This week's weigh in....

Well I pretty much expected to maintain this week.. and I did .. * sigh *.... still holding strong at 79 lbs lost (I weighed 185 again this morning).

Whenever I maintain and not LOSE I look back and say hmmmm.. what'd I do wrong this week? LOL. I need to consider myself lucky that in the last 10 mths of my "life change" (not diet)... I have not had a gain AT ALL yet. I need to keep reminding myself that a week of maintaining should be considered a good thing (trying to convince myself).

I think this week was because.....

#1 We were on vacation 4 days out of the past 7. I didn't eat "bad" but I did eat things that aren't generally in my diet (real eggs, 2 pieces of scrapple one morning, A LOT of alcohol last Fri night lol).

#2... I changed my work outs a bit this week. Could that have done it?

Before this week I did a hard run and crunches/push ups on Mon, Wed, Sat... and do a lighter fast paced walk and just push ups on Tu, Th & Su.

This week. I wanted to try to mix things up so my body doesnt get in a rut.. ... Sunday I had NO exercise (came home from vacation and didnt have time), Mon I did my run, Tues Tae Bo, Wed a Jillian Michaels DVD, Thurs Tae Bo...........


Can't wait till my polar HRM comes in the mail so I can keep closer tabs on calories burned so that when I mix up my work out I wont feel so unsure of what I'm burning!

* sigh *

So yep.... 79 lbs gone still........................................................................ :indifferent:


  • tanzmamma
    tanzmamma Posts: 368 Member
    Well I pretty much expected to maintain this week.. and I did .. * sigh *.... still holding strong at 79 lbs lost (I weighed 185 again this morning).

    Whenever I maintain and not LOSE I look back and say hmmmm.. what'd I do wrong this week? LOL. I need to consider myself lucky that in the last 10 mths of my "life change" (not diet)... I have not had a gain AT ALL yet. I need to keep reminding myself that a week of maintaining should be considered a good thing (trying to convince myself).

    I think this week was because.....

    #1 We were on vacation 4 days out of the past 7. I didn't eat "bad" but I did eat things that aren't generally in my diet (real eggs, 2 pieces of scrapple one morning, A LOT of alcohol last Fri night lol).

    #2... I changed my work outs a bit this week. Could that have done it?

    Before this week I did a hard run and crunches/push ups on Mon, Wed, Sat... and do a lighter fast paced walk and just push ups on Tu, Th & Su.

    This week. I wanted to try to mix things up so my body doesnt get in a rut.. ... Sunday I had NO exercise (came home from vacation and didnt have time), Mon I did my run, Tues Tae Bo, Wed a Jillian Michaels DVD, Thurs Tae Bo...........


    Can't wait till my polar HRM comes in the mail so I can keep closer tabs on calories burned so that when I mix up my work out I wont feel so unsure of what I'm burning!

    * sigh *

    So yep.... 79 lbs gone still........................................................................ :indifferent:
  • obliged
    obliged Posts: 465
    79lbs is quite an accomplishment!
    you should be sooooo proud of yourself

    everyone else here is of you:flowerforyou:
  • skermit23
    skermit23 Posts: 31
    I agree you should be so proud of yourself for loosing 79 lbs :happy: However, its good to way yourself at the same time every time you weigh in. So, say your weigh in day is today what ever time you weighed yourself today weigh yourself next week same day at the same time. Wishing you the best. Good luck!
  • tanzmamma
    tanzmamma Posts: 368 Member

    I do weigh myself at the same time every week.

    Every Friday morning at 5am naked on the scale on the 3rd tile from the wall lol. Can't get any more consistent then that LOL!
  • skermit23
    skermit23 Posts: 31
    Wow! I guess you already got it down :laugh: Good luck hun. You should be proud! I am just starting out.
  • tanzmamma
    tanzmamma Posts: 368 Member
    LOL thanks.

    I've been at it since October 2007... so I have the system "down".... just trying not to get frustrated with a week of NO LOSS ............ :indifferent:

    * reminding myself I could have gained........ i drank A LOT friday night.. A LOT! * LOL
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Wait, you were on VACATION and came back and HAD NOT GAINED WEIGHT?

    Sweetheart, THAT is an accomplishment!!! :flowerforyou:
  • tanzmamma
    tanzmamma Posts: 368 Member
    Yeah... was on vacation and didnt gain....... i got home Sunday.. weighed in today.

    Thanks :)

    I'm VERY hard on myself I need to chill lol!