Anyone doing Whole30 or Paleo?

Just checking out here. I am a big fan, doing a 5 day mini challenge for myself.


  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    ? You are only "doing" 5 days??? I'm confused.

    Anyway, I don't like to talk about my ketogenic Paleo lifestyle in the main forums very much (because I've had enough of the ridicule from people who have no experience with the lifestyle), but there are many of us who are very supportive in the Primal/Paleo Support Group. :smile:
  • Fit_in_Folsom
    Fit_in_Folsom Posts: 220 Member
    Thanks. Good to know. I have seen the same reaction. I was just trying to see if anyone else is doing it.

    I am doing the same rules as Whole 30 to see how it helps for 5 days. I am on day 3. Last year I did 33 days and had amazing results.... I need to find the groups you are referring to.
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    I did the Whole 30 for.... 13 days. Lost 6 pounds. Felt too deprived. The hunger was gone, the weight was going down, but I felt soooo bored. So I gave up. Gained the weight back.
    Came back to MFP. Now doing a moderate carbs intake (about 100 g. per day) and lost 7 pounds in 8 days. (water weight at first, of course). That said, Whole 30 is amazing health wise, in my opinion. But just too strict for me.
    I support Paleo 100%, it`s a great way to eat. So much more than ``losing weight`` is involved in this way of life.
    It`s just not for everybody.
  • jamebb
    jamebb Posts: 86 Member
    I'm doing Whole30, on day 11. I don't feel amazing or anything like some people claim, but I don't feel super deprived (or I didn't think so but I just dreamed today that I went off plan and was arrested for stealing because I reached in and ate/stole some chocolate from this guy's candy stand). I'm having trouble getting enough protein and controlling the amount of nuts I eat (I'm like a freaking squirrel, with the amount I eat- yesterday was particularly bad).

    I haven't actually bothered to read their whole manifesto, I just doing it because I've been eating really crapily for the past couple months and have started to regain weight. This allows me to focus on eating more fruits and vegetables and to try some new products and recipes. I have lost some weight, but I attribute that to water as I'm eating a lot less sodium, because I'm cooking everything myself and not eating out/prepared foods.
  • shuki_cotren
    shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
    I'm doing whole30/paleo. I've been doing it off/on since last July. Just recently I started a serious whole 30 with every intention of finishing. Good luck to you!
  • Fit_in_Folsom
    Fit_in_Folsom Posts: 220 Member
    Great to hear that people are doing the Whole30 and/or Paleo. I did 33 days, lost a good amount, but it really turned my health around. I think the health benefits far outway anything else, and I agree, Paleo is more sustainable than Whole30 for long-term. Feel free to add me if anyone wants any encouragement!
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    I need to start, I want to start but it's overwhelming to me!
  • cubsgirlinny
    cubsgirlinny Posts: 282 Member
    Paleo. (95%) Week 1=6.4 lb weight loss,increased energy, simplified meal planning.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I'm doing Whole30, on day 11. I don't feel amazing or anything like some people claim, but I don't feel super deprived (or I didn't think so but I just dreamed today that I went off plan and was arrested for stealing because I reached in and ate/stole some chocolate from this guy's candy stand). I'm having trouble getting enough protein and controlling the amount of nuts I eat (I'm like a freaking squirrel, with the amount I eat- yesterday was particularly bad).

    I haven't actually bothered to read their whole manifesto, I just doing it because I've been eating really crapily for the past couple months and have started to regain weight. This allows me to focus on eating more fruits and vegetables and to try some new products and recipes. I have lost some weight, but I attribute that to water as I'm eating a lot less sodium, because I'm cooking everything myself and not eating out/prepared foods.

    Have you seen this page, at least? -

    It's a pretty great description of the phases people generally go through while doing a Whole 30. Your dream sounds about right, too.
  • Boingo1
    Boingo1 Posts: 205 Member
    I did Whole30 in Sept/Oct for the first time for chronic headaches on the recommendation of a friend. I had AWESOME results for my headaches and other pains (plantar fasciitis, too!!! GONE!) . I never really felt deprived. I don't crave foods, unless it's a holiday (Halloween was tough, though I didn't eat any candy. Thanksgiving I DID eat EVERYTHING). It makes me feel so much better to eat this way. I'm a tough cookie for losing weight though. My body does NOt like to give up any. Ever. Whatever I try. I have about 15 lbs to lose. I did lose 4 lbs on Whole30. Now I'm eating mostly whole30, with Paleo as well.

    Would be happy to "friend" anyone that likes and lives Whole30/Paleo.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    I just finished a Whole30. It helped me get my prior bingeing a bit under control. Had some issues with over eating figs and nuts some, but it did help. I didn't feel "OMG!Awesome" like all the testimonials, and I added dairy back in yesterday, but I did 5 pounds, I'm working figuring out my snacking habits and a more intuitive approach to eating. I'm keeping up similar habits, although there will be no guilt holiday indulgences (I did not indulge at Thanksgiving, I stayed on plan) and adding in dairy, I like the basic premise of building meals around protein and veg and filling up then. I did have some non compliant bacon while on the Whole30, though.

    Edit: OMG, the dreams! I wasn't feeling super deprived or really craving too much, but there was a spate near the end where I dreamed I was eating non-compliant foods like 3 or 4 days in a row!
  • Fit_in_Folsom
    Fit_in_Folsom Posts: 220 Member
    I did Whole30 in Sept/Oct for the first time for chronic headaches on the recommendation of a friend. I had AWESOME results for my headaches and other pains (plantar fasciitis, too!!! GONE!) . I never really felt deprived. I don't crave foods, unless it's a holiday (Halloween was tough, though I didn't eat any candy. Thanksgiving I DID eat EVERYTHING). It makes me feel so much better to eat this way. I'm a tough cookie for losing weight though. My body does NOt like to give up any. Ever. Whatever I try. I have about 15 lbs to lose. I did lose 4 lbs on Whole30. Now I'm eating mostly whole30, with Paleo as well.

    Would be happy to "friend" anyone that likes and lives Whole30/Paleo.

    Great to hear. I had great results as well. I am just starting 4 for me. Feeling great.
  • Fit_in_Folsom
    Fit_in_Folsom Posts: 220 Member
    I'm doing Whole30, on day 11. I don't feel amazing or anything like some people claim, but I don't feel super deprived (or I didn't think so but I just dreamed today that I went off plan and was arrested for stealing because I reached in and ate/stole some chocolate from this guy's candy stand). I'm having trouble getting enough protein and controlling the amount of nuts I eat (I'm like a freaking squirrel, with the amount I eat- yesterday was particularly bad).

    I haven't actually bothered to read their whole manifesto, I just doing it because I've been eating really crapily for the past couple months and have started to regain weight. This allows me to focus on eating more fruits and vegetables and to try some new products and recipes. I have lost some weight, but I attribute that to water as I'm eating a lot less sodium, because I'm cooking everything myself and not eating out/prepared foods.

    Have you seen this page, at least? -

    It's a pretty great description of the phases people generally go through while doing a Whole 30. Your dream sounds about right, too.

    I have found that the guide was very accurate. I am on day 4 now, and the transition is much less severe on my second go around. Easy peazy...just get past day 7 and it is all behind you in my opinion.
  • Fit_in_Folsom
    Fit_in_Folsom Posts: 220 Member
    I just finished a Whole30. It helped me get my prior bingeing a bit under control. Had some issues with over eating figs and nuts some, but it did help. I didn't feel "OMG!Awesome" like all the testimonials, and I added dairy back in yesterday, but I did 5 pounds, I'm working figuring out my snacking habits and a more intuitive approach to eating. I'm keeping up similar habits, although there will be no guilt holiday indulgences (I did not indulge at Thanksgiving, I stayed on plan) and adding in dairy, I like the basic premise of building meals around protein and veg and filling up then. I did have some non compliant bacon while on the Whole30, though.

    Edit: OMG, the dreams! I wasn't feeling super deprived or really craving too much, but there was a spate near the end where I dreamed I was eating non-compliant foods like 3 or 4 days in a row!

    That is funny! :) I had bizarre cravings as well.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member