself to get a meal ready when I really don't want to eat, so having some things ready in advance really helps. And once I start eating, I find that I'm enjoying it and it's no longer forced. You're going to have to work on it and make it a part of your routine. I've tried other meds and the other stimulants also suppress appetite. Good luck!

    That's my battle right now, I am during the day thinking "Food? Blech." I have to take my son to the orthodontic doctor today, so going to stop by a local nutrition shop and look into meal replacement shakes. At least something to get into my system to at least force calories and nutrients in, so I don't literally neglect my body since I have started to work out.

    That's a good option, but don't rely on shakes alone. Eat an apple in the morning and snack on some carrots and celery in the afternoon. You might even consider switching from XR to the regular Adderall. I just did about a month ago and I'm hungry (and ADD) by lunchtime. I take my second one and eat lunch and I'm back in business in 30 min or so.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    in so this shows in my newsfeed....
    oh and you are not in starvation mode.


    You are not in starvation mode. Your body has enough extra fuel reserves it's not concerned that food isn't always coming in every X hours (& therefore hoarding what food you give it) because you have excess fueled stored up already.

    Being sedentary and just sitting around working on computers doesn't make you gain weight. Eating more calories than you burn makes you gain eight (being sedentary just makes you burn less calories)

    Eating won't kick start your metabolism, but exercise, esp weight/strength training will cause you to burn more.

    Some good advice for using MFP that I got was to log everything you eat, eatery thing. Weigh your food, on a food scale, log everything you eat. And MFP over estimates calorie burns, so if you are using the exercise method you may want to only record 1/2-2/3 your exercise calories.

    ** read your protein shake labels! some are really high in sodium and/or sugars.
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member

    Adderral is known for surpressing appetite. Talk to your doctor.

    That is the thing, we have tried every other medication for ADHD. Strattera made me apathetic to the point it almost caused me a divorce, Vyvanse made my heart feel like it was going to explode, Concerta did nothing. All that was left was Adderall which has worked, but that appetite suppressant part is what is getting me.

    So in a rock and a hard place regarding medication wise.

    Can you eat breakfast in the morning before you take your meds for the day?

    My son takes Focalin XR and it kil//ls his appetite within 10 minutes of taking it. He eats breakfast beforehand or he can't/won't eat until much later in the day.
  • Carbs really drive my appetite....
    If I cut back on them, I don't feel as hungry....
    If I start eating carbs, I just get hungrier.

    See that's the thing, when I eat carbs it all goes into storage. So I phased out most if not all my carbs. (Have no desire for fast food, rice every now and then) I wonder if it could be because of my ADHD medicine. I have to take Adderall to keep me on track all the time being a mom who homeschools. (Been on this type of medication since I was in high school)

    Edited as I read more of the thread

    I'm on Concerta and like most adults I have found it has not suppressed appetite too much (unfortunately). Except when I don't have it and experience x10 appetite. Its also not as effective as other medications, which you said yourself. Which is why I'm on internet forums/reading Perez Hilton/fidgeting like crazy right now rather than focusing on work. I recently got put on another medication as well that is supposed to help indirectly with concentration. Keep forgetting to take it though.

    I'm no doctor, but I know that as someone who is well over 200 pounds and obese, and not looking to bulk up, it matters a lot more how much I eat over the entire day than when I eat it. Even if I did that by a 650 calorie breakfast and then a 700 calorie dinner.

    ALSO if any members do have ADHD its likely have one of the MANY co-morbid (? think that's the word) conditions, i.e depression, bipolar, anxiety. Just a quick note on this- I noticed that when I have avoided carbs I have lost those few kgs of water weight but I have at the same time experienced greater anxiety, lower concentration (with or without medication) and mood swings. This is obviously only my own experience but something I wanted to share because there seems to be a few of us on here with attention deficits.
  • Been eating something, even if it is something little before taking my morning meds. Seems to help a bit. Doesn't help that been running around for Christmas stuff that I haven't had a chance to exercise. =(

    Going to get all this stuff taken care of so I can go back to burning it off.

    I appreciate everyone's input and I have purchased some meal replacement shakes to incorporate during my day to get my body and metabolism back on track.