Not seeing results getting frustrated

I've been doing MFP for just over a month now, I've lost about 10lbs. But that's it and it's just sits where it is now. I had finally gotten below 200 (just barely) and now I'm back to 200 and it just seems to float around there. I'm so frustrated. I stick to my calories and actually stay below them, I get 1300 and I stick to 1250. I walk and most days I have to eat extra just to get to 1250. I just don't understand why nothing is happening.....I've never had a problem losing weight on MFP in the past.
Any suggestions? Or similar situations?

Had a baby in sept


  • lucan07
    lucan07 Posts: 509
    A portion of the 10lb loss may have been water weight, now that waters back and the 10lb loss is hopefully a real loss, 10lb a month ain't bad try a little patience and make you log accurately it should move along soon!
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    You had a baby in September, are you breastfeeding? Your hormones could have an affect on it, and if breastfeeding you should eat a little more for the milk. If you aren't, that's fine, I just know that breastfeeding affected my post-pregnancy loss.
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    10 pounds in a month is excellent.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    10 pounds in a month? And you're complaining? That's a lot. :huh:

    If you really are eating at a calorie deficit, the weight will come off steadily, if not in a perfectly linear fashion. My own weight loss graph looks more like stair steps. Clearly you're doing something right, you've lost weight. Have patience, make sure you're tracking your calories accurately, and let the results happen in good time.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    you didn't graduate high school in one month. this is similar. it's probably going to take you four years to get to the body you really want.
  • angmcq
    angmcq Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks, it's just frustrating.

    I was so happy and proud of myself when it went past 200 and then the next time I got of the scale it was over 200 again.... I felt completely crushed. I want to set a good example for my girls, by eating right and walking, but it's hard to maintain with nothing to show for it
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Are you willing to make your food diary public to get more specific input?

    As someone else mentioned, considering you're a new Mom, hormones may be a big factor here...'

    Something no one really talks about with dieting is patience. You have done so well so far so keep that proud feeling going! Getting down on yourself for a slight temporary setback is a waste of time and energy. Keep doing what you've been doing since it's obviously working. But please remember that initial weight loss comes off very quickly so somewhere between 1-2 pounds per week is still something to be proud of!! And it won't be consistent. Some weeks you'll lose 2 pounds, some weeks you'll lose 1/2 a pound and some weeks you may even be up a pound or two. Just keep at it, that's what really matters.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    The first time I see a low number, I get excited, but now I know that it's a preview, lol. It'll be a little while before I see it steadily. Then there will be another preview of a lower number, etc. That also means you see a high number you were glad to see go come back! But it all works out if you know you are working it :)