How many calories, after xmas?

I started my diet in June (only just joined this site tho) I've gone from 170lb to 143lb. i have to go down to 126 because of my job.
So as its xmas i'm having 1500 until the 25th then I'm not dieting until a few days after new year. (do you think this will be okay as a calorie intake)
How many calories should i eat from then on, i want to be 126 by September 2014? what would be best?


  • Kelly_106
    Hey! I think 1500cals is okay until christmas, but make sure that is 1500 cals of healthy foods. After new year I think you should do a 2-5 day detox. A detox is great because it will remove all those impurities all over your body, it will help your body work better, because at christmas and new year we eat lots of things which some of them aren't not that healthy. After the detox you return to your diet. Don't forget to exercise, it's important.
    I'm sure that you will lose 17lbs let until september 2014, just focus on your diet or clean eating and exercise and you will end up losing that before september.
  • overcominglazy
    overcominglazy Posts: 19 Member
    I disagree that you need to do a detox. Detoxes do nothing that your body doesn't already do by itself, and that's a scientific fact. Congrats on losing that weight! Also 1500 sounds okay, but could be a little low depending on your height (also because younger people need more calories for development).

    You have a goal of 17lbs in 9 months. That's about 2lbs a month or half a pound a week. So to do this, you would need to have a deficit of approximately 250 calories a day. So work out what your body can maintain on using an activity calculator (likely in the realm of 1800-2500 depending on your activity levels) and subtract 250 calories from that amount. Then you should lose weight in a sustainable manner.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Why do you need to totally go off your diet for the whole Xmas period? You can still eat mindfully during that time. Even if you figure out your maintenance level and stick to that at least you won't be gaining. It's not like you lose the weight and then can go hog wild and eat anything you want without gaining it back. If you want to maintain 126 after you get there you're still going to have to watch your intake. It makes to no sense to me to blow your diet over a holiday just to have to work that much harder to make up ground after.

    And forget a detox. Bad advice. Your body doesn't need detoxed, it doesn't store evil toxins that need to be cleansed.
  • DancingJester
    DancingJester Posts: 76 Member
    When i say eat what i want i mean just stay at my maintenance, because its christmas. also if you had bothered to count the period between Christmas and new years day, you would realize that this enormous period of time is in fact a total of 6 days. Hardly a long time. And by the time I'm at 126 it wont be a problem maintaining the weight not with the job I'll have.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    When i say eat what i want i mean just stay at my maintenance, because its christmas. also if you had bothered to count the period between Christmas and new years day, you would realize that this enormous period of time is in fact a total of 6 days. Hardly a long time. And by the time I'm at 126 it wont be a problem maintaining the weight not with the job I'll have.

    You didn't say eat at maintenance, you said eat what I want and from experience I know that can be 3 or 4,000 calories at a holiday dinner. I'm also well aware there is a week between Xmas and New Year's. I'll try harder next time to give the answer that you want rather than the truth.
  • DancingJester
    DancingJester Posts: 76 Member
    Okay well when i say eat what i want i mean maintenance, 2000 is A LOT for me. 4000 would be completely insane, i dont know what you can eat in a day to have 4000 calories.