New and looking for friends

So, I've been on and off the gym for years. I've been 220 lb before, went down to 185 once and now after a few years of crap decisions and stress, I'm back up to 220 or so. I REALLY want to lose the weight and get fit.

But anyway, I'm looking for people who log in daily. I JUST made a profile here and I would really like to talk to people and share and all that. I suppose this would be sort of like an online support group. If anyone wants to be buds and chit-chat about MFP-related things or just talk, send me a message or reply or something.

But to make this a little less about me, I'd like to ask for anyone reading this...

Does it ever get easier with time and effort?


  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    It does get easier. Because you develop new habits and different ways of looking at and dealing with food. Plus, making progress is the best motivator!
  • cutiepie9447
    cutiepie9447 Posts: 79 Member
    I am also new and would like to have some support and be able to connect with other peoples success and can we link up?
  • TheVattz
    TheVattz Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you, Jennifer. So I have to buckle down, grit my teeth and do it on a schedule until it becomes second nature. I don't think I ever reached the point where it just became something I just DID. But what you say gives me some hope that maybe I can.

    Cutie, thanks for the reply yes it would totally be awesome to talk.
  • Hey there!!
    Adding you.
    It does get easier. I was 228 when I started 4 weeks ago.

    I've made some bad choices along the way but am getting back into shape and I'm actually enjoying the transformation. I would highly suggest you to get your intolerances checked because that's helped me immensely to really see what it was that needed changing in my diet (intolerant to gluten, dairy and sugar).. Not to say I will have a burger when I absolutely can't hold out anymore (made it two weeks without that and caved last night), but hey we're human. As long as I'm accountable for it and I know that I have to workout the next day a little more than what I might have done before. It's the choices you make.
    Don't reward yourself with food (like I just did), plan your week ahead and try to establish a routine.
    i've hired a trainer and go to a nutritionist as well to keep my dietary habits in check!

    All the best :)
  • TheVattz
    TheVattz Posts: 20 Member
    Good stuff Projec. I like the idea of not rewarding myself with food. Food is sort of the reason I'm in this mess.
    It's going to sound weird, but I actually hadn't thought of that yet. So thanks for that!
  • lyn_2013
    lyn_2013 Posts: 108 Member
    Starting is always the hardest part, but it gets easy with time. Feel free to add me :)
  • I'll add you!
  • I know how you feel when I first started my weight lost in 2011 I was at 220 went down to 187 then back up to 197 and trying again to lose weight and get down to 120 . Looking for new friends that can help with weight loss.
  • Request sent. Love to chit chat!