A side of MOTIVATION please

So when I first started coming on this site I had a desk job 9-5, I lived at home and it was so easy. My father ate healthy so I never had to worry about food or what was going to be for lunch, snacks or dinner. I had a routine; I had my meals premade and timed. I worked out 4-5 times a week after work. I was sitting all day so it was no problem. Well 2 1/2 years ago I started working at a hotel. My hours are all over the place. I work a day shift here and a night shift the next day. I am on my feet about 7 1/2 hours a day 5 days a week. There is food everywhere!!! When I say everywhere I mean everywhere!!! There is a box of cookies of about 20 different flavors about 12 feet from me as I am typing this! We do have a cafeteria that is free and my “go to” is the salad bar. The kicker to this story is within that 2 year transition I moved out to an apartment with my fiancé. The fiancé who can drink beer, eat burgers, and not gain weight. Even worse - The fiancé who DOES NOT WORK OUT and doesn't care what size I am (so he says).

So I have gained a few pounds within that time. It is only 7-10lbs given the week. Do not get me wrong I still work out and try to remain a healthy diet. It is hard and I am caving more and more. I am now struggling with motivation, recipes ideas, and the information that I use to know (like how much fat is bad). The motivation and will power that I use to have is hanging on by a thread. I am struggling to preplan my meals (ideas please), I am struggling going to the gym more than 2-3 times a week (because I am on my feet and they kill) or not at all for that week.

I want to get back on track. I bought a journal because the app online isn’t working anymore. I feel I need to be revamped. I need snack ideas, dinner, options, tips, workouts, more importantly MOTIVATION. I don’t know what happened to it. I use to be “if you want something done then do it” girl. That was before bills, money, groceries, cleaning, married life, etc. I fear if I don’t get it back then god help me when I have children. So HELP!!! SOS!!! This is me begging for help and guidance back to the light. Thank you for hearing my cry for help rant. Any tip you use please share 

I forgot to mention I am getting MARRIED! So I need to get it together by July 3rd ;):sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:


  • alsamar
    alsamar Posts: 3 Member
    I would relax, you look great! Make small exercise goals for yourself, like participating in a local 5K or making a new veggie dish each day for a week. Don't sweat the small stuff!
    Here is a kale chip recipe: http://eating2liveblog.wordpress.com/2013/11/13/adios-potato-chips-hello-kale-chips/
  • MelissaAnn1983
    MelissaAnn1983 Posts: 149 Member
    I really don't know what to say to motivate you other than tell you to keep at it. Move the cookies. Ask your fiance to help you.
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    You're doing a lot of great things! Kudos!
    I love alsamar's 5K idea -- something you can train for that has an end date (and then find the next thing to train for). If your shifts interfere with that, there might be a virtual event -- I did a virtual 5K back in 2002. There are various challenge threads here as well -- I'm on this one: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1145259-24-hour-challenge-december

    In addition to keeping track of calories, a journal is also a great place to vent, brainstorm, and write out whatever you need to, pep talks included.

    I carry a small cooler with me when I'm on the road, so that I can have my own food and pass up less healthy fare. Making the good stuff readily accessible makes my job easier. I also work out at home, which makes my job easier as well.
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    I would relax, you look great! Make small exercise goals for yourself, like participating in a local 5K or making a new veggie dish each day for a week. Don't sweat the small stuff!
    Here is a kale chip recipe: http://eating2liveblog.wordpress.com/2013/11/13/adios-potato-chips-hello-kale-chips/

    Thats an old pic :( I am 5'1 and hispanic and almost 30 so that may sound easy but its not. Also I understand 10lbs may sound like a joke but my body type and size, its thick. I am rocking a 134 at a 5'1. So its not like I am a size 0 asking for help.
  • pusheen12
    pusheen12 Posts: 192 Member
    Get into a routine. For example, I eat make steel cut oatmeal and eat it for a few days for breakfast, I bring five bananas to work on Monday for snacks each day and also have a bag of snack sized dried fruit and nuts and Cliff bars handy. I Keep yogurt and its a go to lunch in a pinch. Typically I bring 3 salads to work on monday and have the yogurts the other days. I buy mine at Trader Joe's, so handy for work. Organization and knowing the meals are there help me maintain my willpower at work. One day alone I was offered donuts four times! I have a work rule: I don't ever indulge in treats there...ever. It's work, not pleasure. I like to gross myself out and remind myself you don't know who handled those doughnuts etc. I'll only enjoy a treat in the right atmosphere, like a birthday or holiday surrounded by family etc. Weird maybe but it helps me stick to my goals. ~ I'm a teacher, married and have 3 kids, needless to say I get very tired, I usually work out Fri., Sun., & Wed. and if I can handle it once more. ~ Hope this helps.
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    Get into a routine. For example, I eat make steel cut oatmeal and eat it for a few days for breakfast, I bring five bananas to work on Monday for snacks each day and also have a bag of snack sized dried fruit and nuts and Cliff bars handy. I Keep yogurt and its a go to lunch in a pinch. Typically I bring 3 salads to work on monday and have the yogurts the other days. I buy mine at Trader Joe's, so handy for work. Organization and knowing the meals are there help me maintain my willpower at work. One day alone I was offered donuts four times! I have a work rule: I don't ever indulge in treats there...ever. It's work, not pleasure. I like to gross myself out and remind myself you don't know who handled those doughnuts etc. I'll only enjoy a treat in the right atmosphere, like a birthday or holiday surrounded by family etc. Weird maybe but it helps me stick to my goals. ~ I'm a teacher, married and have 3 kids, needless to say I get very tired, I usually work out Fri., Sun., & Wed. and if I can handle it once more. ~ Hope this helps.

    I love that rule!!! Keep them coming. I have a rule like that for work. If I am not sick enough to work out then I am not sick enough to call off work. lol its weird but it has worked for me many times.
  • pusheen12
    pusheen12 Posts: 192 Member
    Personal "rules" could be a great topic thread. Mine probably have a lot more but don't really think about it too much, consciously. Here's another re: food. I only eat homemade, supr delicious desserts. I guess I'm a dessert snob. If it's not really, really good I just leave it on the plate, not worth the fat & calories. Also as most people just buy their desserts and don't actually bake them it cuts out the majority right off the bat. As a result I rarely have desserts, and when I do they are amazing and worth every bite. ????
  • YouHadMyCuriosity
    YouHadMyCuriosity Posts: 218 Member
    Some ideas that work for me-


    -Make a big pot of soup and freeze in small containers, so on the days you don't have time to plan, you can grab one for lunch. I love beef barley, chicken soup (I usually skip the noodles and load it with veggies), butternut squash, etc.
    - For work treats, I usually skip them, and if I really want desert, I work it into my calories but get a desert I REALLY want- like tiramisu, a Dove Bar, my favorite icecream. I don't want to waste those calories on a stale store bought cookie. If I'm going to indulge, I save it for when it's really worth it to me.


    - If you're having a hard time fitting it more days at the gym, add in mini workout. Get a pedometer and try to add steps weekly. Get a set of weights, and, while watching a 30 minute show with your fiance, do some strength moves. (Caveat so I don't get murdered here- this is not the same as "lifting heavy", and will not get you the results a dedicated lifting program will- but it will burn more calories than sitting on the couch, and I have had great results fitting this in as an "extra" to my usual workouts)
    - Have "active dates" with your fiance. Once in a while, rather than going out to dinner, find a fun but active activity you can do together- for example, last weekend my husband and I went to the water park- 5 hours of climbing up and down stairs to get on the rides definitely torched more calories than if we'd gone to brunch and drank our weight in mimosas).

    Most importantly, ATTITUDE:

    - Realize that big changes in your life will often throw you off balance. I definitely gained some weight when I first moved in with my husband (then fiance). Recognize it, don't beat yourself up about it, and realize that those 10 pounds aren't the end of the world. You are doing so much! Be proud of the things you are doing awesome at, and find ways to change the things you aren't so happy with. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
  • heatheroo35
    heatheroo35 Posts: 6 Member
    Have you ever tried working out with CD's at home?
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    Have you ever tried working out with CD's at home?

    Actually when I can not get to the gym. I will do an hour of random "On Demad" workouts.