Need friends

Hi, I'm temperence! I have used Mfp before but I have trouble staying on track. I need support on this journey and would love to give others support as well . Recently I have lost my confidence, I hate my body and do not feel comfy in my own skin. I hope this will change but I know it will take a lot of hard work...


  • JoanaMHill
    JoanaMHill Posts: 265 Member
    I know how that can feel. Looking in the mirror can be hard for me some days, especially with that huge one I have in my bathroom that's so hard to avoid when I'm getting ready in the morning! I'd love to be there to cheer you on while we both work towards our goals. And you even already found and friended me :)
  • Friend me!! We can support each other!
  • sugar297
    sugar297 Posts: 106 Member
    I would like to have some supportive friends. I was on this site for two years and then got off track for a few months. Need to bump it up a notch!
  • I just joined too. And like you, I have lost my confidence and HATE my body everytime I look into the mirror. I would love to support you guys and in return, I hope to get the support I need to lose upto 15 lbs. It's time to get the ball rolling!
  • Hi temperance! I've had this app a while was doing good and fell off the wagon. I had family who we're using app as well but stopped . I could friends to help motivate me and vise versa.
    Im 23, 5'1 1/2 and im "supposed" to be 105-110. Due to my height. I havent been that weight since i was 15. I'd be happy at 120-130ish to be honest. I have wide hips so i know 105 wont look right on me. I am 190 now so i will be using and trying to get back into shape because im not happy with myself and dont lie getting bigger clothes/ having things that dont fit. I cry in the shower because i feel i disappointed myself and my 2 kids getting to where im at.

    Wow i cant believe i let that out.. well ill motivate you and you can motivate me.
  • Hey! I lost 50 pounds and then got pregnant and gained back almost everything -_- I would love to help motivate you and keep each other accountable! I look in the mirror and just see a big blob. My body is like jello and I do not like it one bit! I will send you a friend request :)
  • GymBunnyJadey
    GymBunnyJadey Posts: 6 Member
    I on the exact same page as you, I think having a support system from someone who is going through the same life change is really helpful and beneficial. I'm going to add you as a friend and if anyone else reads this please add me as a friend too, I need as much support and lovely people I can find. Remember, there's always strength in numbers :wink: