Loosing the right way...hopefully!



  • A losing battle I'm sure, I fear the word cannot be saved......

    Well I wouldn't use myself as a baseline seeing as I'm dyslexic and can barely use the right there/their/they're 90% of the time!

    Don't worry about it, as long as we understand what you mean, it's all good.

    Welcome to MFP :flowerforyou:

    Yis ah agri lit's nut wurry abit how wi spelll wirds zo lung uz wii undirstind het is uhl good rught?

    I'm not sinking to your level. I really think you need to grow up.

    BTW can't understand a word of that

    It's just having fun with no malice intended., you don't need to give it energy. I think you need to loosen up and see that a play on words is not something sinister or mean spirited. I wish the person who wrote this post no harm, you might want to look again and see that.
  • You can feel free to add me. I'm going to add the fun back in fundamental or just the mental back into it :D cause I'm a crazy train. P.S. I like puns and love to be super happy all the time. I wake up happy, and go to sleep happy. :)
  • That makes two of us, I have dislexia as well. But if you want to continue to spell the word that way you are entitled to as an adult....it's your choice. Go for it.

    No I do really try my hardest not to spell things wrong it just happens sometimes when spell check is not present! I'm sorry if it offended you!
  • i am a bit confused 157 at that height is not to bad. you were not lying about being an athlete because you would not weigh that little after all this time if you had not had plenty of good years ahead of you. most girls would be happy at 145 at your height. idk i think your already on a better track then you realize. the reason why the scale has not budged is probably because your in better shape then you realize. most people would drop 5 pounds in the first week due to being in bad shape and they give there body this noob jump start in water weight loss. this never happend to you because your in better shape. i recommend to drop the coffee thats probably doing the most damage to your losses. you really only have to loose 5-10 pounds to look skinny compared to most girls and look atheltic with tight abs. even at your current weight i have seen girls with visible abs the only thing preventing this and keeping the fat on is probably the caffeine . i know its hard to give up but i think thats all thats really effecting you. its probably the caffeine and sugar keeping that small layer of fat on you. Just keep doing what your doing your going to see a visable improvement way before you know it. i think your only a couple of months away from your goals at the most. i think in one month your already going to be very satisfied in 2 months you will probably have reached your goal with your current routine.

    Thanks that's super encouraging to hear! I'm totally with you on the sugar thing because I know that is a HUGE problem of mine! That's why 145 is my goal because I think it's in between what I used to be and now. It's not realistic of me to be back down around 140 because at that time I was training at least 2 hours a day with basically PTs and I don't have the time nor funds to do that anymore!
    I'm going to work really hard over the Christmas period and hopefully only have 5 to go by new year!
    Thanks again for your post!!

    M :)
  • Dont give up thats what happened to me i did everything n not lost weight then there was one week i ate alot i mean all unhealthy stuff it was shocked i lost 1.5 lbs that week i am not saying eat unhealthy lol :p its like wait for some time you will see that scale moving :)

    haha yeah I think patience is key!! Thanks!! :)
  • That makes two of us, I have dislexia as well. But if you want to continue to spell the word that way you are entitled to as an adult....it's your choice. Go for it.

    No I do really try my hardest not to spell things wrong it just happens sometimes when spell check is not present! I'm sorry if it offended you!

    It didn't offend me at all. So you have nothing to be sorry about. I'm sorry if you thought I was being unkind, I really wasn't.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    Ok. I am 5'3". I weigh 115lb. I maintain at 1800 Calories a day. You might not be eating enough.

    Are you eating 1800 Calories before or after your exercise Calories? You should be eating back the exercise calories.
    If after... Do you use a scale to weigh your food or do you eyeball it? You could be underestimating your Calories.
    Do you have any health issues that could be hindering your progress. The Thyroid controls your Metabolism and many medications affect it.

    It is hard to say without seeing your Diary.
  • No it's all good!! :)
  • Ok. I am 5'3". I weigh 115lb. I maintain at 1800 Calories a day. You might not be eating enough.

    Are you eating 1800 Calories before or after your exercise Calories? You should be eating back the exercise calories.
    If after... Do you use a scale to weigh your food or do you eyeball it? You could be underestimating your Calories.
    Do you have any health issues that could be hindering your progress. The Thyroid controls your Metabolism and many medications affect it.

    It is hard to say without seeing your Diary.

    It kind of depends on the day, but never more that 2000 before working out. I measure it out because I can't judge anything to save my life!!
    I think my main issue is type of food I'm eating rather that the number of calories.. if you eat 1500 calories of junk it's going to be probably worse for you that eating 2000 calories of good stuff right?

    The weight has begun to shift though so hopefully I'm doing something right!! :)