How I've lost 70 lbs in 104 days

I had tried many times dieting throughout the years only to end up falling off the "wagon". My wife kept telling me about myfitnesspal and after the Dr.'s told me I needed to lose weight for my health, I decided it was time to give it a try on Saturday, Aug. 31st weighing 296. The first thing I did was cut out my diet sodas. You have to understand how hard this was for me. I was drinking a carton and a half per day, not counting 20oz bottles when I was out and about. It was totally an addiction for me. Just stopping the sodas made me feel like a totally different person. My energy level picked up and I had more mental clarity. We were also used to eating fast food at least 10+ per week and we put a stop to that and have saved many calories and a lot of money. I began making sure I would get in at least 10,000 steps per day using Striiv. After a week of walking 10,000 steps per day, I began increasing that a little every day to the point of now I am able to walk 5-7 miles with ease. On a typical day, I eat oatmeal (190 calories) for breakfast, a grilled chicken wrap (175 calories) for lunch and a grilled meat, vegetables (approx. 600-800 calories) for supper. We always eat supper no less than 3 hours before going to bed. I also love snickers candy bars, so on those days where I really have a craving for that wonderful taste, I keep a bag of the bite size and have 2, which total 85 calories. When I started out, myfitnesspal allowed me 1,860 calories and as I've lost weight, it now allows me 1,470 per day. This is what has helped me the most...even though I am allowed all those calories, I only allow myself 1,200 calories. Some days 1,200 is easy to live on, and the days that it is more difficult, I have "extra" calories to use to satisfy my hunger. As of Monday, Dec. 9th, I now weigh 226 lbs and am working my way down to my goal of 200 lbs. I hope relaying my experience will be an encouragement to someone else, because if I can do this, I know you can also. Take care and God bless!


  • lighteningjeanne855
    Wow! Congratulations!
    You're going so fast! I'm happy for you.
    Now it's time to start reading those postings in the Maintenance forums
    about how to KEEP it off.

    Best wishes!
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
  • jeannemarie333
    jeannemarie333 Posts: 214 Member
    You have accomplished a fantastic goal for yourself - congrats on an amazing and wonderful job :) I am sure your doctor is very happy - awesome work!!!
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Congrats! That is so awesome!:drinker:
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    You should be so proud and your doctor will be blown away!
  • Winnick
    Winnick Posts: 11 Member
    Im super happy for u. I agree, ur Dr is gonna be very pleased. Ur makin great positive changes!!!!
  • kkmalay
    kkmalay Posts: 88 Member
    You are fabulous :)
  • Kookyk9s
    Kookyk9s Posts: 259 Member
    Absolutely speedy weight loss! Makes my head spin! My own journey is closer to turtle speed but it is going.
  • BrandNewMeBy30
    I'm so happy for you! Wow!!!!! Just to hear the excitement in your tone is amazing! A big kudos to you!
  • Diet_Soda
    Diet_Soda Posts: 124 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story, and congrats on the payoff to your hard work!
  • suzyfj8
    suzyfj8 Posts: 257 Member
    Congratulations, your hard work is clearly working :)
  • stephyj528
    stephyj528 Posts: 93 Member
    Congrats! Great tips
  • MissySpring
    MissySpring Posts: 442 Member
    Congratulations! You've done wonderfully. I'm sure your Dr. is going to be thrilled with your healthy new lifestyle.
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    Fabulous !!! great progress !
  • sydneyplainjane
    sydneyplainjane Posts: 140 Member
    Wow, that's amazing. And, you and I started MFP at about the same time, so, the loss is even more amazing.
  • MissJazzie14
    MissJazzie14 Posts: 60 Member
    Congrats. True inspiration:smile:
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Congrats on seeing results and feeling motivated by that. As a word of caution, you are eating far too few calories for a man of your age. I encourage you to calculate your BMR; this is the amount of calories your body (based on height, gender and age) needs just to work if you were in a coma (maintaining body temp, heart beating, digestion, etc). I guarantee your BMR is far above 1200 calories. Also, the number that myfitnesspal is giving you does not include all of the activity you are doing; you are supposed to eat more calories for that.

    You are doing yourself a disservice because while you eat so far below the calories your body needs to survive, your body is burning fat (good) and burning muscle (not good). You will be left with less muscle mass than before you started, which will lower your metabolism.

    I encourage you to find a calorie range that is healthier and more sustainable...
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