Got a lot to lose or I will lose alot!!!!

dlms23 Posts: 13
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
I have had trouble all my life losing weight.. I always tell people that the only time I was "skinny" was when I was an infant, I have been over weight for as long as I can remember.. I have tried all kinds of diets and diet pills and exercising but nothing and I do mean NOTHING has helped so far.. I have no self-esteem and am very vunerable when it comes to my size.. I was refered to this site by my doctor just this morning.. I have been having some problems over the lst 7 or 8 years that have really began to take their tolls on me.. I have such an irregular mentrual cycle that I go up to 1 1/2 years with out one.. This is causing it to be impossible to get pregnant and start the family that my husband and I want so badly.. So my doctor is in the process of helping me figure out a way to get everything on track and this is "the first step" she said.. I would love any and all feedback and/or tips.. Like I said, I have tried cutting back on eating, counting calories, eating healthier, exercising, and numerous diet pills (over the counter and doctor prescribed) and yet nothing has helped so far.. I am 26 years old, 5'7" and I weigh 345 as of this morning..


  • newman84
    newman84 Posts: 234 Member
    i wish you lots of luck. With lots of support here and wonderful people here to help you on your way.
  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You'll find people here from all walks of life that want to lose or maintain (or gain) weight for all different reasons. The bottom line is that everyone is super supportive. It's best to look around the message boards, meet people, make friends. Don't do it alone!!! No one is perfect and everyone has off days but we help pick each other up no matter what!

    Congrats on making the decision to become a better you!!! I wish you all the luck in the world!

  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    You sound like you have a lot goig on in your life. Join us in the Over 300 club. I started at 340 lbs ad have lost over 80. Other people there are starting out or well on their way to success. You can find the thread at

    Good luck
  • shannonkk
    shannonkk Posts: 192 Member
    try writing a food journal every day to see what you are eating and how much and then add up the totals at the end of the week. then you can see if you are under counting your calories or forgetting about something you ate and then you can correct the slip ups.
  • Ninaad
    Ninaad Posts: 28
    MyFitnessPal is great! It has helped me alot as far as keeping track of what I eat and my overall weightloss. I think you will find it to be a helpful program. Just stick to the program, even when there are ups and downs. Keep in mind that exercising and eating right will make you feel better too =] I wish you the best of luck!
  • dlms23
    dlms23 Posts: 13
    Yeah my doctor also suggested for me to do that also.. I went by and picked up a small journal to start this tomorrow.. My biggest problem right now is that I do not have time for exercise anymore.. I work a full-time job and am a full-time student..
  • Radders1
    Radders1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Dims

    I too have been overweight for as long as I can remember and for years suffered with irregular periods. It turned out to be polycystic ovaries and along with complications I had to have an ovary removed. Saying all of that I am the very proud mum
    of two sone 17 and 11. I still struggle with weight. Have been on the slim fast diet for 5 weeks and loosing just a pound a week(please dont say "just a pound") I know its better than nothing but peole are loosing much much more a week on slimfast. It just shows that my body is not working as it should perhaps because or hormones but Dims it is coming off and I am starting to feel a little betterr about myself and YOU WILL TOO.
    When my oldest sone ws 3 I was told I wouldnt be able to have more children without assistance but 6 years later I had Matt. You seem to have a very supporting and helpful Dr so stick at it and things will happen and can be done to help.
    Sorry I feel as though I am waffling now.
    Look after you and things will start to fall into place my lovely

    Have a good weekend

    Jenny. x
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    You've come to the right place! Check out the threads suggested above. You will find it easier to relate to other people in your same situation. Adding friends allows you to support each other and see what everyone else is doing.... seeing their exercise, wall posts, what they are eating (if they make their diary public to friends), etc. It's a great support system.

    Take this one step at a time! If you haven't already, go through the profile set up and see what your calorie goal should be for the day. Work on staying within your calorie goal to start. As you do this, you will see that certain foods will need to be cut down or even out of your diet in order to stay within your goal. You will find that processed foods (prepackaged) are highest in sodium, lowest in nutritional value and do NOT satisfy hunger as well as natural foods (foods you prepare yourself, fruits, veggies, lean protein, etc.).... Drinking water is key! If you aren't a water drinker yet, start with a daily goal to drink "x" amount of glasses of water per day, etc. Just take it slow and ease into a lifestyle change! This is not a diet! You will change bad habits and create good ones!

    It's overwhelming to get started. But, we will all try to help you! Feel free to add me as a friend! :flowerforyou:
  • Oh man I totally feel your pain. I suffered with infertility for years, I have taken fertility drugs and been to the best Drs. I too have always been overweight and never had a regular cycle. I was lucky enough to finally have a baby 8 yrs ago and count those blessings everyday. Since I started My Fitness Pal (truly started the program on August 6 this year) I have lost 24lbs and I have done it by counting my sugars. I try to stay under 15 grams a day. By doing this my monthly cycles have become regular for the first time in my life. I sure the heck wish all those Drs for the last 15 years would have told me that sugar is my enemy. There is something to over eating sugar that affects hormones and fertility. I would strongly recommend researching this and trying it out, it certainly has and is working for me. Heck baby #2 may just be right around the corner :happy:

    Would love to help and support you!
  • emmyworthy
    emmyworthy Posts: 119 Member
    I really do wish you the best of luck with losing weight and starting the family you are so desperate for. This site is really about changing your whole lifestyle!! I am the same as you and have always been overweight and diets have worked in the short term but the weight has never stayed off.
    I'm finding that this site has helped me change my entire outlook. I don't think of myself as dieting anymore. Even though I am counting my calories by logging my food intake and exercise on this site, it doesn't feel like the chore that diets have always been to me before. This is my new healthy life and I think that mindset has helped me lose the weight I have so far.
    I still have a long way to go, just like you, but in my mind I know that I WILL do it this time, whereas before I just hoped I could. There is a great bunch of people on here all in the same position who will offer support and advice whenever you need it.

    Good Luck
  • Welcome aboard and congrats on the first step by joining MFP. This is an excellent guide not only for fitness and losing weight, but also a guide for a healthy diet which I believe is vital to whatever your goals may be. Again, welcome aboard!! There is plenty of support here when you need it, just hang in there.
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Yeah my doctor also suggested for me to do that also.. I went by and picked up a small journal to start this tomorrow.. My biggest problem right now is that I do not have time for exercise anymore.. I work a full-time job and am a full-time student..

    One of the things I learned is that there is always time for exercise, if you want there to be. I am 36, mother of 2 kids (3 and 2) and I work full time away from home in the oilfield and help with the books in my husbands business when I am home.

    I always made excuses, or found other things to do or said I didn't have time. One day I woke up and realized I didn't want to be 70 pounds over weight anymore. I found this site, started journaling and tracked every bite that I ate or drank. In just over 6 months I am down 43 pounds. I have seen others lose even more, as the more you have to lose, the faster it tends to drop when yolu start a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

    Now that I have started, exercising has become a priority. There are still days that I don't feel like getting off the couch, but I love the smaller clothes, the look on my husbands face now when he sees my progress and the tears in my brothers eyes as he tells me how wonderful I am looking and how athletic. I have many things I do now, depending on where I am, When I am home, I ride my horse, play with my kids or use my elliptical trainer. When i am at work, I walk/jog when I can, or I bring my Wii Active and exercise videos for when I can't get outside. I just started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred yesterday and believe me, it is an intense burn in 25 minutes!

    I feel better, have more energy, enjoy life more and I find great support here on the site and at home. Best wishes for your success in this journey and in getting your body balanced enough to start your family! :smile:
  • To be honest a lot of people have been through what you are talking about...I have irregular cycles too but, mine are more in the line of never knowing when to stop and too heavy...And all the rest you have spoke of that has been me in the past...I hate drinking water and have to force myself to do so..I have put some recipes on here that I have came up with since beginning the dieting this time around...I hate food that tastes like nothing so, I have been making some up and rewriting a whole lot of others that have already been out there on the net but, just too full of calories and fat...The latter I am not so sure I can put on here but, the one's I have made up on my own are on here and I am still working the kinks out of even more...If, you see a recipe that begins with MamaBudda's that is one of mine...I have went from 356 lbs. to 300 since starting this diet and myfitnesspal. I believe if, my old memory serves me correctly ? I started this site in August of this year. About the only excercise I get at the moment is cleaning house and on the weekends taking care of all my over rowdy grand babies. I am still waiting on my doctor to get me set up for my carry around oxygen which, I hope happens soon.... My husband is on this diet with me by the way so, I am not having to cook one thing for me and another for him that really helps...
  • CoachLisaP7287
    CoachLisaP7287 Posts: 3 Member
    I would really agree with what some of the other posters have said. Keep a food journal of some type (you'll be surprised by what you find out!), make time to exercise (even ten minutes here and there will make a huge difference), drink water (tea and coffee don't count: the caffeine dehydrates you, soda is BAD, diet soda is WORSE):noway: , eat as many fruits and vegetables as you can, try to switch to whole grains, and don't deprive yourself or beat yourself up if you "fall off the wagon." My favorite goodie is dark chocolate!! :bigsmile:

    There are some great workouts out there. I recommend something that keeps you interested. I love :love: P90X, however that's not something I would recommend if you're just starting out. I'm a mom of 4, a full-time college student, and a substitute teacher, so my schedule is VERY hectic and unpredictable. I manage to log in what I eat on My Fitness Pal when I get a few minutes here and there, and I set aside time every night to work out. I actually schedule it in with my homework, subbing, and any other event going on. It's hard, and it takes a lot of willpower, but my health is worth it!

    The best advice I can give you is to make your health a number one priority.
  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 581 Member
    You've made the right decision in joining MFP. This is such a user friendly website and the support you get from friends you pick up along the way are the best. You can request me as a friend by clicking on my user name. I know you will get what you need from this website. It truly is heaven sent. :smile:

    I wish you the best of luck in your weight loss journey.
  • I feel the same way about weight and have had some of the same problems with my perio in the past. I already have 3 children and gained all my weight with my last 2 who are now 13 and 14. I was never smaller than a 12 growing up and would tell everyone I been "Big Boned" all my life. I would like to tell you to keep your head up. This site has been a life saver and guide for me. I use it every day. I've been on it for about 2 weeks now and I've lost about 3 lbs (I weigh in again tomorrow). I'm very satisfied with the site. I've got about 100 lbs to lose. We can do it!
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