Do you guys have routines? Do you live free of them?

Do you guys have routines? Not necessarily workout or eating but more other types in your lives: schedule sleep activities at home/social etc?

I am totally fascinated by the amount of regularity some people find helpful chops reducing and other people don't gravitate towards at all.

If you don't have a lot of regularity/routines/schedule in your life, what are your days like?

Thanks for sharing and educating


  • zagon_the_ultimate
    zagon_the_ultimate Posts: 115 Member
    I’m a creature of habit, though and through. If I put my glasses down somewhere else, I can’t find them, the blue people took them. Sleep is probably the only dynamic part of my life, as I live with crazy, mad, and unstable.
  • SheGlistensasSheSings
    Crazy mad unstable sleep? Or everything else? Thanks and cheers!!
  • zagon_the_ultimate
    zagon_the_ultimate Posts: 115 Member
    Lol, I live with the wife, and 2 boys. Shes got more issues than cells in her body, and both boys are autistic. Makes for some interesting days, LOTS of appointments.
  • RosyBest
    RosyBest Posts: 303 Member
    I have been unemployed since June, so my schedule is pretty much whatever. I can do what I want to do. I do whatever I feel like and whenever I feel like doing it. Sure there are goals/ plans on the list....but there's always tomorrow right?
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I definitely find that being structured helps me to life my lifestyle to the best of my ability. I follow a pretty standard routine and really find that I don't function nearly as well if I'm traveling or if something unexpected comes up. I have been working on being able to adapt better, but I still greatly dislike not having control!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I wish my life were structured. I try and create routines out of whatever I can. My kids eat meals and snacks at the same times when they're home and keep the same bedtimes nightly. Other than that our life is chaos lol. I'm a SAHM to 2 bio kids who live with me all the time and my 3 step kids that come and go but are with us 50% of the time. We've tried a week on week off, we've tried with my husband's work schedule and we've tried half a week on and half a week off.

    Right now his kids are on his work schedule, so they're with us when he's off for 4 days and they go to their mom's for 4 days. So no Monday is ever the same as any other Monday and we oscillate between 4 crazy days with 7 of us in the house and then 4 days with just my 2 kids and me with my husband at work. Then some days are school days; some are weekends... it's ridiculous and drives me to exercise for my sanity.

    Thank God my preschooler is still napping.
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member
    No routine. I've been given less than 24 hour's notice for weeklong trips before. I worked from home 3 blessed days this week, was in the office for 2, and I'll be across the country at a customer site all next week.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I have a dog who is on medication 4 times a day- first one at 4 am so my life pretty much revolves around that and work.
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    i have 2 kids and a dog.... ____ gets crazy here
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I prefer to plan my schedule ahead of time, but it is not the same every day.
  • monisiaczeq
    monisiaczeq Posts: 131 Member
    HMMM... my routine... kettle on- its always the first thing i do when i wake up! it doesnt matter how early/late i am coffee is a must!
  • KymmyJoy
    KymmyJoy Posts: 206 Member
    I live Monday- Friday on a school timetable as I'm a teacher which means I try to make up for it and just play the weekends by ear and adjust my plans according to how I'm feeling! I'd be lost without my timetable in the week though- I need the stability to get anything done!
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    Mine's more weekly. My partner manages a restaurant so it's pretty much around her rota, but my day is pretty much either:

    Up, work, gym, home.


    Up, work, drink.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    My whole life us a routine...
    I get up at the same time (different depending on work say weekend though)
    I git a breakfast routine
    A gym routine (including time I come and leave)
    Go to bed at roughly the same time, shower on the same days, do the housework on the same days
    My work routine changes every three months though and sometimes I get to travel for it, anything between a day to 3 months... that's when life is upside down
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I am completely a creature of habit! especially monday to friday...
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I do much better during the week when everything is scheduled routine. I tend to fall apart on weekends when I don't have things planned or scheduled to do. My habits keep me sane and on track. I wake up and put the coffee on and work out (Usually but not this week fighting a cold). Then breakfast, prep lunch, shower and off to work. My work schedule is a fairly stable 8:30 to 5:00 unless there is a meeting which isn't too often. Come home and finish dinner which I prepped the night before. After dinner I figure out how many for dinner tomorrow and prep. It could be anywhere from 1 to 7 depending on the day. The rest of the day is just a little light clean up and hanging out with the family and watching some TV. This is when I have my cup (actually large mug) of Bengal Spice tea with a splash of milk. It really gets me ready for sleep.
  • jlahorn
    jlahorn Posts: 377 Member
    I do much better during the week when everything is scheduled routine. I tend to fall apart on weekends when I don't have things planned or scheduled to do. My habits keep me sane and on track.


    Weekdays are the same.
    Wake up > coffee > go to work > greek yogurt > apple > packaged salad > apple > go home > quick healthy dinner > gym > quick trip to the grocery store for tomorrow's food > home > goof off with my husband > sleep. (yeah, we don't have kids :) )

    When that schedule gets thrown off, I start having problems with my diet. One night each weekend usually involves wine and a cheat meal, which throws me off the whole next day, but I love it, so it's worth it even though sometimes I don't quite make it out on the hike I'd planned.
  • jdctrumpet
    jdctrumpet Posts: 64 Member
    I'm a school teacher so my Monday-Thursday is pretty much always the same. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings are a different story because I help run a wedding/dance band and we are gigging alot of the time. Those nights are pretty nuts because we don't have a ton of time to eat between lugging in all of the gear, playing a 3-4 hour show, tearing it down and getting it put away. It's amazing how many calories you can burn though!